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Show . OtTlt CUIEF JUSTICE,! ; .cif tfre medium of a private cor-,-- Vwoaikn'fj we received, a fcW days ago,, the same character of, hm wdWh&aal to, very many which hat o from ttawjfe time eaed for out attention.. , t tWcarroni kqry oifWal iiafckncycd Id eth by Mm& ..jr frrgua ,iiktL. degree rflWffMOH that waare discbiw t?rs Mt. - firai professions J I"? 1 wJtfc J c J d IwWic characters 8 imWUffflftrly, If weud Jh1 Ecfecu . ?f l the level fw,pf. FMtV shall fJ 0ttr, Hivm at liberty to eenWHt Mm ; Jjwwi 44 nmwrf ad shall scarcely th erajadiag cpgaPnica 0r k4jw ami attempt to anahfte u .charge to !as assama-l Itmm ta owo hk ajtpdafafcst. igg hi masw : . -HMrlM great mB(St88Hr -f f? FtioS4; m we rawt wtico : Jgfc e tmea to be a mm 0f ed - d a wdhread kwyer; -Critical t .tWaa, Did wef admit tkat I. ' Wnfl L it; t ra wJT iotcr jf -1-. ; Hlm coiinJry' welfare, jiWognonfo . WikV wlwdiMdg Uul , - ; we that fc? own 'fitor;(o litfc : i f , ;?Heat Morcd to hWV 4V : - ,,43lfek(sa to avotd ir,0Jm-: ir,0Jm-: -unreasonable hamTMig' - . i,rsCeaJ .coanty called likconrt recent ouf 'statutes lmltm, ' f111 K" Jwy, iMdfcimcnt, for grand larceny, Ammg: uonteronv WW.Wero soma for etcolfog; fanes -;V ' i ' Jfpl faMP wcIUs from aotno v,fV'v gglfrtli ErcjycobGdeucolwns fy;? M' JV was i ' Vgtoarulladw n ' . ;,J&,ar?et'f . of Ht!2cw -ecut;hdii C ' '&&)m v fair vindication;: ua . .tljft ? lhievwr were Inr a commonable way; M fM f J, ; f jwif tlea C. vwera''releascd " on VTwril ip"' Morik Wm& v- iiB weifcJTbewtedj. W? teWltOwo-aifntohu for h '4attkii confermdnt thereof upouTthe pro- f- 'n,oJdMgea;- Ey.cn adt old fill' - - .-:,wroVgi Titex.aro-fircqacu- lil IP' ai;o tobc;.Wtlf Tigfat, tiiero is a llM'li' p.P?f SdJegl 'tomcdy lo oor pta'tnep t . " 'f(HiilI such jRbusca,..if abiiscs wo, coude- Wy ' , JiidpadmU(ihcj8i- Bnt.Wliat has beck .Abaa provided,, A lawful on'a?, 'dj buah, arrtguB;pa '! JjfacVvoflgnq1nt f. iM.ii;yat Jad: ' -.Btt.asrdlM, Jla ia selff on- :t,v "bifpwctbaV.tbo chk'tjaW kaV-: if, t! iJiead qaartera ; of tbe ''Camp j ; j0da4afns'tbe Idea or.anjtbjDg ' 'llarla. Itls onr daty, of BrfiojdoaJifi jpswrty aVd giro ' "i ehpce'to JIrp yent-&ce at oor tc. :' M tha samo timo to revest bim, lu t,tbo widftall. epajojefjed xarrouml' ' big;taNtrjr.afid.be as hoijMt japS U$t rtbetfa,' Ja U proper aptijigba ! iaU'rrnptiotf ustlu piabj wlieu.' Jw bimwlf is the iaagnificeat emincd barrier ' - ln h"r wtb! He haa nearjj1 aerted aui aandhnadrjMW W ,twele thon- KKlMhTs kith t g ft cctr?S)SR;i to WW Sitjl'e jBicalaet 'ejaljiKttBi Jiat wmld rcflf ct tl most KlejprMtion Of tiawer opo Iwi jadiclal ccerf it a, murderer were arrestfi and trfctl by V"? own: tri banal, tbe MV w3 afways ri jy' to restore tlio reroltcr 14 ,tbe asafsiu and. vltlonily giro Win Jiceiase to make fresb iklhnitl tt a borsfrtlilef fa Araaedlwf t liberated with ccmplimcats, ajid tlte keya oC Btabfcs comftlltcd tb bis bands! TTct ifbis teas bawla abroad tbat there k m 'iastlco lu TTtnb. We; arc Only sprry rjtbat j kotaajw&Sftry, tlm lion b prctcntls to be.j Wo bare Said before and we repeat ' hA It la tbe dijty of tkc 6iccrs,we bate deated, constitatiortalty ;atid legallytij enforce tlteir1 or Jceisroaai A probate jtfilgc wbo bas a mun)ercr arraigned be' fora liiui, Ms the riglit to try bba upon a lawful lutlictiflciit and, oa bis conviction before alawfat juryioqrdei;liSaeiccuHon and see that tbe execution is coftsamfaatcd, I WId that out oWu jadges could realise ! tbcfr caHStltutloaal prerogatitcs, and iaaist ott altataig tbcm I The rigbt of appeal we do aot dcitf) lint tbat appeal ab'bald be lawfally. wade, tt way bo argaed agaia, as it kaa often ; tbat; tke Ariay Is at. the wink an4 beck of the federal jndteiary, Tossj lt weald nuke bat little diereie. We weald lwaor oar oaths, am! politely, faytta the riUcs and rcrolrers to keep capa 4f,. la! sack h lwe, w bJieyekey. waatd do i. ad. A great mistake aeeass to have, galaed dagree.:of proarfaency anoagst as., A feaii wljk is fitm ef parcbepeflt la jacket cornea , lltak, aad assacs at title to aristocracy, ami t aay instances to aapr!je dtaujrialshi., IJTe blk of bti asaamptlonHj aad lads a few believersi UiH ihe.ralSiig fact should eyer be borne fa iadt that appofutcd officers are simple creatares of the law Tlwjf obtain their comUsijons. b' favor; lieggary br'iraad, occasionally, we admit,btalenti ao waiter ,wkicl;r Ijalaturq la.commattded to - give.t!icnijihf!ir.bonijilSr Thepcople iriakc the hwa that govern thern. The Jndfclory are but thescryants of IcgTslatloo. ;t. Tof.brihg the: jnatt'er hofe?prnctcaliy JiomelL Whstconld "we rnaccqnlplDsh ''faffiil' ,ftntflicsrfjfcy?: JTooid there bc,a crime hjall tliecat calalogna iliatihas ben andf cl' "to the world in thq form, or.cliar9ag;ainat ''onr citizens, jhat, wonld'paHS forgoUea and In days gone by, whfen o had .Occa-alanally5 .Occa-alanally5 an Jjonest Jndfcihl officer wlw knew the law and his owh proper" Jmsl-ncss( Jmsl-ncss( we had the lieity of secthg Tpvll-ioere Tpvll-ioere meet their deserts, and the bnll and ehnin and the cjick'hig of fhp pick-axe oh i the bigkwajv, giving an- honest warning! to p";sscr3 t6 be industrious aad honest. As iuUhow,.etery' scoundrel Jian And a. bosbm friend and protccfor n--;thc; fcderuljudidaryi ind ca'n"iproraenadp. our broadways,, defying, the ."conccptratiba of ell ourjudicinl' AmlfiS; th Sliall'this, ittr;oXits7ronUn jShaH;'woJqVcycr: cqinpeiJctl,toweUct' .ondcr:'tljie.qfcncio Or shall we'ep'nie fprtli. like nieniikeVrec mcn,;ifco, ,VofftjbOTVt licn(o.jCipr rfghtSjT'and demand'tlie'purga:- of t;:X$MiMi h Tho pfppltbeVgreaP janswerth.tiStib SnlL . If tiiey$sjr jiefcrcommcrid thectd ana Vnd, iolhUjTorlbra family Vaudlafter a cafcfnV retrospection, bftbeir owafaws, demand tbeir eiiforcenie'ut ;fv " . 'Threats, roost; truly,hA?e: becu ieinadh that Probate Judges'-and. Shcrifi would .ba.called4oewuut;-jf enfOrco i:tbelr, decisioosi- Pshaw I such ; threats ;wero;b.vcfcTo.;u and' hud nb issub.. It will" .bo constitutional and honorablcl. What - Is.-Xho rca'son.wq hate' .often' hske'di yrn"t thercason We again inquire; i&Vt foreign apriutccsnrei5?Icct'cd for.qur Territory? Thcro Is aothlog constitutional constitu-tional ia the. principle. There is nothing ianuonorablo or properly" becoming a Vcpabllcaa form ofgovernmepC. Is' there auything peculiarly great or aiagnificcnt in the character and f'tnlt;utBsof thc,mcn Whd are appointed to occupy high" and Wspoasiblc positions lu TJjab? Shoican, at least, equal the best'-pf them la talent: She can favorably coaipare. wTthithem. fn Integrity aud . Virtue; n0,Kw1shs tp be yudcrstood; as-ukiug'-any pcrsoual charge.. 4Tuifluypro onr- j aelvcani our :jssiatlons,j compels as. to Bay'Jthat. for anyo&lco Jn 4ptoh, at jeast tlie ejjuaf brlUie best appoSnteocpuld have been, foundmong our good ofil friends at borne, ItLthajudicial appointnientsTOore particularly than ln all' others: should the inost critical wisdom be undo use of In thajselection. The judiciary are looked to as conservators pf the peace; not ns promoters or broils and disturbance. They ahoold bs uppo?prt to bo men whp had a cqamofhtyrcfit In. fpift6Splift , whosa Mdsl they occupied ft bench; men wfb clalmrtt the "ipritllegeo'f i general exrfeitiiatiott- They sbPuhT he ntcn whb wotthl Seek tb magnify and Jion0V the Jaws of he country of their ap ppiataieiit. t?of those who ,-w;paldf Use tb'r best tfeblc, very feeble, Menfs.to abro gate and nullify them all. jOive us.bat once an honest jndicfnry In Utah, aiid'TJUfi will purge, 'herself front i every accusations ' |