Show county club pr ws erf A county com commercio mercil I 1 club is being advocated by come ome of the live wires of the camps several price citizens it is a fine idea the farmers should be in touch with the mining interests ind the mines need the product of carbon county forms farms there is no reason why nee price which depends to a lare larlie degree could not work with both and there is any amount of work that could be done for the I 1 good of all farmer and miner can work together to build up the county various plans are proposed some favor the idea followed by the farmers clubs small clubs in each community and a central body composed of delegates from each others favor a single large body to take up all propositions still others favor the formation of a strong blob in price for the handling of local preb problems lems with a county club composed the camps and towns price has many do not interest the outsiders our civic affairs ap ar cleaning up paving paying purifying puri lnig our watce and handling local celebrations are strictly our own and we cannot ast the others to td take time to help us dresh them out neither can helper and castle gate work with ith price on the basin road question each has ii its own problem but fr endly rivalry rv need not create bitterness we will not get what nhat we do not go after hie rhe seiti senti ment in favor of organization continues to grow and something is going to 0 o happen oon several price citizens citi are beginning to test near beer to get used to it gradually ciany of them ay opy that so long as it has the color and the loam oam memory j will mill do the res lest if job had find anything on the modern telephone girl for patience we me would N like to in shake his mitt milt if eggs arc ire wo woh woth th when they go into cold storage what will nili they be worth when they come out next Nin winter ter no mabel government laws nebout dope fiends do no not apply tapply to readers of the baseball page li if your garden is up remember th that at it will grow better if it w ell hoed when a girl is fishing for a tucker sucker any old lobster will do a woman joer enjoy dolne charity mirthlee mirth lne that she thinks would bo be wicked to do for bay thing else t what a lot of einart inen men there would be in the world if t every man knew halt bait a as much as he tries to make othera bileve 11 he be knowe knows i 4 tatt tt tt V |