Show no REPORT OF THE TM CONDITION OP TUB first national bank V at price in ili the st ito to of utah at the close of Bu business MI IN 1 I 1917 RESOURCES f loana loans and discounts overdrafts unsecured cured U S bonda bondi deposited to secure circulation par value 00 bonds other than U S bonds pledge pledged to bucure postal s sivi ivings tiRs deposits 00 judgments other than U S bonds jot including estka 7 12 4 owned owne 3 treasure treasur bonda securities etc blocks othet than feutral reserve kese ve link milk stock 1025 uta o 0 stock of federal ofFe deril Roi erve bi unk ik 50 0 pir cent ot tuba rieal real estate owned other than banking house i 78 net amount due from front approved reserve agents in ili new york cutaio C Cu tuio and SH 96 louis net amount due from approved reserve rest agents in other reserve citie bios Si OS net amount due froni from banks and other than d in 12 or 20 other heckh on banks batiks in the c c city or town as reporting 1 ah onic 0 q ic rf r f 1301 00 outside checks and other cash aten 25 23 curi enc nickels and anti c ants ants 4 63 3 35 5 5 noles notes of other othet national federal set ve notes libut reserve in vault ind nut 1 due from federal 11 ro seny teme rank bank b ST 37 redemption fund with U S treasurer tre surer and duo too from min U S treasurer ir tr 00 1 total i a 5 00 i liabilities 1 stock pid p ild in 00 surplus fund I 1 Und hided profits lesa current expenses interest and ind lor taxes accrued accrue dt 1 1 I 6 a a 4 80 circulating vates outstanding w A 00 net N et due to banks ind bankets 1 S dividends unpaid gloo demand depolito de individual deports deposits abject to chec cheeky 1 40 0 e of deport due ih in lee leim than 30 da 23 A 08 C elti fled lileck la 0 4 06 0 0 fishier s chiecki outstanding 1851 sm wi postal deposits CO total demand ile deposits posits 21 41 43 1 tah till not to bu be ext extended extin tided ded depo ilta danble pan pa able ble after 30 dais da s or subject to 30 daya days or i inure notice certificates of deposit total of time deposits 20 other bonds honored hori owed without furnishing collateral security for s sinie title 00 liabilities other thin aboa stated collections Collect lona in transit trans rit 43 total 0 CO state of utah county of Cir bonss 1 I L 13 whitmore Whit moie ie cashier of tho the above above named bank bink do solemnly 44 swear tint thit th it the tile above st statement bement Is true to the best of my knowledge and N I 1 L 11 0 WHITMORE cashier correct attest J 51 whitmore A W V horsley alice velnore Vb lnore directors d und and to broic me ine this ath oay ony of may 1917 ALBERT imy ER public v U 9 es vitis man maith h 31 1918 1018 |