Show HOW UTAH CAN INCREASE FOOD ily RUN m ii it i aup utah can aid mater lall lai in the movement rno ement for Inc increased reared agriculture agri cultura production brought about b the present war nar A call haa has g ne out for men Cert alnis this call will not go unheeded and this state will its share to both army and na but the army and navy must 1 fed and there Is already a crisis in the worlds orld s supply of food it now necomes l ecomet a patriotic dut to produce food to the utmost power of production the waste vaste places on epry farn far n should be cultivated and pro ducthi fields should be fertilized and stimulated herds and bloos khouw recene more attention in detail that aery ery animal ma mas be brought to its hight high t marketable alue as an early as pos 1 te e handling of our the stoc atmik brines brings up the in of greater con of our forage past ft inter has concentrated our attention on the Import importance ane of a greater feed supply more land mu imm mut t be cubtil abed and other crops grown gron that hae for age alue there are many annual i crops that cau he profi used for ha hai especially under present condl flow among thee the e are oits and peas millet sudan kraas 4 and arlous grain mixture in the moist and cool al less of attah oats and peas and mixtures of the grains can be profitably ared for ha the N lalue alue of our ha crop can be by a little better judgment being at haying time that each ach class 1 of hai be gathered at the right time in its best beat condition and sta stacked ked in a manner that will result in a minimum of aaste aste ian utah counties hae long known for their production u u dair products what can be done row to increase the output in this thim line suppose each cow in the dairy herds of uta utah should receive e tich attention in care and feed fd that she crould pro produce disco to the height of her ability hat an increase in the lume of dairy product there would b be e and hat a saving in cost of production would othild result NN would that not be north orth merj ing for what nn all expression of pait patriotism r lonigro if th the state doub e it its output of dairy products I 1 the hogs on the farms arms can doubt less be handled tc to better adl advantage and brought to a better alue alu in food production the production of any article of food for home consumption 14 1 4 well worth while lille for that will release 4 demand for food in some other diree tion and nn an addition will lit be he made to to the world P fool foot reri I 1 j perrille pen rille we ran can practice I 1 a saving of worlds wealth and in I 1 thebe things tiery tery one of us can find expression for loynie and m under tinder present condition there is 1 a worlds orld a shortage of food ivd and through the w of dall dail destroy ti d M men much iq I 1 being fire or sent to the bottom of the sea soa perhaps a ft aw few of us hae ha not fek fell the pinch but we 0 may not be ill lect elect we the of the should see clear clearl world orld and stir ou our that our er ef forts may not only bring a sufficiency for ourselves our ours elvell and depeu dependents dents out but a lew aa for surplus that we ne hio hia offer to dunate neighbor |