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Show f' S (. , . . ; Oe. Liat f, AgestS' w, el esttf, got p raihar hastily, pd WS" hsve httn neeeWtaled .o sorare aad'Wtfce H, pMtly baii V after-4ai after-4ai ltarftej lht ohw el them Ifd aei feaid-M feaid-M thei pkcee ipecMledi 4 lbf cesfd not at-lead at-lead id thVageney ainlM "wiA those gWen' he!o w tc rapor ( Is f, a early as oialbl?, wbefhw they 'earu a ad Wre wHIIrtf to, set ft Agenlai and, fM, the tiosiVer ef pafer, they wlh' Bi te seud ihM resfectireiyi , Santa Clara, Jacob H-atHi. Tjqaelllr, JoAuT. WiIm. YirilaCltf, .AnJrtw J.Slroa, WtilBtt.D; J. 0. MtCWIoUKb. Jiantwn. ' - wuiuaaRiDayUr Iltofo COONTYt . .nIItnTi, SimUflH-fcolltoa, Cad-tCltjr, Htabata T.Kontt, Jobnon' Fpt ' xim Johwon, rr4wa J-BJf Ty-wU. ' " Priwll, Krl.KnUn. . BEAVER CQUNTVj 18ir-f,. Chrl' W. WMtdttl. . mtrtI1l, J.mn H, Kolliat. 'Ma'tiCfilrr wimimXl'ns. OeUftrS-rlo., D.tua.-it. , 3AN JPPt-2 C;OUNTXs.: Vnntl. O-ttrTV ifia)tX Fmi Kptinlra, . 'Jma T. H. AIirtJ. .Matts.t'ivaaaatt ' . Wimirn Setlj. f . 'jHHit, 'B. WHja4ler. ' Nfptll, - - .S-WittlfclttOB. ' , , .EiCEDAH'CO'0NTy;ff- asr' ..',.. OTAH COUNTVrJ 1 OoheO, rtllD W, Cook. Siouaaln, Wni. McBiW-., Ttjim, v . wmuia W Kat, Pond Town, , D. PRifity. Sfuhlnh ForX, - . KtThBrber. RprlnXTllI, ' ' Abrbm.Ijf r-ruoCltr, ' 8UaSmlHi. m-int flror, ' ' W. JSeriMV, ' ikcnr, r. v,n. HwtuH, , johil Browtt." ,4Iplo'OtTi -JalJ.yiiWf, , . (3HEAT SAVT lake county I Oatdnar' MUU, . aiauaih ErPrlll. .David JmMt - I'oioo, warrnJ... Harmon . - - - " Willtumf WaUIaa; Hilt 0rk. Frank etr. , . W mhi dratk, R-nbnnraw : T-lonllj, RmBl BaonlOn.,.. 1 TOOEtSJ.COUNfYj,, . 4. ' Tola citr " wi B- KIT Or.nUVIlle, ' , , A. 0. Bffiwer, Kit. cur, " otmu K. B.K. JMWtlftf,T- " . .' ;W. S. illilr, ' OcnurTllia, Jtfot J. 4iodJirJ. w.-iit JmMUUblna'l. . Vrsalntt"8 LotSniHh. " ,KitUly tmrutopb-r Ujtm .' WEBER COUNTY'S . odto, '. tO..w.-wti . Notitr 0ft-n, -Tbraa,DBnn. HtitW.beri ' ' IV J.' Oiborn. 8auiU.Wkr, , vmchardpook; v. t-v . ,BOX-,EIiDER COUNTY ." Brl-him CUr,?, - O. Jmen - - ; JTurlb Willow Crtrt, . i Salmon W.rntr. , . , tCaebe Taller-. , J JamaaOiWlill.; '. t GREEN RIVER-COUKTYj ' , fort grldf., .y Wm.A-;0rttrf J ,CA'RbN;COUNT,Yt thomaa'Xoott,, "y - John kifrninba. - " a u.t i " ? At IFOR.l A c iP-ialama. Oonntf, " 1 Otorf a .WOnas,.. J ' .: V 'f-l V KOMoiB : J, - r I SHALTj appjj- to the County Court at lla next rfgula'r 'ternt; Iftgrii6it?t5 mei'the-prlvlleg. of, jroitfclnglth!Co,,l, hdt- recently dlicosered by me. m Co8l.Creek.Katov.nm 1 , , ,:. - . ,-,u .3 . joint sprigs,, . G.S.L. City, Augi 29, 1859; ' " S-4t 1 ..-.f :t r. .. ON 'Mo'niv'iKlnaUnt, from my yard, 13ih iWairdSlX ltE AD of OXEN, branded B E oii left ld; ni;sliorri;-fourl-if thera branded M 9n left shoulder. . ' -ThS finder will be Uberallir r-warded, hy de-Uveilng de-Uveilng Ihesai to m U. HOOPER, S-2t IDneref.Nowa, please Insert oaee.J , WE W I AGUE It HE A It Messrs,: Siurgess $r Toy, r HAVE JU3T OPENED a Daguarreaa Gal-)rv, Gal-)rv, at" the old' stand, jast eoulh ol Godbe'a Drue Stole, where lhey are prepared tc take Daguerreotypes, AtaVratypt1, M-leano-type. &c, lo'lhe Jafet and eaoat approved atvle Mr. Slurte baa for Anawbarrot year pad beeu erj-aced'ln aoBB of Jhe fint geJlerea; of London, NeV York, B.ouIS nd iliewhere, andj tborottfihlv acajuatntei.wlth all tbe'lale lm-movement lm-movement in ,the ert. Hevtni ot" barvd s well selected aiiorfmeut bf Caaea, Plate and. Fittings, they flatter 'themselves' that, by a itiict attemlob to oual-ea, Jawy will be. able to obtain a' liberal aharecf pabUCfPatraaage. , .. - , Be? Plclare taken, luTarfous style. II r 3-U, 0. J.f TAYLOR. ' BEWARD. 1 !h: OTRATK0 or STOLEN from Wto. n. ttMpalerd O iroond.i on Wbr titer, R two jttr' eld nstP8t.DI,0ALr Tb htlrer brt-44 In a tlrcli on l-r-.MnMtr; iwd belMlnrlgnt er.. - "' Wborr n intona m. ol U wbtrbo aai4 o,u4 rilf,sl4J tfo ao and receive t) rawtni 'f-'t 0,a,jcitT,Aef.r,"i3.. . ,.!. . trj, ii ; M f . . t . . is e;. jsmMPit miuwn rTHKI ....l.nuJ trj is AM wti,ai ii-Kk ssartf o'- M,ta'f-r4taw--ae(, wfcefettra tnl irtpi a s tffti ot' brfawH tm (mhU far ' .They wW aes saeM, eats f work Hfl eti .a. - "TWIIIAS COWOitNj t f HENRY TRIBE. I i ),' j li I ) 1.1 n'.iil.liVQi iili.7 r mi. j i , I I ft AS 'CttEA A THE CMEAfKlT, ANb is jtosd " Ihs test, at the, otci stand .wet A'Tjlr's Sc. Sob 8lfN of tbe IBB" mtreha'F i row Int cif auflerior CASES, L0CKET3, BREASTPINS, ioVai UiW. now faaWeaabW ptfee o( -'COS T aricT FREIGHT'? IJaanowaVU ths variouaf.Phnto-crapli variouaf.Phnto-crapli c Pifltrire-fiicbsf AmhrotyMa, Wela-(as-I ypee; Leather'.Bad Ppef Typ-a.al much lower price ttM I(bave durir)fr"lheyeat (it. gyjCa4l at eximlne apeclme na. W.,, ... iit CANNON. in i. ' . , .i i i . f 1 ,-"i ; .. ' L' GKGKGK CttQTHUH Ac C. ' HAVIN3 pwchaf ed thx.well a-iecled'atoeli Ot.it, Si jeidfedge Sc. Co., 0(B-Uttrj;,tf Dry G6da GrocerleJ, Har.d"waW&c,.b'-fJae to y they Haver nsw opened tr Rpfd at Ota. C-oujnV old stand, near BishOftHauters.U.S.L. City, arid clKr iheca at retaiU They assure lb public they' have put price at a low fijure., Yea are' invited to call and examine, The1 Stock eon?t In part o , SknjtUs Bry Coeds, GtiOEUIES- . II ARDW1RB) OiM-ftrttr-SGMtiiie, Alceliel, WIhIw GIb, Hay ami IWakHrc Ferku, Skovcls, Sparfcs,. Scytk;a attsl SiaatH&, Cettem Vara aaii JOye Stuks, &c 5 If TERSi .Caah.or ready pay. xil . , PRODUCE, OP ALL KINDS SECElVEp-g-tf ' ' .- D . A M Y, HAVING reeen'ly returned from the Biafern-. Biafern-. jBtatea, .bringing veith, him a- iwge.arjd u periur supply of TIN, COPPER. And belnp; fully: prepared with1 Tool, and firit'Ctai mechanics, respectfully a'alcs hia old friend to call, and ?a litin and 'renew their patronage, and invite lbae wto hove not glvfu ill alocli and mechanical tkill a trj-1, to calTand i hfrh,. tCJ To be found-Jit jittpwn tare on E-it Temple 5?treet. . . ' S-tf ' r. S. GODBE, r . dlEIbilST SlRfl DUUOGIST, East Temple Street. A' '-I. rleUet of Pru-f, tent UtdlelDf, ttMn jfiL Olli, kc,,corillnujlr on biui" ft-epUMBrompi)-'nacaMioraiTrt.--.I-tl' . ;" ' "" ' '" - " ' i '" " "' - FRANCE AND jLlfSTUitA. GOODS At COST AND CAllRrAQI : HZIXft!LT CiilXf . r n tifKOrixsiix' fcrm thWbife tnf na: A-cn Xli hnd etitilce iorlfii-nt"uHlr)-:jAfiH naOroctr- which, will b oU at lb lowit fltorti. , . Emlirniiolnt Eut or Wmi tttVbi afcoram tt Hlh all th-y .rtqnlre, of tbe b?( qutUir and "at 'lbe, low-M prlc inctt ai Com, bacn, tin war, ptalrlo finitiinte., tf . w ' " ., , t-wvia.strttt . ,,3-f". - WATCHMAKER, JfEWjEEElt,&ci auoTimWioctRVsoutub ' '.- 1-tjmxo?'at,oR'!ai'" PROUPT alteotlon pUdYo all c'r'dar,' and'a full -npptf ot mttrlal ciui4Utlon.hn!l. ". . ' IK-: .- V- .'' r ; f" i . if -. -" ' ii , . ... , .'t -' ' f? '! TIlTOtrtn rPcHnllrlnr"rm bla tlnd that ba.yfl . W hnMa f-h - We Ot 8IAJt,:XAST, fJCatrjCK STREET. . ; . ' ' ' , 4 AIEORIXCt JDONEi AT THBJJHbRTKaTjroWOB., Xlobd aupWir beavj CtOinS, uUabl rarttants, alrrajra en band. Bock'tm Pantii Coatf, &C, nlida o order. . Vul PaiUrnaof tha iaIHI laahloo. - -T, ' ' "Cntilnl done in order. CH.iRDES KEASO.(. AB1.E;' f'a fltra Id.b, eallun. - " ' C li.A V !' E.-' TPWlTITJlS as-' IK AIL ITS VAWEnaS, CARRIX& ON iX'.COK. , nection witii inB prricp op T H i. ' M 6". U! K T t"t K K C K : HAND: BILLS, i - - T. i "j ! POSTERS,- 5 - ' , - ' ? v"- - BLANKS, " ! , ' CHECKS, ,,-tvi. RECEIPTS. ' CARDS, Ac, aieiVi I , ' UJKJSCfUrBD. Oiv: rJ2 SHORTEST NO-' NO-' y TiCE.jtT FMR fUTES. ,:'ioo2 irrinG' DojfE -Vt .THE JtfOST: APPROVED ixYXBV f.t -etKe iTHrtM. Senl- Co.. fwj, 53. ,,.i,r--.s Him "im 1 ffnTiMi i, STOUT lEAIft tSIdUSOJC, AfTAMNEYS AT tAW, rrrjttatit4to anBin-tntrtli?t.toifc-a'-l the iVV( tlWM - t . - "OIlFtCE, COUNCIL HaUSfc : ; , . Wj wtli atnd pfortlr t t&tltl!on 61 all BMT3 or ACCOUNTS fnUBwl tf Our cra.i i ;.n,-,.i ;r ' ' JfiCBArV JltMiDi;P!WI, , FLGTjlt, PEED AND PROYIlOff! iaix rtKM'KCTrOI.tT'l-.tpno their frlenda and ih pnklle, JtC lfa'a".Jlr hare ofrened a atari on'Eailtempt Strati,, wwi eid-r Slt,tt Our. -- at -all Uma rtay found' FLOtR, ORAtrt AKB FEEB, wlllfb wilt be entd IrtW for 4b or rxcliahe fnfUMt all ) o hand, Mboica,iwnm-nUr GROCERIES; A M(a of blrohI aollt tedi Atrar "a Bd,Cbt,lc article brAi.LEK'.rLQUB. l-tf .J?AK(Ktl nAU-BKa UNITED STATES MAUL COACH MR THE CAPITAL! ASEMI-WEEKLV tlNE, katWaan Bait JUk Clt-..a(d,rillinore. the Btaa-acontajtEj the MlTBD STATES I A I tS WUl,ie-.T Sail Uka.CUr and Fillmore Poit OfflcM er-rr Mondar and Tburaday, at ,m. and make tk trip tbronab tn tbree daj-a. . . ThoM dmlfooa or.trarellns with aatety and apeed, to and from lb Southern art or tbeT-rrltorr,,wiU il wtll to a rail th-rol( or tw ctpportnntir. PARS From Salt LA Kt CtTV to MOVO 00 ' SAi.rOara a oo, - , rrtt-toneciTv taw Tar to b paid or arranknt pr at the time of atartinB. All Basgaaea oi nirou, taken Xj paM-n-r, charged etr, , JOnif H, 01.1,VJKKt 'lit - ' Contractor AUCTION JN1) iJOMMiSSiiE a. is. sxaasas ci ao., - HAVB opened an Auction and Commlaalon Store, ri'ext doorrn llockmlar ?. Burr, wh-i tb-r wlU'atltai PUBLIC AUCTIO.ViktneratVarWtTof Mrchattdl, iich all klnda t Dry Good-, GrticerlM, tfaiota and Shoee, Ilt, CP' and CloihlnH In 'abctt, every kind ot Goo.l uuiliy roaodln a Xtitt Stora. AIo, at Ibelr". anetlpn block .In irobt of Iba prrnlV. IIur,C'lll,iltile,'WWiflrn' fc"fcc. , MT- ACCTtO.V EVERVBAY. pl - I - fc. U.. nASaittT at 'Co- T.Si WlttUUS, Aoctlone-r, ., ,r beware or. ppiso-trii . YOO can nave all yonf want' aypplIM VltH- the: pnre dew "front th MOON, $t pat.-8tton-Boeta;, ptr i plnUbf, applying to AMBS BROWN. 1-t. '' -r' -T HthWatd. " ,.:'i AMES k 3ARLtfW., : :. '" GOtD. AND fsiEV.EKSMITlii.f FIRSt DOOR EAST OF DESERET STOREi TiJtOBAVtKO n-atly-emttproniptty'atteiMtfdWfc A J ItMtt autiply ( tnalerlal at-band, Call and ae .KentBcfcyJUa; ,v , " ' , " ttf .i.'-VI J. :i.'1i''- 'I '-..-I 1. , , .rCiKilili1 , 1TEW YOKE.. " PGLLIAM, milg, ItAKKIN &;Qo Manofnctartr aai WLoUfolij dealer lei SOO Ureaelway, IVcw l'ork, BontiVi r-oi-tA. J - DAvtP itA'-iaw. -AKUSEW J. IVLL, . KnEit VIASOKr n.,Ui jjcntBA-rn. tf MEW GOODS! CHEAPER, TIf kK "3fHJ3 CIEEAPESXli ''0-..'EpREpGE6 CO.,-' BEo'tainlOrnt the tttlMM' ofJO.-S.- t. City an J tht ,pnrjtW in "general, that' tb-rTU) nUapeaauC their ' ."" ' .-EKTtnU.'raW-OF ' . Mife.O H A "B rz e, ,r'; ' '" AT COST AND i5ct. pEit r.oiJNi ereigiit:: , ., .T;,;. . ,. . ' . - , ,,f',5 t, s ojisitio oir, r - . Dry floada. Oracfrlea, tBoola and Shora, Ilnrd-' Ilnrd-' war-. Oil and 1'alDta. Dre ' Stutfa, Nnlli. " OleasandSpnq Coltont Being .well' aelected nud general atocklor thl Slnrket., e'"TEAlliwlUrrlMaboqt'il'SSth Also, ;a.3;: or 30- good cilicAdb - WAGONS, V ' - - Iron and Wood Axfei. EltbtyToke of Coed" ' .-i .-i WOKICCAXTEE? s Wagon Sheeu,Tak-i, IJo-ra and Chain far 01'.- ' ' '-XL S. KlDlrtU)aK itf COr O. B. Wat--; Ant.s4,'io5s; ; ' - , ru . iVcXxrhx. ' -'--' -' A.'o. avtb'OT. JVC . LITTLE & Go , AUCTION At COMMtSSIO-TMERCIIANTS, , , South Templa Street, oppoiit.thT.l-niac!f, WOULD i ret pect Uty. lnforni ihcl'r FrttDda and the Publi c ctqeraliy that they p.re prepared to RECEdpNSlMENTS' j or Dry Goods, Groceries, and JtlcxchundJzo of Every UcsQiipHonj 5 AUof'Moiei noraeCatUe, WagoM, Cinligny At, o j' , t . SELti 'ON' COMMISSION, . t TRIVATE1 SfcE or PUBLIC AUCTIOJf ll'avt" an abundance pf Storage noom, Merchanta and other peraona tornlnf .to the elly with good or merchandize, merchan-dize, rUI find llto ibelr advantage, to " ' ' CALL' AND SEB 08, . before entefint Into any rrng-m,ent for the dlipo. alUonof tbelreoodl, or train-, which, wllj enable tbem to aare heary paynjenta nd other expentei, and obtain a awedy return;. ,i Ji I . . , There J a Large Corral attached to the premlte, ae-cared ae-cared by a good plank fence, tight feet high, and, we ahaU keep corulautly on band. , - - HAY AND VEED FOR SALE. W are cloatDg out a atock ot GROCERIES, Ac,, tlo ratra,.cuutl-g (o part of black and green T4l,v i Cffee,.donbl rented "crnthed Sugar, Preaemd Frnlta, Dra and lUlilne, Oitcr and 8dtr-e, beaUVIrglnla Tobacco, Powder In ke-a nd canlatera, Boop and Candida, Pepper, fiptcea and Uoatard, Cotton Tarn, Kali and G1m, Axe knd Utlrxa, Spade and Sboyela, IoU and Bhoea,' and an excellent article ot Dourboo and Kja WbUkey.' AU a, 9amber ot.Wagona, autUM-forkaj)-youwork.v " ' '' f. ar-atSaUiLk'Clty,AUg.'titb, lS6.. ' ' t-tf, iY ' vSJ7 t -' w Mrm WiaWeaiia. Seeatft Taa-S iwair t.,i fc.-s)wy,..' j . ; 5T WrcKwa)g.)-f i iajte4t-I at -Sartla 8 , h1'. r.v-. .,. .'. . .-..r. a,..;...ve .ift'i I .-. . . BSla l' aa aatiftT 1IShajarfcn I : - " '"V"' fS'rS"?- flWf-'.f-'fJ . TtoaNK Of ktflit ,tnet,,. next doort tie Pot 04, Xj ttaalwyaMiband:,a' rt4 of-S-ji! Brldlee and H atn-a w.lcb. IU ech for Caih, of Produce; ' ' (,--, N, Bv Carrlagta trlnim-d-mh -wats-i ad deaaatcl. p. a. t- citir, Aai-iW.- ; i ; ''w MVAiriltsii-Miiiif,- I ATOH AND OLOPJiC MAKp, I -101,0 AND VILVEH, IKtlJ, EAST? ipEMPLE , CT.. 11$ , (00DBE'3 I ' . e, s, i.. cttf, win. - - A ,,n?Llaa4rlrfltaj.of tBtrll )HM rrceHredWtw jtV tii'lhrei'wceki- Curreney, TettUwat Cotinly and , City Jcrle,,B4 w, .dneatatrtntorfay; ' j..,. I r iCIIAIlIiE s! KXN-G,:., : I WAG ON AND CAKRIAR I MAKER, I CARPENTER: AND HOUSE J0INJ5R, I EMIORATIO.t STREETV ' RBPAtitS promptly executed; 0?r me call, i-tf AT GEORGE OOpDAKD'S I SALOON AND BAKERY I MATtehad.dlrccttronrBr. Bobiri'aPatent Toqnlaln, I' the moil delldom UKVKIUO at 10 c.nt p-r gli,; alio, valley tH Barley JJKER, frotu th iau Pobnlaln at'tOenUrerl- SANG Alt EK3 A rUNOMEa, S3 conta per gtaal. 1CB qBKA"t,'S5.centpef-etaa. UViK. AND WATKU, MELONS kept coot la.thalc. ., SWMAtjir'llttTKnS, St BO' per bottle. . Uanlel Wfliatet'a OIOaKS, -No. 1 Qualtty, Bight t.-' t,'or$7 SOper bokJ Sto.,4.0, . . . ." . ' ; CaktajPia,nuui, Cracker and Want Bread,-- th fallowing California Kewapaperi, tl ' "" inePoticisGaiett, " " ,"''. Spirit r IheTlmei, " J, Wetkiy-Bonttlnj. . -Weekly Alia. ., . v ' -Weekly San JoacnloKeputllcant alt at tScb;' eaehjorSfotsa cehla, t ,fl .. A good aMortmrnt, of Saltern" Paper and Mtn-trwt expects l Wetk or two. and vrUt.be ld at KAktm pnicc. altber by elngle opy, br yearly aubicrlptlaa. , ' 3 Mora particular on their arrival. t'U JAIUHS HAGUE, I GUN AND LOCK SMITH I SHOP t?i EAST IE WriRSTREET.l . , R1PLS9, "Shit abni, iiavOtvTng PUto'ji, "lie, ciWftfl' B .cleaned, repaired and putdn'onler. . y . " ilexlean SpU'a tiudets order and alwayx 00 hanJ.'' "J jCy-Catl and -earn. . J-u- . IJPrER BR0ASWA3T. O.8.E. CtTT, .f , DAVID tA.MDJ.AND, t'ESSEEjB IS now tr.eri fur the accommodation 'of gentlemen ret " nolriog rtrt.ti -board. at rata IjW aa'any how7 BBJ in tan, The tbiol jupplled with, ry thing .ut' raartet afforj. 7he personal attrntlon of the proprietors H UglvtCj-in'Inaure on all ceaalonav the tunifjtof fctt, H ne-t. ntabouicla-d'allaated aa eobeaborcthebmtlt H ndtuTmollotbu'taaaalyetp.earennagrOo.bv.convtnienr. There ta'n tegnlar bar teptt OnaU Can "b uppll4 Olth chelcaWltiea and Cigar. V !i ' ' , tE,B'i-. f I Konrd per AVeek, . . RlO 00 ..,, Way,. . . , '.,.,, a M,. H Slngte aieal, , ( .; .'.lt' A few piiVi' led-rootn are' attached, WiThwti'to-' H peculiar annoyaticea. H Ovntl'tnenvMUng th elly, either temporarltr or, aa H p-rnianentreild-.tk1w(li(tod li?namhey.ci-i. , Mj '; ' '' REFERENCES: ' ' ' I tlTln--iln,Bet'jk,C9. !" ' , V itI -- lleri. Dyer, Brother k Co. v OoreruorA. Cutnming.,, - . 'Hon. i. ItaVlpait; Secretary,f State. ,. ". . . Ut,- J. forriey, Sntvrlntendent pf Indian Atrklra.i , ; fSJ ; ilhoraaa'Adann; Bur." V . ' "' .- , :"" V' . ; . flllbert A Gerrlab,, , - .fv'.f ?'. 7rBI Miller, Ttuell & Go. s' " r , Shrader, funk JiCo. , .i.sa a-' - '.BtttPtaVCVf,-.'- - ' - Bl ;w.xuqn,r?iv, ."--- v.. - Jm Htiloea, Nii'am Jc Co 1 . - - ' ' OBB Little, SntOvA A; ', - i '''' H iiiiiitfl RESPECTrilLIiV Inform, the Inhahtlnnta t , Bf ' Utah, tint we linre oaaoclnled onraetver U""K ttii- mercantile llutheai, and received ear flnl , THAI.V OF MERC'IAN Dt Z E, - Which -we new- H offer to n dtcerutng public t & email advnncVj BBS pn.'coat.r1 ATe hop to coin the eonfldenra er 1 BBE the people, a our rootle la ''-amalt profile nal BBBJ quick relnra,",Bnd bv atrlct nttentloa to bull-. BBBJ nea. merit n jcoullnnnuce of the liberal pitroa-- BJJK gc.we hare ladlvlduiliy received; , . 'i - ODR'STOCk CONSIST OF' EVERY 'tARIE" S , TV OF aTANCY AND DOMESTIC . BE t' G IttXC E li;E S ; A Largo and well aelertedatock of domtitlcanj lmportrt 5iia?;i..-.(a.i3,ajl ContUttng In part of ' ' jB rrlats or every dcscrintfeii, De; H XRlncs, Itlcachcel Goods, . . BS rw '8Iiwlsf( Ac-v&c ; Alic.erua oi the beat aelected atocka', ionjlaUng'of - NOTIONS, CUTLERY. fiAROWAflE, "LADIES' BENTS- AND CHlLDREf.S' BOOTS AND SfOES, - BE J, ' HATS,- CAR AND CLOTHING,-., i". - that bat aver been brought to title market " ilm a targa atock at CIOAR3, 0HEW1NO and SKOC-' BE - IKQ TOBACCO. Several thousand pi tin da of BCOlLTe,'v.; I V eepeelally call tha attenUoa of TPamen and Vf 'B chanlc", toour 1 I i: ' - tiBj EARGE STOK, OF a?Ef ?ff S H ' " ' Stocked land unatocked, ' ' ' -B CAST AP Slt-AB KTEPJ,, For repairing. Plow- and Machinery. "Cul,, Wrort BE and IIORSK SHOE NAILS, large and .Stl, BAKKETTLES, . ' BE lie. Ac, ' .::.''- Jr BE Which are are now eUog,'wholala or ratal). taa-U' BK onrcnafontera. ' '' ' - MB ', EntigraBls and , Expcditf? 9 'Can be (unfiled on the aborted notice, aAdtfttheU B eatUfgeUan. f t ' r . - -- ' BB , STAINES, EEDAvpi : BE Eaal"eUe of Eaat Temple iStreet.-, 'Miy- ,':111' rAt (Saltalie t)M,. . SB - - jJlt m la siaciateii s-1 f |