Show FOR NEEDED WAR WORK the committee of the state council of defense is anxious to have every bomin who registered for service know of the positions now open for women in various lines of government work all women wish ing to obtain information regarding the requirements may ma communicate with miss marcaret margaret count chairman or call at federal Feder tal buildings in prove provo salt lake ogden and loen logan mrs R E L collier 0 salt lake is chairman of registration the government is 13 greatly in need of help and many positions before filled by men only are now open to j women examinations examination in the list of post eions under heading of open dates can be taken any time OPEN DATES Lib liberator orator assistant 1000 1320 statistical expert statistician 1800 amed tamed t nurse schedule clerk senior stati statistic sti cal clerk 1800 telegraph operator I 1 1600 teacher skilled laborer welfare executive secretary accounting and statistical clerk cook amphon pe operator 1200 1200 operator 1 1200 automatic luto juto matic 3 ph operator 1200 1000 1200 Nun hundreds dress SPECIAL DATES hi etry try tuesday monographer stenographer type typewriter rite s sten t e og cipher ri pher bookkeeper c r typewriter t pe riter cle clrk k bookkeeper photographer grade 2 1200 shy 14 field matron eliy 22 edi edl tonal cleck june 5 clerk w th tit knowledge of sten or typewriting may IT 17 jaue tu 14 jul 19 1918 |