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Show Prin'CE Henry- of Orleans has entered the ranks of journalism. In one of the last issues oi the Varis Sulci! tho article on "China and Politics" is from his pen. William Mctreis, the English wallpaper wall-paper maker, poet and artist, wears an old slouch hat, rusty sack coatj baggy trousers, a blpe flannel shirt 4ind no necktie. The book of poems written by Mr. Frederick Tennyson, the brother of the poet laureate, contains ten lonr poems -In blank verse, of which the ''Psyche" is o.lit to be the most philosopldeul. " KAaoMsS vo: i.iiNia:-I.i.iiK:;r;ocH, the foremost woman novelist of Austria', lias abw such a, practical knqwledpe of W atchmaking. that she is pf ten culled upon to repair the antique timepieces of her friends. She herself tins a collection col-lection of watches which it took years gather. |