Show CLOTHING FOR GROWING CHILD N vers en much of the comfort of a child depends upon bis his hiving the right kind of clothing this is cs es rectally pec ally tallY true in su summer leimer 7 one hot day a arnoth mother came into an infant welfare station tation in a large city bring ing a screaming baby who would not be pacified the trained a and nd sympathetic eye of the nurse in charge saw that the little feet were covered with knitted k n bitted wool socks she asked the mother to take them off immedi atel the sere puis ceased and the baby stretched his ills naked feet in delight at being rell relieved eyed of the into erable 1 irritation buting the hot months children chil dien should wear jut as little clothing a ai pori possible ible bibles require only a diaper dianer and one other arment va while lille run about b bibica and children th ildren up to five will be amply clothed in waist and arau drau with one 9 irme n t preferably a cotton slip apron pi 01 rompers or one of the many bijil blaile u garments gir ments illustrated in tho the bittern the one piece dress is a greit boun bon to busy mothers being easa aas to maat and to wash and iron if the kimo kinio i ni nt sleeve iq i laed the dress will be i cooler but in some the set i in sleeve is less clumsy art aril better rompers loose at the knee kne ind lind low necked and short sleeved may be aved for little eirls girls and boys alike denim overalls are amther cumber cumbe ome for the hottest weather but are aupied to cool alys starched arched bt frilled and fussy gar beut are all alike unsuitable for young chil childree drei whose clothing should be such as will make them perfectly comfortable and permit the frt alst play no child should luve have to think of his garcenia gar menia during the play hours he should of course be subject to reasonable restrictions upon wilful mischievous soiling or destruction best ruction of his clothing |