Show CURB ON JITNEYS jurisdiction of the public utilities commission commis bion over ir regu laras well as regul ir auto service is upheld in an opinion handed to the commission Si St turca urca bl b attorney general dan a B shields complaint had been made both b steam and electric ele itric rail rall ruid ser service ice of the tile LOM competition petition if of bitnes as well as b established auto lines it is held th it all autos dome doing a 1 passenger pas business come under tinder thu the rules and regulations of the tile utilities commission and tint daners aho aho vho wish to run in goldat ather a and n I 1 when the roads aie ate smooth coth cannot compete with those who maintien inaina ain a schedule beh dule regardless of f or 01 weather if iou 3 ou smoke or if 3 ou chop tau pui a stamp kach each day akio 4 week or ao 00 to bua a I stamp sacrifice should a pleasure be when the cause ie Is flibort Li Ll bort the a ay it look to no nic buy a shimp |