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Show ,. . . vitar thtitrk; called ppoij to rectiril thVoddeti dcpMlli'ro front this life of nether esteemed, friend and near; rielgii. jbery Cfa' Bomlnlco Boimcy. Hallo; ' . the wcjf lt?0tf9, ltalan profcslor of, music. ' ' Mlfljras Wa In Blciljf.oii tliQ. 2tiilor . Jtf arch, 1805, whcroV Widcj Jilt, J825, 4 at wnick.tlme tie emigrated New; YTork. i fjtitrf iwrncdiately entfrd the service of the United Stales OovtrmnchtraH tnilsklaii, :Chtihttl lo'moViBlLtlmt;plicre he- tWeM Iweaty-ono and twenty-two years; ( 1 three cars nd six months.' of which hp v '. fiaTl$ desire' to fed otlipr po"ftloDi'6f . ' ,'tfce ilium States he rcipOlrcd to St. . .. . IfOaUlft 1517, wk-ere ho.&ccsme identified -witls ttoChwcii of Jesus Cbristof Latter iijaja-SaW' UNiiU. in St. lioi he' ' ,tifHM!t, iOi1gabfecda Wd,amT wad " - ' - Wj" eiid.5r ait whorkicw .liiqn ' ' -r ,.T ffjWivlng many , Wend behind, ,10 tntvejed . . through Iowa, staying a short time iti Cwwcll Bluffs, aDd In 1853 trircii In . , this cfty, 1fc, which liu has tic! u TiBMsty igagvdinipatU'ng'tljo kpow-. kpow-. 1w powered to. all who bavo placed ' v ! tewh.undcrula tuition, . , ,i ' f (CtmbABdiiBfgahlJitd; tij the Captulri, . 'Mibkqaenlly called '"JaJIjft Barn "aii ot resjiect to. bis ioicntspat -their ieM togttherBd liavo trccJcd n hall, . ( , whkh net only cara llie imtnc of itu'ch? '.favorite leader, lint to' a lasting memorial ',.' ftho friendship and (stccm. of his dcrg ' ' -. edfrierf.; v ,4 4T'l 'i ." - . r. . Wo were pleased lo attend (If "plenBed" ' .- , , -to a proper word) the foneralv ot Qoptfiln' v "' .,'3ailo., .rieascd,,r that to froi otsn great 'itd S5fifrtff fflaor.l)at!an! uhhnunw' jag biuV 1ionat cltfzcnadtnlrcd. n'nd.'.rc-' n'nd.'.rc-' ' Jt4 for lia talent, and his 'irlrtupus ' iKCQttrs&oLlife; '' '"j ' Hiiro irc'niako no parado orer thojln. 9 w. ' jtngwatIo or ' decease- of dignlinricn. f Thej apread tbelr bnnliotf frt their' "life- 2 i tme.. When our friends nro gouo 'nnd M 7al,tawy in tbo cold cold ground, wo lovi ( Ji JO. Wil .of their good q'nalUIcs.- , fi 1 ' Wpapt, Batlo'was a inan.his;sopcrior.iaj ! In lfaprolfoii.Iiaii,iiotycibVco;.fonndl'liis ktegrlty.has tenrotisurpaWd.'iid;t fs 1 If ' Indeed i iinpiitnjcnt;toour.ctt?zcii''tha E the ecort to hls! cold hon5e,-.irus,!aoion Ptf II? e B,?'P!f0Us,T'.hard:rcen fhUtab PI , 5 aan, Tliolrrcsident" was there,' and. joke R K. - BMt feelingly; Tjcitilciits; jiJroiiaiii.and upTr 5 W.P tW?' W90fi:! those who lt '7 kmcutedtoostthft loss pfjsd. ra'jaWra C i .. we'lKr'of 'iocltjf,ly''..-tr' s- , " : M ; :On last Sabbath; ihe nUendc'd" 'rfrio g& aerTjeooa.the'Temple'Bloclrj tiijUhti city's S ! . I thofeboiros nsnal.vho'ipluytd bis" jig Jfs - TaTOritoIn$trutoenVth6.Clirl6ftcV ' lie H rothroed lfoin feeing quit utjwtil asie tm I had done for some mOntbs past,' having (jfBl S ,v beea afflicted with aViolcnt conli; isyident- .. Iy';cts6d fiy n dccni'dtcd dlseuSa'.of-.thp," Irafjl"4'' M1 ?Tnin3 bis wife took a; If ylkjn tho gardeni' ilr''Balto stepped' to ral hone,:was aiwtut bu a mriitjie, u fil- - nd9f 'bircturn she was; borrbr-stHeteft to Gad hiih n corpse, "lli&tciuatus. we'ro' H IB- iaterrcdi 'O ilonday tnf teruoDiT ' at the1. 3 W$ Ccnietcry; nottba&t:o'Uds'iyi ,-i 'f M H ftil 'Cai(t. Baltd.-was"if hjonci t.pccenblo J u li man, i good 'citizen, and-a- true, friend. M s 1 ' n Tborsday morning at 10 o'eicck, jljjB i our; friend Mrf .William Kdduigtoa ntui WKtt bereft.oriiis-wiferr8arah Jano I'ry, She yjffi ; wasi'born.'- at Portsmouth, If ant'$r, Ehg; Mra ,SdiTt? 16,'J of Pfwoihcrf 1838, HHp was1 fapUzea irito"tho. Church ofXaftr-: a ifr fiyaiutiij jqr. .119, aud catuc to I tbrrconutry iu. tbfuli.of JSSl(lshorHy af- I ter .hicb ahe.was married, to iln Kd- In her tccent 'CdnfincnicnV all. hiiman m ft Wl ,tjm could lw bfonght lntb service ju lll herebaifVas used, Cut' it was found to P W-3 ba impossible, to sato.hcr fife; Jt not being f f.c0, pbble to ''VeaoT0 the Wacch'ta' whiqli ji ' badjjrp'wtf'Cistober ioajr. fi-'f vSbe was . 3 an. amiable lady, a devoUd rk'-' wifeaadatrue.Chrislian. J ijk- 'AfiWeunw. Star, pkato copy fvil AltbdpglV fully 'sqlisffcd ibat ojj that . could.be. donc.;was doua for 3Ir. Eddiug. I Jh ton,. we eanngt Jet tho subject pass trwn 'J ;: iF our mind, without jsaylnp; that wo regret j f ? that we are so otten called ujiOn to record ' the deaths ofiadies iuchild.ifrlh. When we have beard of such cases befog ofno W- frequent-occurrence, wo hare a&kvd, can- yPi, not Mnethlpg more Jb dono toward. ml lengbeaing out, tho lives of. mothers? It MM iscertafuly a very grierous thing to beur I f I of the laddrn dcinise of sp jnany of the I ' mothers of U next generation. If, l W9 ha not so much to fear from mai- l-J Peticelu-Utah, as the peojde hato in I'M man)r olhet ParU 01 t,ie world; still, there are persons and families hero that have II I' nu- W i9ed pretensions of ignorant Quacks :lM "r thejmmdse of the moment kl4 Wftottitag, of tbo pbyrioWy li-t . Jt hmi body, and g wltfr thi ,Jtnpfo, bat. foitni, remedial agents of, nalu, 'T 1 ' , i'monWbo. eminent witti. Qiinck medicluea at, the cxenso of buman life; in tho shapij of "fltar gattng doclori, ought to be.' lrtdtctcd; and puhlslitd for1 m'Si siwi5lijer.-,Thcii thWmcti .tf Jtady.f of jsciencei- ftiid1 bY skiilr woaid receive ;the: hpnorVmTtvrs die, toftlStr'Sofrs(.(on, hnu thejust iticouliims pt, jtheip. patfeJit and frlciida,' Wo arc pleased to tuchtiottj Ji.t this coniirctjoiij the unremitting attention of Mm. liunlit, at the liccouelicrocnt of Mr. Ifddlhglpk Of her accomplishmeilti we deed not fpcnk; she is too. well known as an alteutive .iiursiu and a skillfuj midwife; andt'we ari i Jfuljy pcrsuadedi tfiatlf lbe serrices of sqcfi bilcltlgcnt, pnictlcal ladles were" more "genenillyJscerirWfi- wo i should liror o! fewer such.bercayrmcnty .ytithcr haVO.io any bcrftahcy in saying thajf if such, sciciitjllo 'surgeons as i)r's, llcrnbiscl and AndersonJ and'sucl tafeful, jirodc'ht gcntleincn ns l)h Spragio.w6rp.einlp)ojed, to 'tbo cjtclus'tdfl (sl,.h(ritdo(itt(i " and cjnacks In genera f, weisltPuld h'erpf Im croofect ftuitw; tfud. of : ii'mbs: IVuThtg to' bo brokcii und reset) iwbieli iias mado c'fjjfe ptcS -of tAany for the romatitder 6 tiittr tires; nutt'wc jdmulil b'tnr of fpyfer, fcr sons, bcmg4fH, fly tng t byougli nf glet't j or by taking qaack,"tiedicincs, ' - ' ' |