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Show FAKNV FEUX ON LOA'EKS AND : M All U I A O E A UL E DAUOUTEltS.'1 How any yonng feHoy cau have the face to walk into your family ami dclUier-, 1 utcly iuk for one of your daughters, passes ; inej That it j dono every tay, does not .lessen my astonishment at tho sublime impudence im-pudence of the thing, The.ro. you havo bti), sixteen, or seventeen, or eighteen years of her life, combing her liuir und wnhing her face for r"Jilm." Xi liCtueky the thought never strike? yon while ybu are doing it, that tins is to bis tho tnd of tt nil. What if you ''Were"' married yourself? that is no reason w1ijs1iq should 'K witched away into, a separate establish meat Just as you begiti to lean upou her ; and be prOud of herj or, at leasts jt standi to reason that after yon havo worried her through the measles, and chicken-pox, and scarlet-fever, and wbooplfg-coojh, ' and had her properly baptized and vaccinated, this yonng man might give you a short breathing pell before she goes. "He seems to bu nf a different opinion; ; "be' not only insists npon. taking j'tcr, tm-mediately, tm-mediately, If wt sooner. Ho talks well ; about It very well; yon have no objection objec-tion to "hifa," not the least in tho world except "(hat." When the world fs foil of girls, why ! conld'ut he have fixed his eyes on tlio! daughter of romcbody else? Thcrp art-some art-some parents who nra glad to get rid of their daughters. IJInc eyes arc as plenty ! as btuelJerricsj why need it bo this particular par-ticular lir? Isn't she happy cuoitgb as she is? Doh't she have meat and bread and clothes enough, to say uothing of1 love? What is the qso of leaving a cer-tntnty cer-tntnty for an pnccrtajnty4 when that certainty cer-tainty is a isoihfir, afod you can ntsver have bat one? Yoa pat all these Questions to her, and tihe has the eaudness to ask, if that Is the way you reaeoned, vr hen ber father came for yoo Yon d'si lia to u nsw-er, of con rse ; Hi h a mean dodgiiig of the question,, Kuf f she. get round ydu-fo'r all that, and so' docs ho too, thpuph.yon try your best not .to like h in; .und;with iv-'-wl jm must, I must," you Jwt,, order Vr weddmg-plothcs, weddmg-plothcs, muttering 16 yourself .thb while; dear,, dear, what sbrtjSf a. fist -will' tliat-chi tliat-chi d make at, the head of a boose: how will slid tycv' know, what ttf do in' thR ;.jiit( or; the .other cmc.rgei.cyr j(ho who U oal lng on 'mother' fifty tirnc a day, to settle every trilling' question;"' '. W,F!.at W for "' '" Wrtse for "pSfh ' JtIav mothcrii have hd foreboding thoughts pver, a dsngh-terawedaingicloihmamtyct dsngh-terawedaingicloihmamtyct lhatdaugii-terhas lhatdaugii-terhas tali lifts ahd iti unexpected ro-verBrsI ro-verBrsI rlth a heroism and coufago n jtfnilaunted ns if every girlish tearhiul'not j beet' kissed nway by lips, that, alas may j be ddst When tbis;buptiauj.of womanhood 1 cointis upon her. |