Show 7 ito cull ot tait a arile 7 in time of war nar we go abu balk k laru ly to dentals cit war is brute force by antt intellect nul and hut but little atIl Lilor cited by human sympathy 1 I 1 he lie soldier who li h ills his sword in midair for een ui ati instant goes dov down n before his ant who sank s first ailis his is is true ota of a nation as of in il 11 fighting man inan I 1 here ire are many things e dislike to do but bit self aaion requires stion tt ion swift sift and ind sure we must adopt many of the tile nieth odb of primitive primito e ni m in we must let upon miny many of the tile rules and impulses that go govern gorn rn the tribes of barb arians among other filings th inui alien the lill lall of the tribe tins lins hen blen gl 1 all we c must permit none to refuse to re respond pond or shirk his duty in the great americ Ame in melting pot ill all lovers loers of popular have been merged into 1 tribe a commingling of the tile sioux minche Co in 1 n othar words slavs 1 Teu I ertons tons si SIK x one ono gatins i tribe of americans the ull lus gone out to the tile tr tribe be and anti my any member of the tribe aho vho ho fails falls to respond lilt his person his se services ills his talents ti lents and his hi money must be dealt with largely aL according cording to the primitive mitiC methods of the tribe we shall not scalp the slacker literally ith a knitch but do it none the less by more refined modern methods ostracism business and colial soual may be found to be the just punishment of the man w N ho heersi not lie the call of tile tr tribe ibe |