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Show On thtEatt Side oUtitenJiiuareQ.SL; C, ; ADissiOK' Of .SCnCduARSi r tit 9lk ppAprttf'1itxtt TlMAca'deirty Will te nder thi. cenwl VupfrtUIou.of Pwfidr.jORSON VIWTT; l.WiU corarainee wlili,M?iir. ORSON PJlTT; job., and JAMES COUU, m TeacheM td wliofo aid oilier teeb will Le.addrd whenever when-ever the number of BchoUra may gender it rtquiillr. ' ' . t A , No tul. Ion will be chargf d.to thoe wli(i ttody iAlbrii, Siireyljir,:'or oUiehlisherbwhcheijof MlhmticAtroncoir.C!ieiiiUtry,Miwi'slo;:y, Geoiuey, sua Modern "Lattngef, which;, with whatever elte m"y b' lenw; ll l expected will be taught fend learned la'a tlioroiiihty practical maimer, tit which Instruments, ChenjicaU, Uc will beurnUlieil, v U l elo dtilgued. as refthtly ns practlcsbU. to jiroyWe, toaoron extent, 1o)lrued fn the diffr-tiit diffr-tiit inecfiorjittl idjaitrnerit1, and ilie !Ji Btndeni.w Piiroithiiity to Jva'rn their jue.and at tlie .jama.limei deelop and preserve their jibT3iCl'enerjler' " Those whp with Jtaatlendtlw Union Academy will please In gi50 notice therepf hnmeJialely, for Ihe iihalara tQ rael) tearhn will be limited lo the number he can properly take charge of andJn'itrucf. "if ? " BRIGtUMVyOUNCJ, Sen. 1AVILL pay Cash fer Duller. Ejrge and Poultry, dellteted at my reaiileace In the 17tb Ward, ' one liniira eit of' the Union Academy. I have aj;uod Hode S.eel Plow (nevf) for aale clicapj . it U toady to pul In the ground. 'i JJAVID WILKIK. G. S. T. CUy,r.b. ai, 1880. ST-Sl 1 " , i; ".:;','"": . v, - tltAVEBV ' CAME io teyiykM.lri h3fa Wttd .lent the mUdit of Deeerobrr Ja.l, a black STEER, two year old tbl aprin bf aind.not bt( tin ear mtl(f(iTi white" wilder fore leg. Tbeewoefk, tMaeffeit to. pforjt prepertyi pay, xnee and take iCftwaVi''',;' il ;', T.O AlA ,. WHOM-..-'-IT-V Mly XWILL, euarantee lo traiismlt FUetaitT. tfie;enalU,aeaidri?rrSm;th -j ?, A ' oq the TpllSWirig 'lerm; 1W P "f ' v J Florence ..;; . itr w Frelftht Money .Intartib'Iy lo b paid in Advafics' . " ''E. "!&. YOUNU, ' , FoyBle;-2(J- yot f Good;Wotltln OXKN,ni?'Vtwn w three firtVfafe AUONSj Hbr rallot, cht . InrjutreLot the StibacWr. ' a. '. v ' . . BIU VOUNfii ntt. Wardi G.S.L.CIlyj near- the Tabernacle., -tr: ' . 'sliAKP IN HAND g. B A It E: Rr, 1TAKE plcaittr'lnnnneunc!n;Jolhe puWfe that 1 am atlll ntteoding toniybuslfiesj at tnei - A $xt - '"..s , HAND IN HANDRAKERt"4 On JXali Sirttt, cj.foe JfiXptPS STOREf Aiid cooatantly keepon hand a. Nov I article of Lf;UlBad, rreihefer'da,!!'i.,. : v, :,: Buna, Paired Cakei,'TA Cakejil Bntler. Milli; Ginger Nnt, JifmWta, Eple, and Hoi(en IWo th nnd ReedMi Rock- Caket, - Cfaekera . . Mince Piee end Dtop ,0kt, Ilardkflrtad, Appla Pie and: Cheatw Ceke, Bwla St other Peaeli Pie,-Ciia1rd . '7 f I'BiJCUite " J t "Sid,, Sot,- ' ra'adetoorder v-In conneo'lon .wliii the'abqvlhe.pbl!c:ean be accommodated at; all 'RE A S O N A BXiB 'HOURS Wiiri ?&?-Vfi3 f. z ?v-Hoicoflve abd yPL f ,j Stewtd'OyaUMiandaraineji . " ,-'"'tIIam.and' Egii',v sit ' , ' ''Vs ,V i-? i-? h .rKoaat Beefi,;,A.;''i ,? ;i.;?; 0eef .8ifaW,M'f '-j;-;.:3- v'ivj Jnfact.a good Lunch,,oa reaorabfeitm;l prepared and ROt.np nn. ahfirl rnottcei. jrll;, no trouble tnwatt oeaijtorrtefot tM-'vffJ'.jV v -" ftfe$D' fAig-Piffi Ilavlnarafwayaon hnnd iheoMtiloiiU thetntr-l;etafTord,nd thetntr-l;etafTord,nd a long exptrlehce la the buinee,r Hatter myelf ope able-lo. please my friends arid tbVpabllc grfheraliy wllh 'eornethltijj good loeaf by jrpeatifcg their visits,, of len tbey led inclined, al the ' , KAND INJKANB BAKERY, AND, 's v-'V-W .. BEsfAUMt:.',i;f;,. , - f t-"''?fif''TlEpGRRIGv . Iwill Uak -a'tpef fine FJoars. -Graiji, 'Batieri .EseaChVeietBeef andPk.jthing Kecclpt", Vooii'-Pot'atoej.Ceah'aid, Store crdew la fx? hanfd'rlhe'abovfl.corqmodlllee.'eo lo give tetvbody'cha'ce to pfciibalr the, ,P IIKUU fm'-nfaw BAKERY" AND RES: 'A TAUJt ANT . - i TtieJraTe)ll"a8;dp:nim.nHy arenteo.laTlti'd (p ijlre ro n-'rhtKfoVthfir outfit ec'rcM the'plalne . wlllt thel'-aVfTofjllfe?.?,,, . . Beroe'mher llepiscdj npposile .Njxon'it Storer STiI&:',contipu IrJ jihe-MAnKny and can he fouud'at,lheVclil,atari'd:of JeaacTlfOQUbank, . Vine, dnoT-.B6nth.o"f ';LivlogalonrBBt&.Co. Dn' Main Street,.whe.h"6jrern.'Vu'peilor .qualify of illef;MUtfo, Eorle.jSe'flbejivSanagM; CitvfiiijEi, B-ttteri rrdl,Bicojjp'raUo,W,' and ; ;ll.imilexrra ,drld,i:the purdiase'of-Whlchf l.e call Jhe.allenllon ef ,hl":frier!Vaud 'ctpmeri "GlThhnn'c'all.! - V MS '-r- -',:..: y:.;-i ,Tiloe liidebfedjo lilmaje.riapeetrully. Invited le'calljitioV ''jiyj npjor.cjoe their 'icco'iint by lflafefelio;! Wif"yiiS" s"a. inn, bioj BEG. io-lnrorm tYte Farmera and PubL'o In general Jbat theyreeeUlogthtlr , " SPLENDID STOCK OF STAPLE Vlti'S&ir&FS, 4-c, 'yc., Law forcajh rready.pay,5.cteTinlhed't9 rnake room for y a'ne'vvitoek.thla aumhjer; their pricca will, bo fouhJ ieaonable, Callarid' enmrnrf no tronhli aliewlne epda. ,, -Teap,beet rialiiy.from.?! 5g.l&$2,00 per lb. Sugar, 3lb for 'one dollar 'Coffee; 35' cents" per pound, t' 8tate: NHllf;30:cenU per pound. . ;Vithrifry. other article in proportion. A fe Hodge; beat Stiel Plowa, at T5cU.per Jb -Alp' Flour,. Cornr Meal, Coriv Barley, Oatt, .CbOpped Wfieit fof Vale.. J VfTMDEnS WD' PEDLARS Will find it tfiifrlnlereal tS pre;n n'talt before pnrchlln eUeythere,' - 26-tf IJ tab . Merchants 'm4 iIei. BACIfflAlV & CO., r 3;jakbv-isroiv..r3, LIQUaS,: DRY' G-O'ODS, . .vUp'LQTHIN.a, jlOprS $ SJIQES, AtfD GRAIN, OFFER their, LARGE ASSORTMENT of anllebW far'lhe1 U,T A It M A lE ET, at Ttxn whleh cannot fill to- enmr aatltfaetlon. HK.AcicsniiTiiiifo inr Auh-iTa ' . KANcii9.'. " ;, . H C JACKSOtf will be on 6nd 1 accoea-4, accoea-4, tnodale hi filenil and huroera t hi Xf4 Slatjd, ' ALLO8 HAVtthere he httpes, ' tric(, nltenllbn U bBeliiew tn'. he worilty the prt6ge of all who want jjeal.Wdf k none. f Aecotjnt,',ef Ion ltamftW WlU'be colIlVd IjlEGIeairefo fnforirt.mi.fjrrend iht the , pubHo"eertraly,thit.I hae; aectif d the eetvtaea of Jotiw Powitix, nn of the best turncra to be found la the Territory. Hiving had; con-elderablo con-elderablo xpi;tenatv lie cati larn oqt all kind of jvofk In tle.fir ty lev Gte n' calf, and you will be aulted In worli alid pilcr.. ' ' l- BedateatJe,' Tables, Chalra, fcc.j nlway on llaad, for aaleat reatonabte ratra,- - ' EiM.,CASTI3thWt, On State Road, half a, block north r Emigration Slrtei; !d oppnl(e llman Hyde'- 17-if :'V IX TKAN VAST. ; THE naderaigned.havWe had albnjf experience tn.the.husinea, would reepfctfully Infoirn hie frleadjrnd,the people, of Utah generally, Hat hltbn.ndiomakeout, f- POWERS OF- ATTORNEY LEASES, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, and all other deciirtiente.of,' like chaactet alao 'aPPMCATJONS FOR (PENSIONS, movntyzaNd: and other claims on Gorerninentmade otiion tfce shortfit : notice. '. , - : . He lconnecteirrwltli reaponaltlpr6r.'!,wne will prornlly;atfend to the la'thd United States'andln Europe.,' , . , fhS(a iliargea mirfe for'pny .Itifortnalton he tnay ,tie'ahte to cpmmati(can: tlieae ubieotrtony" jf on whp way farorhlih'Ttltfia call. IV.X' .-By :a trlct arid rlRtd attentlqn to buslneaa.'he ttbpef tdlrecetve n liberal tfiaf e ot public patron, age. Fr referencff in rrijafdooompleiice, Integrity In-tegrity and jnat'deallu refer .tn,aiiy perDU who hai bion arquainted.wlthUimfor I the laat. ten bj gfteeh Veare-, '' .' Nv, OFFICElii Geol'Ctonyn'& Ca.': Store, eVn of the bWT,:TempleJ3treet,'0: S; L. City. if " -GEWGE GOimAitD'S .,Artt.o,2VtcniV.JI..'' H r i!'"--- " i- - , For IftMance, Sugar, 30 ets. per lb. fj- . -BeafTca,.St 50 j)r.lt. , . K S A bdifle.ot Ink and halt. : hulre ;of rj, ;WritIn2"a'uper forJ"5; t'eV'andevery; g . : AiiiguielntUe sloteoiilUeVawqfpot- . Iti:l VANDI;BE WISE: -S EOIIGE GODPARD has jnst jre.ceived vDT lam 'ejiptdy' "fiE4thBperao raatti ainef Uarpei' undIireT,-.llltiaWo.(ed .are "excetlcnl;!. -?' - ty .VEUXBOpyle nUle?Ao;jurhaaal AiscHcyHna''Commiss f E ? wp1?. St-roVpoait iftjfeV "c RuaeelL j. ieirrnerhrapck.prluie, iS cfilsperyardjgood fasf-cotor madder iff ate froin45t'i;nt8pery,Ardj lileached mu"alhV,lrttn llSJcc'titeper yardf " ' Avcbro'plete aMbtimehr of j Tmwa'rp;- Bon!, jiad JShoea jbf every; description 'tt'ine Gun-pow4;.r-ndntii leas cbeapyVA 'cbolceijo"t':o'f Xiniey.Catton4deSaUuette,jKfe!lb iiiWe.., sktfiy!lIitCapii&c;vCiCa?'? chMpeetSCemeandaeeif.;.-' ..... , "" -Wneat,JJjrley, Cortfj 0ti:BnlterEiKa"and. Chwa?,tHkerior.BOOd;C CliOSlW O Oi.ll.T.-?-C!::II.EA;F WMvNIXQ'N, miIANJKFUI.to hla old.friendsiprflbeiibtrel X. share of .patronage he baa received fronr the ffl, wlariea to call,tbelf atlenlou la. hl well-aitorted well-aitorted Stock of j WINTER CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Mutts and Caps, Crockery, Groceries, Dry CJ.oous, . " !&c , &c - - Also, for Sal.!! kind of GRAWf, at eatMirket Pilcte.and a UiLti of A,.No-1 FI.OUR. 1 A largeM6t of MACKIffA'BLAMJETS for Sale at cost. - ,. Aho, 25jCases of BpOTS,,hyi the case, 6 coat srid'frelght. " . ' . . . ... -?Ait wlhtTclose oat my present Stock of Gopdaf Country Dealer andrJmlltM will find it o their adyantaae;to e'c-ni ,0 ?.Ha1,J.t7A " quaHty and priced WMNIXON. 1 City Scrip taken'. . ' East Temple S tree t, G. S. L. City i - AtSO, IT P A J RFlJX' - NeafCamp Floyd, hi elock of 'OsneMl Mri chapdize will he foBhilnurJajed. .hvanyj either In price or.qualjiy- yM.,lAO. Fairaeid; Ceda"r Co., U.T. 2'.tf STAGE AND 'JEXPBipS IBEGeare to hiforrn The Iraelftcf mihjhj .pa I hare porchasd U JACKMAN, f ih'e rraht to run n STAGE ami KXPRESa to, abd'frdmVCarrip FJoydf ahd ihat.P arn piepsred to 'carryipn- the bostnesat. appertaining tbi ; , Ihive now nnnJnc,.a Jit-)veftly Kn liittlug ffoai G,.S. t' Cllyto -Ctnip FJ0Pd. nn MnAdayS Weanesdaai,d8aturd.y,t 8.a.rnx :Bnd leaVln"Camp;FJojd '0 -'lWy, hnra-day. hnra-day. and,3unday,,pf;e5jj;wek,at 8 e.rn. r ' NoMteri will be received, or earrTed, by thl? Ithe except the Pottja U prepaid, on each letter 25cent' v v.-v ' - - kS, f i, AH pafir? haffgpie,,.welUnB Vfr4q pounds wil, Jib eharKed.aJJ.'1 I1?-?' FHVV PAtl package wtlgfilig under 10 pound tyW be taken forSOwoia each. ? 1 All over 10 jirJunds will be taken attbirate qI 5 cent per pound. "7 J J - The.underaigfted will cot 11? responaible foi anyTriint, Package, Parcel, or any other speclei of property whatever, except receipted for bj his agent at each end of the mate, A Liberal ahare of public patronage la earoeilh lolieited Office at Mean Hoekaday and Bart' Store MIn.Bt,-,Ga.lVCr. f . ... U tf PHIL AKUPR BELL,r.optler9r. TAKSKtsV lf rh subeeriirerl tnwlf fettf HH yer ojd STEER, mostly white, with red spot on l"de and neckTear redi erop off of rt$hr, with aar!r:rjtuit!ftiim N1iradi ill rijible. The owner, U raneled to come, prote mSmm propetty, pay caar;eMl f . , fMi MOUSE AND WIT Vs SA'tif,'; t " ." ; mW OR to be LET. foe .two fair,, an ht ' i , T , TVm roomed adobfe.lI.O0SE In ,tlie lth;Wrd ? .v , ', ' MM wellfifUhed,wtthg;cVdrafyndfnMfahei.'. " Mmmi, gooil orchard.well locked With frnit tree. , 1 . ' 'jMllsu Tetms. .reasonable ah r teck good,-. ' aHI wagoh- fief refuie.l. . . .'ji s' ;.jf- .-Rffifl Apply lo Mf..3 adbar y' ea the presal,,. MSNj' V ft A CHANGE TIM IWMI 'a-, 'f ' , HAa"purclae4'tli' well aeeortta oieckf vW " -1 ' v' 1;J . goods of "'W 1M IMiixK-Ktrfiatt.tsc :'.'.? .fflj 'cona'a'hgt of rteady.ad"e, ClethlBg (tncladlri'; "f , ' -W "' -ftln la thai list, firat cls-dreeV, frock, and over- "U1. ; : J C' i'mi cnt), a giaf ratlely :ol the Jtt tyl of;j ? 1 Kwm Prints, Hi, Csp, bleached wdyDoaetlcf KJf i'-- , f wmM Llnsejre. jeati,HoniefpaiJs, Hosiery ofllknd.:,.,,': -;6 " vlfffl kidrhiickVkla,ilk,nd.thread gloves; Boole and 'Prt&rfnf , fsftM Shor for ladle, gentlemen and children ,ni v:.J. ,vs M' fflvM Tea pf alt good kinds; Coitie, 8ugi; eeiiy ...s" , variety , of' desicattd' vegetable,; ' ,'-;, ;''"f's: , 'lljl " , ipjcKEEfr, ' " 4 'A mm WIN E S,, JQItAlpil'SgwrC ' 1 ft ' :;fiv;',bf.th'bcatfjnamyji. ''.-;f v''iV'-c: ;ulw fhwhlky,''''cirdiai al, J 'fIf 'fe '.Ckctile$'Mrn,,lfmim .4 ' V'-- SMI ancf ja, faet Fancy Groeettef of- every erlfi - : 'Msi a-line assotlment cf. "tihwarf . .. ff .1 Ml Ware, and Baddle-ttlaisfllngsj Veast rewderf, ( f and plain and fancy Soaps;, bunting aw sht; , .?.. ', JaC appurtenaueee; . Irtchullng, powdery wsdj ea?,;i , " 'Mimrc and alt kinds nf. ho'f MedlcinWj lhelibl pas, '.; f WMI iofiOW, Patent- Pill nd Sltler aad AcMef - -- ; 'A ffiH Sta loneryr-enveldpot, letter, foolscap and notei., y " ,; '.A -s pareud.Mtte.andbtsckJuks.Jesk.wad.&e ;s ; f ,x 11111 --Together wllb what generally bea tb jaana y . V'-sti 3',. ' -WM of Yankee notion, and that adoM-Wtftt' , .'V YMn o,d.ndV MatsBn, Hsr - ffl P.S-Caltle taken In 'changJor Good., '--K ;' fSffl Also,.'Ywunared Mule WanteX, ; T; . '.f 'Vv S?kATbBS f . ESPEdTFixYrr .3; ,4!M Jht;ti,VuiA4-thBt'-tbejfhavgow w. ,i ? B 'usttAheabbvqam'ed,place.BBd onclUB.au 5 nf. their )fat6MgeV;i ' tS" -HB;arment.cutr-':T . T ,X -i M mHE advaactng-proipetlty 4t'the,citytao -r-v, IfiH J,,;HhV.cbusrtfuenrca WfltaliwlihMit:'. - ..4; -W otnrtlstlct&te.:ha6 Induecd fcas.y 'M'a0WOT0S:-0l?t - ill ,- -l( - prtTJyrU.entiV-IVrf?'rM,v 1-'S, fif; wo tio If wierTef.cKtalfaf 'fbliji, 11 can he-taken antf prcctved for etrn fg.; j, i; ta i Atitbli; Glly portrait omrbt t akeBa., K.Mr breaU-pirefajidarge.-eniuBh to. decorate Uw , g i JthS,45,,,K ,.?WI,;';". r "f 2 ill try ' -' .. f.-Tj. . - h Mill A;very:targe'-st6ckf6fj-;nd.fci ' I fe? ljaod'lo'aultlbejfaTiedfaaieotcastpraer ; jfS .While as r a'riht. thpyrgard::ihir.I,eaji ' 411 cindlpone.andmelyeriualledtt.thelrjpro fesslori, leyaU6rcalcalafe;tn'h iBtlvalt er- excelled in lo.Trice: .-v-sv'-Jjl1 . .iff Cbuie and ee tie at our. Osllcrys , . 5 ? " ED .'COyiNGTON?Jk;CO. , ' f ! Fsr-Alsoj at CAMFLoYDnVcM li i ind commodious gallery 1 -open lo thepabllcg tcM and their patdnage.follclledther. , " -IJHli 1111 'i!1;.' '! '. '. ... ... I. .. . .'iip? " I ! ,,-t41iip.;- . : - EiSTEtt?? ' LMPORTATIONi . f J rwdwm ; SI BEGatmf6rroJk;publie.that;hec - g ii keeps.on Ijand l- fy lj g A Bccff'Pisrk M8tti,iBalM f VeilsbB8asageB;;Lar;;IoTtter- Ml- ... t sSTREETr - . iff; and li.prepaied ,o accommodate aM who may ai-'a favflrliunlih"Mrtsnafifi.:-ilS , f:f- J wi;EXwA.;- ' -mm Keep constantly on hand a .large' assottaaent -of - ;; KtjL is " fiMveiL Ifoi Extr,-Ttaaoie'Vraktp rfi $10 and $12ldlr' Jlpr,$a,-75; C,i3l mi ' Cowj.ia :Mea tieavy tpganat -. l; 't :Warranti;hlJnoota and Sboea-to weitojtbe -My. saUafaciloB tof pmchsatt? '.Gtvelltlatvlk : kertTconsTlantly!ni'bw Jlf! ; -:'? CAt;r SKI , 55 ' W& atJoWprtee'Si atiK weItiUona''BOLEn4 . jk-fl upper' ' 1 - li ID;W'.)ESNIliGS'w.ouW"aa tnhW'Mead , and patrons, call aad-teitle,: M;yoBtJiaT,nct mfci money toeloee yourcecrunt,caU and elosa by tmlA du.bdi. -Agf . |