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Show i j t i', i, ,,1-1,1 in IvffHltaVtx'lir.; ' MMamv&i, Xatl. O'Xiytwe'elaar'iea r iW. orJ4 iiavrii4-ifer kalli 7V rfr ; Ortit iy' JUbry, OJt IAST TEMrLK 8TREKT. fin HE aatlerelMti hra itc((illy U retarn ,X ht thaakit fur the rxteitiirr patrortj;') of hi fritif; and to tiate to tliem that be wilt coa-t4nl-tveM tery Mminfttinhg; cefBHwaclBR at 1 oVloeky Hi H afl, tKiiat.) .ptiOrit Nlxmt' 3;or.K cemmodleu, weM lf-b ed, aad vrntllatid witba eiWcl rtw hetlta tad ebmfo-t. The. beet magic ie.eaed prrmnnently, ad tapperaaad rpfrwhmnt of tae fint cult trl f iiraiahd ta ordtr, Coarenlcace for Slrljli niitl Carrii gr will be, found fa th (ear of litt prtinWrt. , tatoalealirg. drink ire eMirily prohibited and poHceMea'ta engaged 'loHpreietit? aiiy'tlot ,ot kurruptlaaal:, . , Peron wUliiBg to gtui priete pirte .can arraagi- fer Ik tM oti the Moat, reateu-t-ble term i. S-t-tf ALEXANDER DAFT. t V( h APPLEBY, , attoxXey ddimsEtLoxrMWi WILL attend to Jh' colltetiea of Debtr &c;. Fewera of Attorney, and. W. kr legldeeHmwifet.QraWB p. Tttaw liberal,, .OfTMMs' In, Mr. Balfan'a Wateh and Jewelry , fWore, Kt Tetapli Street, welt aide, 0,S..fc. CHy, ' " SO-tt - Wi4ii MiiiAih(.i r vm; fw'"T - i" 1 "" ' 1 ' A Sir AN D S MITH, , ' ' BAST TKM1JLE STREET; A feer tou& of Stalw, Ifrt&en and Co.f HAVING receh'Iy returiird from tli Etero 8tatf, with'.a large and, aperlir;Mpply of. TfN OOPPER, SHI 1ST IRON, &c &.c, Atid being fully prepared With TecW, aad fint cUm fflrf hulcs, relpeclfally al( Mieir old frleada' to call and eee the and renew, their patr&fifge, aad Invito thoae. who, have not glveh their to?k and rnrchiBlcal akilia triut, to call aad ee them, . Tliey lilcewjae a.illcit the favorable attention of their friend, and tin- public la gonernl, to their yailety of ' , -.y HAKp&OMiB tARIOB STOVES, AMD HARDWAItEi , to their lection of ' . CIEIVTl.EMEIV'S CLOTIIING; ' a alio to thtlr choice cofleetlon-of -. C GRbbERIES. INE, BRAKDY J-c J to.tell wholesale or retail, al.low;price.:. ;N.lt-Tbey- have ahi6;.a'"larj-e a'moanV'b'f CATTtE on hand, which they are, wilUng-to tell for caalror cxcbeiiga f or wheit. " o-tf ----"--. wsvcwL ,.r VrQTiCETlirreby fcivn lo.all partlW lnter-jLS lnter-jLS ted,that lhall apply at' the nxl regiilar term of the County Court of Sox KldtrConaty, for prant to tha Kanon .khdwha Otdvar'a Kanyon, 1 V(tA, KMFyi M A Tfcf l HAT 811 IIA'-TS tO JOHN 0. TATTOO BEOS Iewi Veap'ettfuHy fo tetura hi lltinke forlhe patronage extended to htm during the pai two years, and hope bv contluu. Jug: to, eitpply a rat-rit ij'iality of ll ATS, to wert an htereate otipatrangtn,tl fatare; "' Produce taken it exeh'tti gi lor flata-f '5,.--. ; WanledFi;WoUana;BAVet8Wtwa.Ij!"o Wool, ffor wltieb a,gond;lHo will he gtvr Give mo, a callj'aad, encoarag Hoiaeahu faewrir. " .,'..- ff.;-. '' " v :lh UfalWnce Uth aed, Sfr.d door essidf Conf t v TAKEPT pyby the'uhicriber. akoot lfie; 50'IhoI DeCemher tasf,. a red COW, about 3 yera.uW;wLUb(!llv't m hlte, If g and.tlit(h"r; star itt f orheadjeom WhUe fpot ori theTbackj born iarned )tp'j. brand ' ori left' blpTnot. prcrlvabe. The. owner '1 'reqnerstrdilo.cemp, nd prdfe prop jrty,-pay charget.Vnd take her away. ' . ALEXANDER DACL. 2C.3t West'JoVdafl , Wrd;'rir AllenVMilhu , ntt;vatrfnd' to the COLtECTlONvOV .VVACCOtJNTS thrdoshsut'lhV Territory, and.o'iiy other buiineasahal may be entruited to htoeare,onroBaBbla'terrflr.?if'' . : Belng.TarelingAit"''' ..'stttjim, any.CAccOunt left 'at tho. offiee ,of that, tuiprr, Wiltbddalf fdrwarded and attended to. J3tf,- j ;,,T5q-oiE;:-BAKERr,v "" t Wit arjBort oJWeuigWei ifeZf $iS)i'St6rit RICH ARD "gOLIOHTI, hegalo'thank'hh ", friendaaadbe public general ly'for patt pajrpjigi and foUsltown, iiipeendri;q.,) 'j?. ent,atock: of;'Craeker o;i of jhe.difffrVtit ktnda , of which,. "vlx.,iMilk Crackeri. Butter .Cracker; Boston Crackeri and Hard Bread, he ; haa1 a.large quantity alwayV oh hnd;ao that eroftante a8d.dlheraican,-,taJappHfd with a , ehoiaoatpk of the atafdf.Jifi,.raaaufienr4 of the , bait .Biaterlal.and af moderate priteh at a moment notice. " ----- . v , , -. " ; TiiGHTrBkEAD S'l? fJ'Ky3'i Caki,Veddii.e .Cki8u6arCratkerf,Ckee.:BanttAbeetlr, . wine, aiill-dyipepilc and ioda Cracker, made to" order on thort liotiee.i t , Rye Bread Ihreo time a week. 7-t( , SOIBfETIliW 1VETV IM, UTAH. 10,000 LBS, YARN WAJftEBH -TAM QYharirjr parcha-ed B.w-.hll eJ41niprOTed machinery h' prepared to' mak. Moekirpj SwW Mlti; ds&?lg&. Jacket., iM'f';iroodt, tc. Ho will : ISVT-P"1!. .1,,JpJ' f work it up oh HareaA! For wjrk.ell kind, f plddwe &L Sm dooraouih of OodbeV Drug Store. PAIN T Ij:G ?. " W.- V. MOKKIS - . H0U?ESION- CAIAGB. ANp ORNAMENTAL IAlNTEfc. J SHOP at J. C. Little' Furniture and Carriage Eltablllhmeqt. 15-lf tAttm nkvttiixV ' - -ww.fcAi : ftikQV$Oti t L A: I B ATTBUilBirtf AT JLAWi Wqt aweaata H ifaat4 atatame OfFlCK C00KC1L liOWlt nri.ttfoirtiCoiaiotKBaa oeACaUKiawrtrwudtotiwtrtare. ,111 il 1 1 1 11 1 r 1 1 111 1 in 1111 ''in ..iniii CHARLES XilNG, WAtittjf AN CAMillAOE MAK)MtV, CARPENTER AND HOWE JOWER, EMtSR ATiajl ftTREtT. aWAlaiawidftij' eaeoeW. (HteawasitUWt JAMES.' MAOIIE, GtfK AKB LOCK SitlTH (attar EAST tEMr aTRZE-r) RIPttS, Met Onn,1tetityt PuteJa, c, tanfriny cieaaed. rraatrtd aadpattoeMer, Metlean Span wad td orIr and ! ea hind, B3" Catt aat tt mtf 14r EE EE, EXTS AN. HES, IN' 1 EXCllAlVOE 1'OR WHEAT. WE will take.Wheat in eaehangd for 3't, at' the earae rate a wa ,'ar, uow atlltng foreaib. . . We bo have on hand ROOTS; SHOES, St. LEATHER, which we wHIxchae for WheaU Rrly,OaU,FoUtoeifce. Call and aee aa at MuHiaetV old Sf ami, on Eaat Temple Street. (HTHtde, Jitk'drd Oil Wavted for; which th hfcheat price will be paid. 4H CUMMINGS JONES,' ,tl- , ,,,, ,., ,1 , ,, u,,.r, , , , ,.,-.Mfr,.,r.M,.,L OXACDE OLIVE" ; WOVVB rejpeclfnlir inform at rrtenit tbat hi ret ' Md,lri6 nt, hi 9t BTANB, KAT TEMPLE STREET. TAlERilVCi ,flE, '- AT THE SHORTBST KlRtCX. A food tawtj at iwf CLOTHS, iBiiibt ror ptntf, tlwiy oe baj. Bactokki Piati, Cou, ka., iada to onlr, Vnt ritteroeer the tatetl rhloh. , Outline dose la order. CH ARSES REASONABLE, REASON-ABLE, If aatjoawaal.lbT, elloU ' i-st ; V'V'' ?-E'Aij.ie:v- VJ'A ffirE.fl- ,E IR B, -'. 'i CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, TURNER AND CHAIR-MAKER, Second door lealh of Surveyor Oertersl' 0cP ON WEST TEMPLE STREET. MR. BIRD ! prepared to execute all order nlru$ied torflat la a finthed, workmaB-Itke workmaB-Itke maimer. He ha oh hand a larno auppty of weliieaoned MonnUin .Mahogany,' aad, will lurnUti to order prpmptiy, - " " v. TEN-PIN ALLEY BALLS; ' COfJ.TIIVG HOUSE RULERS r . ' : . WALKING CAyiEki0f and , every article' ia'hUiUne'WgralifyTifie.Bioil fattdlou.tate.,'4 "f '3 tf-' XJsiE'JA-O-H .- WATCJi&cL6cK'sVd Jewelry, . of rvrry dejcriptioit, akilfully rupalred and cleaned. UlawaVILiBri, MtW fcprjdg,eic., On hiid. g I -j a prueilo.t Wtli.ml4rf I will endeavor to give al.lactlon to all who may honor nm Willi their woik. . ?," Currency, TerrlforW, arid City Scrip, Produce, Titlimg, and "work of every kind, liken fut, . jay, - -BUT NO TRUST i ' SHOP at Vm.'iS..podbeV Drug Store,5Gri Silt Like Ql'y. ' - . 2Mf. :' NEW TAlEOniNO ESTABtlgU TIIlRKILL . AND , SPROAT-- V BEGrjWcUully to inform the iuhaMtan'a.df thlteltv that they have couimVnetd : host-!' na lit the fir? t alora north of Georgo Goddtrd'i, at' Temple Street .4 V? ' '!V"t .'" ; : Jin . wdraaien,- they hyo to ay tlmt'they.have worked In tt'o Ural Ulloi log eatablUhffleuta of New iydrk,'.sand feel anred.that they wi(l be ablt- to give tUfactl6n ;to tho .who Inlay; favor them with their 'patronage' 'Sfcjr .."..Their tyleit are dfithe,latel.fMhn Every kiiid of ""pnaret inidVt? Ordrt,. Gentlemeii' clothe reuovate'd and repaired ori reaonalle tarme,'Wft5 " " 25-tf ClotHmfff- Ctoihinff't Ctothintl! Qa - .Me4tMkM "0 ii 3 -d. rT ft -4 . .1 2'. -3: i'S?:&.2 tt 1 1-S5-l7-:,'-'i2 2f "2 : iC- .-:;.iD,S., .S-a ,-..;.tS. : & sK EP' i O" .................0 B 0 O K AND J OB ia oaaao on at rnm MOTJSTAINKER OFHCEj o ,. , , 'Aiao, POSTERS; HAND BILLS, BLANKS, RE. ' CEIPTS.CHECKSjCARDSjfcC, Jrcrwfri dilate Aotittttotlu, and itfilrpricu, , bookIbinding iom in ra tttr k moot Among tTTXJt. HSfiSBgaiiaaHSaiuk Paz AEE RWTT, -.- TK' Adtaa af Laadf. Wehda.' a4 fcared, BaJaWiair tatn' lalaAiri3 YWralf -tjL- kb MUelfttaV Brwrfwtm5 tea u itanraiv weuj are itaM wm 4tefced t eek. Far partkttlar afply at the MotmrAimmt Orvicx. 31-tf. KEW TRK. PULLUM, WILLS, RANKIN k Co, ' -f--a,aatAarai atrt ;jfltriltf aallai jrHalki'M 1 Lafe C LOTUS G, Brai4wayNe(f Yctnc, float, w, roitiAM. I dati- ajtmcrx. Atatw s-iwnw. J. Moa , H. McD.McktBATll, l-tl GET TOUR MONEY RACK. . ; THE undenifhed have opened a NKW STORE, in niWIIGtOJr, $Xfl OOtJITYi , wMfat; tmi v a ax acixiria DRY & GODS, CIROCERIES, oiteeiWHirev Rurelwtare; Eaats, tmB, Maw, ait Ready Kfatfe CletkiHC, ciiEAPFdR Hash. JUDSON L STODDARD THOMAS 3, SMITH, LEONARD C, RICE. Farmlngton, DayiaCo. 10,tt SOMETMlNCi NEW IN THE EOVRTEENTR WARD. SNIDER'S UNIVERSAL STORE. MY. friend throogbont the. Territory wKl plan .take notice, that la coanccUon with my Lumber Biiilneae; I hav now' opened a STORE forthe purchase and tale of COUNTRY PRODUCE of all Modi? Including a . . 1 RttratEti' ;fFf where I eball have only the best of rriiit. 1 have" attached, la" '' '..-'.' . iyfr-V'S-s rCARPENTEtt'6H0P it PURN1TURE ;wArehou$e. ' , : : where I. am; prepared to faruleh all article Is my line of butine, 'f the, beat of Lumber, on a ah'ort- nntice, and" aa reasonable as' .can be'af forded. Call nd try, ' ' ' ' - "' ' . ... S4 d SNIDER, , At thoaame oM plnroln I4ih Ward, r w-tf - : G.ts.L.qfty- : NEW ARRIYALS , ' i . - .Jfv-''KMAEE: .; jtv ,cpi"V . : i7t7E.hure joit redeived frorn Callfoimla one .ever brq B:Res3-t1iIiMng v 0L0AK3,:-B0NNliilBBpNf , CmWreliIert, MUltaVarr 3aek Ileaiery, Clievea, Fati Eeaithcrr' aad Silk Belts, Ueaja Skirta ""';''" '., '- , ic.,;c . -L f?C Which will be oU at our. uiuai Low' -PrieeV No trouble to. how gdoli v i' . ; ,. s . J.BKWBALLjCO. . 1A1)lETINE.RU0E&j J mentjuat received "at- - ? ' vJ rpEA, TEA tAJne qiiafii. of Gdripdwder , JL-' "end -Young Hyionjust received at; , v HCfGH MOON P" RESENTa hlicompilnienls to the (over of aupetdartic(dof , ' JHt-O V N T; A IiT D E Wt " He' hasimade exteti?rvo imnrovementr in hi ; DISTILLERY, intfieFlrsl Ward ofllil City, and I now prepared to el a operior article or PURE UNADULTERATED WHISK Y. Thd'ealatgeitirntdf.hlapremUe eriftMej him4o keep a.eLfHalent quantity .on-hand to civs ago to lit Liquor; arid' hence iinprtire It: qnaflly and .flavor.. " ," r ' - - Us ha on hand a large aapply.of 'bRa'dyV?wjnes CORDIAES.&c. of hi own make, the parity and good qualify of which ha watranl. . , ; 5 lre ba eJlo.itrtatedj and has In Wll Wa'it, an extensive? --t j--"- - f ?'.: BLAOKSMITH S(HV Lon tlfa edrnec Sail of blr DlMilldry, under 'the auperlntendebce of 0, B.. GARDINER, an rx-perfejietd rx-perfejietd and superlpr blaekstnlth, Plow 'made and'rep sired, horVe-ehoeinp, and all kind of work In thd jmma line, attended to promptly and (o the aatiafaeilon of patron. The First Ward 5(a determined to remalir no longerjiithereardf tbe march of. city improve-fflwl,. improve-fflwl,. ( , ' ' 11-tf i 'l ,-, THE TENTH WARD PIS TILL ERY. THE PURE "POTEENS !,rTt,HE undertigned, retiirnlng thank for-the , 1L liberal patrdnag'of;bl Irlon'd' heretofore, bgeto aure thf-m lti4t he Ifai nill on hanJ at hi rteWenCe.'iit'ar the Old PoTavln the lOlh AVard,! aupttlor. WjIDVLTEIUTEP ARTICLE t xsri GRAIN WHISKY, v 'AHd prepared by himself and Warranted, a deliclou article of PUEB COHDIAL. The.aiiiHleyriadr the, constant prrtonal adperlntendencs' of the proprietor who bold hlmeelfreiponalble that no deleteriou matter W Jotrodoetd pto hl ii,.t9ri fltber Jo the distil. i-! ihlf ,frcf ytpS ewf. Hi longoxpetienc. 'ift'.S'!"-? far "'P"", him to compete with (he bet prqfeMon lo iho art. Tarrt, ti.ptrOfUtn, RttaiL A liberal deduction mad tdCiiyond Country 21-tf. GEORGE BADDLEY, JTahm TeblH, Agentt Next door to Clement' Store, Et Temple 8t. ifaT.25. M4' -trkaw JOHK KAt, SERRRON RENT!! TFICE-E m,W 4 a W. F.ANDIgOirJi,D., rMYMCiAN' AN (KIMM . eppattleCKy Br wiry. Rv RCRARN, aMr" j;. Coraer WmI Ta fl ftti Whot o readelbi let hkn UBdnttf,n ;' A'l perios Ir.debted to. me for meJiaii vice, are wqaeittd loeall and leKlelttaw ly,'hdaavecoH. sf ' - I t M.R.S. ;Ra1rRi1 bT' midwife. ; rftainsNca-.iforth.wrat eoraer df tir. ! Building, oath'Tepld V. W7t" ! Rerrrence--Dr.WEf).Frinc9aedailik., , ; caJ"proreldfl in thecity.; 1 " ljjjf J - ; RENTAL ART.'. ' THE.tmdtralgaed ha reeered aa nitim.',,i of iiiscton' celebrated. MialTriKli with Gitinaf aled.Amerlcan aadEiit.kTf:rni' without Gum; He I now prepared t modata aiieh.aa may caD on him, wahlmnL toa f.ill .et on GoW Plate., . JTAS, M. BARLOW. 1 , v Clock anl vyatebKaV V XsclH:: ' " 1 ' ' t i r NOTICE. A' flOUSB'and.n'heifr Lot MMAt.it -ft Jx Wb "War Caah, WhMt,drStkftrt r pVC"ur' JP takea fcipart, Apdiyu - Tito. Ilall, en the presdirt. . - ' J tf V' a22kPVBb . :Sv.- ijffliiiuiiDriiiilamam 1 it SELLlNjQ AT COST WlTHQUf ), FREIGHT!, f - .( . . . WILLIAM ERR RESPECTFULLY lafdrma the iabaVHeaU of Utah that he fan commenced aMaeftt. luring COMBS, at his Reeidenc, oa Uwfc aoutlr of Unlin Square, Jfth Ward. If ye" wantfinc, coarf , W lancy dreteg CemWtM ' Uydur time.. He will lake lui exclude, flour, corii, &c, at Ti hlug priee'," Cart walk' ' .take.tat pWrV-f '-m-; ,TEN;1-T'II '6 jl 8 A'N lOUUK " I' t "-WANTED.' J- : , HN;Rv'EBJt;N"G,; Jsaidle aeaCRarat CORSXRoriI.Iu atr'e't,?neitdW'tttirtoai nt4lwion tund 'a (mkI unnanttl 8W, . Bridle DdUanM,wblcb b will aehs tor Cut, Prodqce. , " ' t " ". ,;;' ' "Carriatei trimmed wlibBeatneM aad dtawfct. -j. O. S, L. CttJ,:Aa:2, 8 ' NEW ARRIVALS! ?-f;iiiBiEi-A"fOEiR '' HAVE jitat received -a LARGE STOCTih ..,:SUPER10R-SELECTED:,r-'cr iiffiRNoisE;-? The Aasor'f meats; ckaseatciiprea -lr:.fer.the Vtah Marka rnilEY have marked .their gooda it ts eow.es:;eicer.es, ,: '.; and aMura the public, that they are prepared Ut '. and will, iicctsfuly conTpete with any heett' " In.theTerittory in . quality a"bdprUt. '"ISTCoimfr diecouht."-'''--1" ' f ?' "s.-T.i."i. ' ;rtf i 'GILBERT fc;CERR?8 AltlC;aiBRf f T?fcE ALER ln"DRYljOobs aad" GROCER-X GROCER-X iES, Drugs, Pintr,Od;.GIaisad P; aiBffii Aiad, ,j; BOOTfiT, fiffOES. HATS CAPS, CLOTH- lNGt STATIONERY,, ! Together with'' - ' ' " " "w i ldoriTHlNG'SflNDAlLYUSE."ifv REMEMBER ftiByfLbRENCE STM, One 'poor Abrih of JUler' it Rlr4 RpGERS,;SHROESH HAVE ; the-, fin's't J e 6rlment 'iAOrES' ?DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOOWi and TR MMINGS,;ever opened tnhU mulat jLvvf a variety -of'"tylti fro'ra l"S,l $6 00,. " vV''-;,; , -; t ROGERS,. SHROPSfllREACtt 1 Kf PIECES BonDilBk)NVid XeJJ doten Bonnet SHAPES, Meet -ROGERS, SHllOl'SIl IRE A, CO. A SPLENDID Tt:orciAS'aalW&'' , TILLASf from $3 50 to 16,.0a 3 R0GERS,-SHR0WU1RK ftCO. MANTILLA SHAWLS, a new p7tato Bay-State and thr goiidiatylerfte" $3 00ttd fl6 00i,., .. t. MISSES and-; Lad'lea' JHATSaad OftAT . faah'idn'able a'nd-very- prattv.-r v -ROGERS, SHR0PS1HRE.;A CO. - -rr,' ' y AFlNEasaortmentof RlackJDKM SlWf OGEaS.HROPSHlRE A.C MERINOS; ALPACAS;- COBORasiil CA8HMERE3front.,65e. to 1 " LAWNSj ROBES, DEL A tNBBrpitM PL A I DS; ilendtd rarif tleiof ffpCl.BROPjUIIlB;Ca SUISSE SXIKA JAdGONjfljS BOOKk NANSOOKS, aIRILLIANT and other wnite Drea Good, cheaper ibaa". ROGERS; SHROreHIRK EVERY article of IM&pn&s hoOVS we will 1l cheaper lhait the'chept.A ROGERS; hHROPSIllRE A'CO, A GENERA vailely .of.-DRY GOOJS' HATS and CAP3 'BOOTS f bd SPP end CLOTHING; rt ROGERS, SHROPSHIRE fc CO- DONT orgot pur aplaudM'Kaayoa WAO-OKS.af.vVIeft. WAO-OKS.af.vVIeft. ' n SOGERS, SHROPSHIRE ." CO TTiYE STUFFS of ah Irlndi'. , . U ROGERS, SHROISimRE c-23-3m |