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Show -Ton nly Bill's m TTV, Ah t.desrapV i enter, J Hss-coud ."-'. t.j.'f.Ciritalla-.t week. , .i - rbi.-e.-u store for letiaua u .men.il r,"Tayhn's Chkaco s tore is the !!. " oensiv.ie. t.i.a.f etc . at per..! i ii-uani-. , oit (f tf -1 1 ' n U,!i,i:,,d ,U,..'..ii:;-ni.-";! -lh..n h iif U ic i:i t- A large lm' f l''"-' 8t t1"' J-'"; c.u'i sM"'. Note I'Htioi M'"l' - eei.ts r-ii-.'-ea - Iili)l i( I 1 n I I Dill I I II ' I 1 ' in the family ..f W. K. K -nl. The lit . tt a,ls4and l' e nr.t ot too to'"" doing well. 1 be Hon. L. T. Tiitt! ' c.'.me to Miuu - - in;. Safurdsy evening to investigate the mining situation. We beiieve he was well sa'.islie l Willi what he learned. It'Haidl!iero is more anew in th. moanttiiiis thin " v.ar than there i a-been a-been for many veals, and as coufe uaeues tho f. rmcrs are looking f-.-r a proij.oroiw icar. Three tramps stole some ovt'i coats from the I're.-bytei ir-n Mission s.-h.o! last Monday, and succeeded in reachi'iR riterliiig." befom they were cip'.uieo. They are now in durance vile. President 1'aliccr and others of the Rio Grand Weticrn ..dicers have been over the Stvier Vsllty branch recently express themselves as highly . nieas.d with &$ lirs J.i cecenil. ; ; : . A ledge of salt has bc.-u dieo ere-J in the mouutaius c.-.st of Mount Pleasant The ledge is betiVf en li and 30 tet and there is every incicati"n f a eoel mino in the neicbb'.rlioo.l. , The English STudie.tte who have teen enrieavoriug to purohao the iiist mills of Utah failed to connect at Mount Piaant. The milt owners couldn't see why they should -ell out to foreigners. . , The family ot John Hall have been called to nmarn the lu?s of tlnnr 12 year old son L -slie . Tho c.iura of his demise was enlargement of the heart. The family of Mr. liali h?.s the sympathy of a large circle of fiiends. Tho largest line of felt boots, gom boots, rub .era audoveishoes everihoes, ever broaght into S.inpete county. They were bought cheap and are sold cheap. Felt fl ami 1 25 to tun, $1.30 and ?. Come early and avoid the rush, A" petition has been numerously Bigntd asking the P.io Grand Western t9,baiia a da.., st S.i.'io? City. Our pasSMS01"6 aad freigh; hsve certainly beentb'ilin the coid abow long enough, and vyj fijp9 tiio railroii Cjaipjuy will grant the peUtion. The following grand jarors from Sanpete San-pete have btfn drawn for the district Court at Pioio: Kieis Aaaeiseu aaa v Daui.d EcEstrnm, of spring City ; A. E Wall. Andrew Xieison and Tfcomas Oldham, of Meant Pleaaiit; II. P. Lar-een Lar-een and Peter Larten, of Ephraim, and Benjamin Cocrad of Chester. George Eros, our watchmaker, will . give lessons in Geimau and guarantees that all who wili take lessors twice a . week until Hay wiil te atle to speak and. wrile lus . latsgungB correctly., Parties wishing to take lessens should consult Mr. Bros at once so they cau . coauaence.with the cli.ss. ; The Combination Dramatic company propose visiting Macti in tha near future. ( Oar, soullern comteuirJariiig giTelherii'a good reputation, ami as evral members of tho troupe have cor.-sidc-r.iblo eiperienc-8 in the dramati' f Uiir, wecsee no reason wbythey should yOot !)oal ie to (,lva a really goed . per-niance. per-niance. (omt right along. Manti is always pleased to welcome talent. |