Show M 0 ME X MR I 1 M X IM VA X ME am on xam mg ia X N proclamation MATIO X 0 to the tile cithens citi ens of carbon county i I 1 lip il owing to the shortage of our food supply and the great jj necessity for increased production and conservation of food we urge that every acre of land that flint is capable of growing a 11 I 1 lill jl crop be planted and that every individual do his part toward X I 1 I 1 I 1 the conse conservation ration of food tood j un IV B every very farmer upon whom naturally falls the tile great load lond of o 0 4 j production should use the highest standard stan of efficiency As A S jjr f his patriotic duty he should increase his crop acreage treat oats J and xv heat for smut and potatoes for scab and use X better cultural methods to 0 o keep down weeds increase poultry o 0 in 11 and live stock production vaccinate every six months for black m leg grow home gardens lar dens encourage boya boys and girls garden gard on pig P poultry 5 and ind potato clubs alduse and use labor economically jf U v heartily endorse the campaign the carbon county X farm Bure bureaus auls making on an the treatment of seed for disease and ah ill 11 other improvements and we recommend that every farmer wh who 0 i I 1 im is not acquainted with the latest methods in controlling plant ell 1 ill X 0 1 diseases and insects get in touch with the bureau or 1 he c county counter j agricultural agent we shall be glad to operate cooperate co uth ith all in increasing the 10 in w 1 acreage of crops c r aps ops and efficiency in production and above all in id 10 1 T jm X ill ju consert conservation aaion of the food supply 1 X I 1 respectfully Hespert fully ALBERT BRYNER signed W T HAMILTON EMIL OSTLUND M 0 county commissioners Commissi onera of 4 11 t N X X 11 carbon county utah 3 g a sa sa sa s 5 wai waif f t tl ik i 2 am |