Show CR OP p SUMMARY sugg the late spring has been a aua handicap to utan farmers f irmela in their effort to do ther bit towards to ards aug tho the worlds supply of food progress of all farm farn work has been slow eli less plowing 4 and na sowing has been accomplished up to date dato than years at the sam season storms and cold have havo interfered with sh ettRoe vi and lambing pasture Is imp improving but is still ury ery short when it Is most in demand due aue to lack of hay utah has lever I 1 nova such hay shortage as has faced the farmer this aprin 9 are in good condition except for lateness laten esq ili starting in some sonie sections winter wheat buffered rather severe winter killing but bilt those sections where rethe tho acreage is is largest seem to have suffered least where winter killing iwas very bad the fields ore arit b ein renown to spring grain the goner condition condl loo ol 01 0 anter wheat is ery ary go od EDWARD C meld agent for utah |