Show TALKS 7 A L KS the children the last line of defense bj ry fank F ank W leclere I 1 teh tah public health AsRo clation by bv the decided will te e to sr str according f bohy dv ell he explains will real ly balone belong o 0 the I 1 most quickly qui T ekly it rec recovers Overa the effects of tell from ar kill killil off the best of 3 rt atchoo choO I 1 therefore ep ex abbe to save abe j not tor for its own siko or I 1 but for the eike E ike file says it hl 4 3 got i rived from infant mor a from ill 1 b aith and f fioril in il wt into bem being 0 waste hu nal chief of the fed rens ed bu eau voiced much in a recent inter said all that is import country depends on how a to ake tike c cire care are of the child ren en under sixteen are the f defense the consert con 1 jes an I 1 is 13 juat just at for the n scions wel fare faret ent eat crisis as is the con ad increasing of our food i the pro Justion of muni ir mil of national defense lit tent 01 to the gratt in in bir etrope ope dur ran carges i it country wide to prevent a similar in bat disease in this coun researches of eminent auw proven that tu bercu ion usually ally occurs in child a i in ill infancy though the ylie lie dormant in the adult life it follows that to successfully corn com tid read malady and to protect ry from one of its most i i we must devote our first ti a the protect protection fun of the of the federal childrens the conservation of four an the thewalt call calt of I 1 of national decease for a tuberculosis will both find their ad adequate qUate response in the protection cf tho the children from the of tuberculosis |