OCR Text |
Show j l' , The j)oer,of,ftre asnji pwvrileiU.qy.. , "aRCUy.Septvles." ' tpliar ;aiipUtafor;t9ti this rcmiwls- us o an airtur tUat. oc cuwed ;?n i8-i0,t'ont oard: ld: Col - 8tl5g gMjop-Koatfl; iho;frigato,-.ajid ;) amtnea cvcrytluns ' on asjk wjui.cur: IEhp .officer fof tBo.afcb, . f robii bVanrig arid' th6?jHcatricsaAp his uhi " 'Qot a prett gopd.placalierq,;i!iO lief inquired. ' w Vv., '4-, '4-, Tha, DrVasscntcd. j ' " 7 wp& S iO'uelitiBdredwfd twotityifirc dollar " Alltpj.yottisaK . Bholillf f ; ... aojiactuing to'tlo'roi.jwBcl ' " 1 f'Oj-yes; j?'6ud makoVprett'gije ' .jnidduBiaaii -. -U .v l;; r 'prty d9wara,aiuo:nth.oriy r. .'Only' -forty ttollarsi Jerusateu ' "Why li T&sold 'oBiro ontil.fe But yherp can t 'lfe fiiadd" imidsKlpinj .osfSaycW?. - 1 'i'n . .,I)0Tmf Wm ilr,, ia;iuottepyag As l8oon aa jrclieycdl'IUootp it' Down wont tup guizzer,jandlfto.qm (zed, ,A bevy midhfpmi iequirodno protrrotinrrto perpfitratc' pipceotmiwhiof - h-.yml "' jA' '8pioai!vrraBtiTa5v 8Q0a:H&i .t 1, i-1..,!. -. .,riM. i f.r.T.riy 1 , j, i,i, , 1, )LS4 k' Bplendid uhifon incltiilg ati eWa I iAappaii aftd ctly sWbfd, bjr -jPr nisfeed. he nw dkeotd;to prcgftt . apljjto Cpainodore ,,t iii, the cabi ( andrejprt ready for duty. , ! Ho tvaa told that tho cPmthddo 3 wTgubHf .pretty grff;U wii bo tkadj? bat not to raiml kiuiV Tl I steerage in, .full, iheJnjijr.lB.il nian to wand. Martei in ti cottimodor6?a..pabini,r'facfc,.1io' was p flcred tp taWposs&ionf a fccrta t atate-rt'onr, A aVoVcdnfadaoraVbla ioolca ,and aBgry worife were to Wr : gardcdasA&pftiBgr-jikadiBO! rigk, . 6sojDtlicr ; , "Tbua "postedup,' tuo victim prescn ' -'QiliosSj bpwar'e:y6li? ' S, .started; Jio diad 'como: .across , ako a jCJtj isinf . ; " I:lin bclniriysolri,d3:fellpwr cii cratly do d6J was(thp.rpply of tboVd .radnterj' aa'l'flurt Hinis'dlfe into1 01 .seat; and crossed tHfa loga upon ani 'thcr., vnz vt , - I , ojarooe,pow4MdsUjpinp: I siippostj?jf remarVcd tbo ipnirnodor wlio from tnc i 'rstV Suspected, sbnii - 'tiling. : V-' J ' ; ' ' ' 'iKaint;notliin'olsoi'.' " 'y t Stiall Xjtrpublol ydu.;for ypufiwa rxtnt? . .,; . ff ... . - Uatcjiiioi3, 'old boy ''iffo cpnim( doro looked at. the' document, and tkt ' utftbo'visi'tor. : ; - ' Sx' Whp gareyonihis?' ' : h ?hfit, .J'cHpwadow,a?Stairsand,t ;J4 -'Tbat'a enough. 3ovvydu pan; go . !' vNot", as yp;kn'ow"dn,;squiret-' "Ili collar's chocIi?jfuU-randt Tiint ftTgpii out ro thii 'pro. in abHrryVl telhyoi Oyoudn .aro uj),old fpllpw:., ' scp whatWihpmflttprypui?j ,a loot X anf goingiinip thia. ?c ckanibc i .take, rjghl(jg.pPtitn9$bp:ova , .ajlby grai' tfr . . t - . f And aalvs ifaaf proceeding execal w HbleniceV 'tfie ommoddrd todkliii by thd armandlM kirn to -tHo'gatfgwa iPPinfing'tQ tUor.spntinel;Ep- remarkc i?iiljUyj:;ir -. . v - - u ., JXmaos- that manrvrith a-mske -nojc ypu lpit't ;Ioar, qut dircaJj,, an ! leavoV'tho' slupyard :and ' npVcr; ehp ' ypur faco'againiTllrordcr. hiifi'-tof a&i ixdalf';. - .' v' i-'" " ' 5. ? 4kyankep: brpkcandrinHwO- 'ac 3 xosyiSbJcoaVtail acenoal 'y Yng: in trp;r,;a9jho d,aslicdPH 'ot , ti r. H'ardiwiththeppqd pf'41' flying jabkaai ? ;-aTntnufdl:!Brter .i'bic tWh&ifio gpaslibrbif V.: , ,4SxvfJiCQa;fcuja?et;and sjx-Toun n; oia&-tferaf 'i&lylrfwilfi5- iaideraan |