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Show I'-' Hotit-. ItEMisiiscts cf,A; .crttlma) ajntrigat ,': hotjtl, 'herd ';fe?rapla yt'Ste S,fw and Iwc..bcWeciv'd!p4tclicd'. -iiul among :them -for -a cut ot beif. -After' (i "foBfi .Mmo'lWladetbrnedi'atia.pliclrtB "It, ;l)fTpro; the Iinogry. gcoUcmatri - atkea, -"Jin, jpn;th(i-la4 AW.rtiokjmy - .ato for, t!ll.Ue(?,t,:'i3rj,,(iirl' "iJfees ,v ,mdfH rcsanied, the ' hiingnrirltj "howou . TtivtKU lrtopTi'4Ue Secoilfl,. oAnVtria,:nafondif iruttJibjr'iiwnW) One day, li .reached a little inn; oit his .f route, before liiiratinuQ came -I?hter' ng a retfrlng. 'room;- he- licjja;i 'gbaVlnjf. hhnaolf. rTUp lurjoisitotial tmnllrd wns attxlons to JfnQW wjmt jiusl fcs (jutst held - f . 'abott ,ih 'jicrsoii of t,LbV. JCaiietor. 1 iha,T;Wnl 8omeinies,'',tid Joseiih. t$BjCikkvChit!t btckevs onco bid: iThe' first Kapbloaat. catwcU moro- death's ihan all tho cdriliiuakcs, siii4e.tltedaj'sif , Koahj tlii cupTdlly of shlpowuVfs ud the eaplntncss of sailors haro lost, uioro ships and' Hrcs; than ajl.'the'itortas that ever " . Wewj the ;uUhraUj''of our lowus send! more gaJsf gt6jIaileH;:i than hoth- put to-; ,B?tl)cr:Tl?CT.5cstltencoVar, nod famine,(cia',toi.,;'' tl"' H L Bc vTin3 jit SdsrU5jfdrv niy son," said a kiud, .mother to her little boy, "be tjdyj fold-Aipnyour; ii(hl.gown again I must luue it done ntallyj' That, little boy haj growu up (o lo a; man. A friend". Wid to him ouo day; VHa is It.yoQ.cau get through so mtfeh xrorkasyoudoF . "Method, mothod," was the reply: "J Rva m now reaping the fruit of my mother's 'Bfei lesson, llo (idyl"' IK. KrricTs op a Comuos Uiut. Parson' vmW. Green wo in the habit sometimes of (BIT . drawing npoiV'n bos; or sermons beijueath- K&4 to.rWw -Iyji! father,, who, was also a' fmvi iniulter,iapd upoii'oueoceusioii got hold 1 By . of a sermon by tnistake, which the old tvl Bentlcman hadonee preached to the Slnte ! WfJ. l'ft .conWeU,, It ojhned well, jind the f w .congregation were becoming deeply Inter-1 'Wi csled, wfeu hll oton?o the parson s M'-i, prised .them with tho infbrmutiori, that! aslij: . , . "had it not been Tor tho .clemency of the i fftBk filTWMJ.tttcry oiie pt theimwoold haver! frm, ' ' p?1"". log thne, ago. 'Mtlk RWA" tancashire clcreytVn WiS -' wasroused (rom hlstlecp at six .o'clock hi g , thd morninir by ftad taking at' tuc sido ol If?---- aush-pondia his grounds. His reverence - i( "Ight-cappcd bead out of the' win"; Wm I "toWf d saw three men standing .by, the tide.of hispoud. "What are ybu doing Wm Hi!ret m ho "Ashing," said thcy!- Wm- ; Ult joa ro' tresnassmg on my' land m'i" yoa mujtRonway. "JUpJo bed ngar." IB.! . was tho,rejolttder; "your Master was not iff s ,n 'Uft.habttflf sending away p6or fisher- m-'r " clergyman could,, of course, . turn Itvpgain, ! I " ? lW'pi;oueof Wbreillrk bl . caut? ' pfle.the altar with inoura-' . m ... , ? " f purpose left his seat-und !5 1, rrMiWOn5,,1,e w"SSon, personalty Ife'j rpi r,",rfr ways. Approftchioir tc- $$V, W nose, he.begsn wiiGi VJJon't Indian cMhKehfcb(cJ trlbej noted far Ms good conduit, recoired a grnnt of land frora the 8at6 of Maine, and went Into the new placo ifr.ecttl A ft'whKf families Were already there?. Though.not lll trcnted, he w hot trusted, at nUjUk people "wero shy df him, unrt wheii his only child died, nobody Came to see,hhn The Ipdof red man felt tWilLegte'ctsorelJi lie Wcnt'ta'the.Vhlto riiail nhd - . .' H iiythiu 'whlto-'iaatt's: child iiie,7lndfatt .: man beorryj he1 help burf hint. W6en xnjl'.'lihlld udiet no ouo sjieak,-to; tuo. ,, ,1, nwda his gtaVe nkntfi! I can .'no.Ilve; weti? longer'-- ',. HegaVft'riri his fitrrit, jloWp, the, body of hi-S.chtUl, -arrycdH ,lwdlinudml mllei through , the foreif',, to jouve'' Csuada Iudians; ' ,i ;'.'-:'- ' Wtijhem;lha.Vccp.'' ' '' bftbf. lulmbitnnts who, do JWfi, ond.have I)fe(lfipo)r.el6r:U. at first sight, to dtfy.tlio; power "oalcnr littloii, uTn't, If ysqppoio' iffi w.orlif.i? hiivfl existed .six thousand' years; that there now cx't9t:one thotijiml miliioi); thai a generation passes nwdV!lfi tliirty.jen.rs; tha c"f trj t'iAi generation average, the present; and .tl'mt fi)ur."-lndlVrduaEiiinay; stand ot one sqnnre yard We? fitftl ,thbt thd tvlKjle'tinrilber'wlll not tc'npy:S coiJt tnws so .frrcal.af onfotJrtti-ttieAtitteJit of Kfiglafld. Allowing; tfx nlfousaiutvyafci sioqe thft'jiEatlott,, and. ft geYiprntion to, pass a'wa kin .thirty' yewi' We . lmll lia'vq twobuiiurcd gertratlonsf wlikli,,it ,,'ohii thousand ndljionf aadiwlji -bo'th fmn drcc1vthou'in',niillious, 'wjuelj, ' bing iittdl'tfyoar' person to naarftyatd; nvill leave, fitly thoosatid milllonsof wpwro, yXrds;' tlifj" Dr6' in "ft square' mile, three, millions;' hltioiy-ecvcn' ,'thonsand, six hun- drcd square yaWs by , which, jf.hp former sum bo .divided,-it :.wtll girc- sistecnMhour fand; pno handrcd iittd ' t Kf fty. three q'ittrc. miles, tfiorobt of-'irhlcbi'trt. holo- nnnM bers,-ttbpo'prio;hBftda';ft';iwenty setcUf 6o.,that.oo hnmlrcd an'd'tVcnty eg(srt.ljun!aile wjltbe fqunjl sufflijieiit tdVonfafit.tlm Imrociuse; and uftnost'irieoii'-cclyabie uftnost'irieoii'-cclyabie ttnmber r'f two lincdfcd thousand ; tnlUforihdniari 0e(ngy;V; ',n, ' gloomy 4staf.eol. nfrHirm tlm MStlVcn-tlceVa.wiH MStlVcn-tlceVa.wiH be sefn.by thk;followiogc6ir tlnnestdmnke fun of passing; events! ;. fio,'.Bou(hV"atk lliai Sravcy e c& tended vory where ',op?to 'aa,.dcgrctSri6 minnlffflt The. nbolinouists. .'insist ithut it shan's be cxt'eridtd afiotliDr. rniimtef ", , , A ,da$tjltig.,yotiirg: prf neher in Arkansas lately nbilucled.two, sisters' named Ifayhe, Surh l'aynes-taking lsii't.,poam)ei)dhIe In Jiyndoii thert tnre;'2(),00ft 'doctors and i,8t)0 nndertukersj So we sen . that t tokejvbpbft an .'averiife only ilevcn doctor to Veep, an nndf rtaker b'usy.4. . , -A. Ke.iitiieijrU'ditcrl..c'a!kii!i" ifiirfe-bouiid4,' ifiirfe-bouiid4,' AYttr.Mrtttiu'jr Voiind in n hidef has lie los.l his?" ii'''1- lha Xprffc.'and'South. nlikij scem'trj'' ;lng to.co'erce ua When omiof tdem Succeeds,, Suc-ceeds,, we gnHs tlie. other, wjlhi ; vt AVe.wonldtt't; itWVa, liian or ti rgpiihliij for theako.of'recoostruclibi;. Inmor it., We don't (bclitve iu,-destrnctioridor',-the sakeof.ifetphslnittlpii, " .a ? '. Af eiiiternpiiper says that "little fcob W.'dkcr, has 4fwL tijuiseir taaho ptioji Cohfi'dcrieyf ' "No 'doitbt.tli,,'Coufed!? racy ls'.nBob-tnu?d concern Alljtho talk of therorthcru.AbQlitlOu-uts'oliont therorthcru.AbQlitlOu-uts'oliont BWerytsiwioH-ndiblttc gttmmqo.at Umt; : " llie're Is.'a. ditforence of rifiHijri as to wlrnt plrfctilntlte.iiahjtaSthe vilest . . ' Abolition liole, ;."Yq. (think jMs.U ree'lej e iuoiltli. . '"-A..rA'.i'6'' ; If thVrW.ttilJSonth thTuk Hgidlyof .cach.other's Valor', tliiy ilrja us ignorunms sayagcVofM-UothtilJsViKv' t llpUitue Sqntbetir and JCort,herri go-;:vcrutecy go-;:vcrutecy uf are' of; thp fcm.iiiiite; gender. ;Xhey ro.ilts3'GqVemneilts.'c; , TliclUop'cPtho'Co'at (hat the Jbnrnu,.;is, nr, should be, high administration adminis-tration adtfiority."1 He sliojild be ashamed, of such fcurri'lity; 4 4 I 1$ f$ - 'f heXVirr,s8ys.that.tho people of the South;nre our frtcnds aiul.brothcrs. We liope tl) people of the Jforth arc so,tqo. Uutboth ltavc-,n budiwiiy of Showing. It. . third,' litUHltoVheilfn.tlTgtiila,-' ti tPiuij point on the northwestern line oOfflfjIund, ure-Io lie Cvc npon for tltd jcoueentirtttion of troops 11'lujf.IsUw York' Tiibuvt says, "Ihe ar .gnment between tho North and South is exhausted" -yjll", Ictithe ;Norhaud SouthgQ'ta w'arniidfwe-gness tlteyJwill soon be like tho "argument.'' |