Show pi r j v UTAH FUEL T ut L 1111 im Y T kr it OPP nf E S HO S B yd 11 G 1 more than hilf a million ia is to be spent at once by the a fuel com pir in this county rout ity lic cording to th of general manlier A 11 II cowie who returned to silt salt S lake from hew new york monday additions u hiat ban n mada to the tile plans at sunnyside Sunny side and castle gato gate i riven given out some weeks ngo until the work in each one ono of thade th de camps wilt will total a quarter of a million a many of the cottages are aeu wel banat w wy ay iy and the number in au all th camps Campa w will ill total men are belne being rushed into the field as rapidly as they can ca bo be fie cured and others are scouring scour ipg the country for material the plan plans for the amusement hall at three of the campa camps show them to bo be 1 ss for t their h or put pose and the wash wish and carinio will bo be complete and modern in every particular Is being spent to make living conditions and recreation hours mord plezant for the men and their families the rest of iad amount itts is N for the new coke ovona ovens and new now machinery and improvements in methods methods of handling the coal 1 and coke the output of the mines will be increased and with aits ind and arans r por tation facilities the company can handie tons of coal dal dall the pacific coast trade will und find the butak fuel company a big factor A central power plant to coat cost half a million has been planned but on account of the scarcity of labor la bor and the price of needed mate ilal it be beldin abeyance until the present jork work ia Is finished fiflis hed georee S sloan and mr ano mrs 11 C means pissed through price from myton tue way en route to salt n li E ike site the gentlemen Kent lemen fore the state load toad ou be b hilf of the pi t ts road 4 a t |