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Show nj nun muruurcu neariy every European led . ISAAC BROiCKBANK V. ' CJTILL reUlnVniotf and Vft'Eiif T&r ni- 3 S.tMtwn!liof t!rtogiton,Belt&.co'i,fw to P"epdu& farrilh tluwwho call n r- ' I'N Willi the-choicest Tint. Multon. P, , SamKr. &c., .&!..a the. mbit reaion ,i iemt, J Cull ind See tne. " - - 3, he " " v ;h- t , - - SyATE PAIR., 4,. ' ..; . pn The SUl Tfr will com, off TBt G. S. fi, ntr fn ,t'.3d and 4 hor October; all rfruii w via ?,v.H jemwlvei 61 .the privilege 'b Society, are notifird tbat thfy must b ny members or- renew thelf.inember'itjlp'' before us fir.t,.dajo October; , i to- Tickets for roemberahlp,, " A jpaiOO ; Rnewal of -da 1 nQ ; It I expected the peopts wilt cue Very courgemet to the 6ecfety " . ' r 1 3 3; Tceaurer ofttia 0. A. & M. Sdcieti . ' .' " .- ,,; i; :Jrdrla mills ou UnnA Aaii WE.fiaye juat comptete'df aome fmpprt . . ,. . Improvement Itrtbe raarhmery of J 10 dan Mill, and am now prepared fo turn on Jmucn,auperfor article of , fl F L O U R n. ,?,ny h. itoT uPpHfsd- tor the pUb; yswpuM,cal tbe attention, of Merebir - Bakers and others who may want" a eoner r article of. FLOUR.' a',0Pei 'n?3!?PrE5J0be 'Pind t the JO v- DAN.MILLSDEPOT. Q aTbese'wbd'eomiifrom a dlalnce for erli n Ing can .return with their Vt bratoppl j3 over nlcht. ' 11 0 1??"AIiTE1p-A rate Miller, c v without a famUr would heprflferred. ' . , A. .GARUNBIt, - . ' ; O. A. SMITH, r - a " P. R. ALtEy, Miller. 0-: :. 'j " WANTED!; -V , . X CASH will ba paM hr ' H. ROSENFELD & Co., ' 3-1- Silt Lake House, 0.8.L; City, a ' , TerrlI , " , 'U re'et' ' m ,Co't-'i:W rM.if rt, Owwia "Mit. ' & ALMA, . . -.., .. r.. .r . ,. .. ' fp , . ,iMujirMHMrf; ..' - V '-;ff- Jgraph A (tu Jairi Souk, LivhgUin 'M K tod. Will p-oajpUy atttnd ta H tweliete h.k4e.. I'i tp test which we y b faver el.wMh. . 3.,t(,.. . J TVTTH XTCT k -n't tr-it " . 'I link it VV AlXXXlVilxjO ; ,v-ri TZ aiwnmni, ' : ' ""1 1 y and ,IAVE Juat recelrM a LARSR -jiTdCal 6t . , bcirig SUPERIOR SELECTED , , . : .1 'MERCHANDISE; .'1 The AeeeriawwMfe cltst Kkrif ' 61y for tke Vtmh MmxUM - . soma f- t and tpifEY hare. mfeeit .their" jode'at ihe ' fJ from ,A . LOWEST FlGUREStafdeeuretlipnb- f miVl. I,c..tnt jr f prfered' to, wtM, tmcett. . , i? VUSU fully compete with, 4ny houae la, tie TrUw. . p, nnger m quality and price. . , ' ,'''': ft1' I'ho.' fiycouhtryj dealers tapUed at a literal ' sffi i and '.count. , ' , " .-V Ieon. Ut - C,ILBEaT&,.GERRISH.;7 , . ' :;f goods roa tsx MOPtilr ; .,;' ;';, tor a!' WM. NIXON, .-; "';'"l riotlEAST TEMPLE ST., NEXT ijOOR-.. ' ",T - ' f NORTH 0F WAStllNGfTON: ... vt ti moon,. !.',-r'y:;i: RESPECTFULLY hvitea jii frienda tp cit 'f; ami eair.ln hfa large and well 'elected - . LilE N EJ,AI ASSORTED MEtt-- r 1 . ftnie, ,c AP1SE, suited . in ry reapect to ilia , , ... v ,f W Wf""0? Ihtltixensif thlaterilioryiatrell I leriaj; as to tb,rhtj;rnt traveler, and parltea fittlre ' . v V'fy 1 ' , ouMto the plait... V. v '' 'A ' -' 1 ' 4T'PO'i'e.atInew.ndji,t Imported from J - ' . -1 tt,e-E4t,whfre they wire .elected with caw ' , I - , exprjsi y for tbi hfatket: " ' ' . 7. ' -JM iwas'::?" - , -CONSISTING or . , , '.tf-.C''f I had my GbwAs, Oreccrlc sy Cfcelce -. - y vand' wiHcs & LtiHers, Bottled -;' ;V-V ?lace- "arcl9, VelMtcce and ,-' - '..;s 1 the . ' r- , '--'f :--M vclvo superior quality and QUEENSWTARE. . ; , ' . . '' ,;and' ' -v; ALso,: " : ,-r, . ,- - pon.- '-' vf CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP ' istur- rawkee NotioHS, ; , - ' s Vs'-" : ' SHi.aIlf.tWtrcv- ,. i' ; ; -t 'j ? i iLncos',,; y.-st.'f " 'V.V . - -;.f; " V i : r 1ttarlIamIi;?' - 'V - x -fet; -V--t'i'Wj ' ' - lictP'A-1 a-:i0P.e,,V WHY snd.'to b. ioi'att' .'A F AI RP I E L D' t tHo ' Ncar siAHP FZAirp, K v'w - ' '- tane- Can al waya be found every ipecle of Mercbin : Vo C3 or, diae needed by tbe farmera and the pnbllo geifi ' -" ' which 51l,y0rwMcb ba "PctfnIly call. ha atteiji.,, ' '!-':V ;! tlo "f hie ffiende In the .outh. . " inter- - liberal allowance aaadestb country"" fppci- dealers. : -. , ' Ulon. Swailt Preace Oc Quick Rcturaat1. -! : ; )erty 3-tf . .;, mLNlXOS.; ' ' . aako 4 . . - . , " " -..-;'., tho " lOST. ' 5 ' ' flirt QOMEilERE, between' my re.lderlce 1,4 " ;. C W10 . Wrd on th .treet et and the 12 h Ward, and an oalfhped n.REASTPJN,0ontalriirea lock J Jted. rSrrey'1wand Jeitered Grandmother on, thff ,v - b. Tbeflnder willdonfer afarorandbere-.' warded on bringing It to Ve. ;' "vv c - Sarah AvcooKE.fi ,: . 9St09 nEVTABD, ''JTf- ;' ' n -' ' ;" isen TST.-'toien , - i.5 r J-ii Of. the BthJa.t., nnfcpo gray pony: roicb.f i inano,' ar.d:clpped tal. -"r ,0 vc.W. ,.a?.d Ug?WlllbePaidr', 'Sv i Kwr?ji -:. v;,. .gat. "f V V- STRAINED, ;. ' r - . IROMithe.Ipa.f lire'of Ak CVonk; "nr bay? here btapded lL on Ihe lef t hip, wim B half mobn cot 1 ipon f"10' lgKr all shared wftb'faanctfcu?' Me.-P'4l-ttIete JTher' a liberal . tf -war l.WHl paid., " . . 31t, ,' 3IRD AND FOSTER, 3lfy. WDINET MAKERS, TURNERS ND ? ' . lah' .n Ppfeeletercre, , u the A LL ktnda,of, work In the. ahov .lints ct'r Ibo t.t notice, - - - "y V;4 -. ". . ;8outb of LitJngaton,, Bell &'Coi, East -Tea"i' :r ' -pleatreet. " ' " , '3-t6' ' -''"-'- en. W" " "-NiOTICE. - r. TiT , ?TRJQ. haJeft iny b.d and'boardr r. r wiihout any cause or provocation "a .," ' .:to warn kfl per.on.no to harUr otf- ''r' " .debt. oflier.contractlngH -k - ,nt T ' I i. WILLIAM STRONG. ' SptlnUle, Sapt.i1859, , ,i 'a W M 9ciiooi..: . TtTRS, COOKq uk.. thu method of thank-. , j, celved of lhlr confidence, U her aVa teacuer. wtUnceTilh Ward P.u,?beri 1859, at b, ' 1 -TERMS rbR:DAY iBOliQOL: og AdyaocdClaw , 5 -7 , ;,? n ,JUM,,OMpn -p,MFor'o' M1odeon.at a Paymcnfto bemad. InyarlaMy ha fln adrahce. vrl T V ."7, pepi's from the c.uatrr eaa , fcbtalabotrdlnMrs.C'j'faffllly. St |