Show editors trusted newspaper men and a large share of the general public were gratified sunday to read the report that the senate felt that editors 0 of the nation could be trusted to handle war new advisedly and that harsh measures are unnecessary the newspaper men of the state rot forget that the vote of senator king showed stowed he believed that they have neither loyalty nor good i dment wil while 1 ile that of senator smoot shows that he believes that the men who handle the news are patriotic otic not note even en the most partisan of pa i purs irs rs is disposed to criticise criticism critic ise under the present circumstances all may inny not agree that the wisest courses arc are being always pursued but more than due allowances arc are being made the time may come when the newspaper men will be voicing the sentiments of a large majority of their readers if they criticise criticism critic ise methods of handling munitions and the commissary camp sanitation and transportation and other things out of which a few unpatriotic citizens wilt will arv tu to make for fortune to judge an editor guilty of treason for criticizing criticising critic ising a second embalmed beef scandal such as Qs wf we had during the span ishwar hh war would undoubtedly be unconstitutional and surely would be contrary to the wishes of t th h american public it is to be sincerely hoped that no occasion will vill arise for such criticism and the press of the country will not be dispo disposed ted to criticise criticism critic ise unless i causes auses arri are arua ted the senators who stood for free speech and for fora a free press desern e commendation men dation |