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Show TITLKU MKX COM M K.N U IT. U'JtrJII'NHTirN, 1). . I III. Hi': ANKJ) Ml.l'U'l.N'K Co.. Mlor i neb iiillerni.: u'.d tho ice of iji .iiy rrinrdio-'. I have received pro. it relief Hid am nearly .dl from avioient attack ef piiis, IwtiiifS fnr or live wrr';.., t:,M the use of itw ll.Mi one tMif.l.Mif lr. Iwaliko'o Pile Itemeilv. am! 1 gieat satisfai'tion in t'ouimoDdiDg it t" otherf. Very Truly ours, COL. 11. (i. DANIELS. Un. i:i.:ank. pAiiKi-:ii:.Bi:ki;, V. Va. Dk.iH Slit:-' V. S. Judge, John J. Jack-sou Jack-sou of our place, recommended lo me your pile eiiiedy. i'leaae send mo a bolt. Yours trnlv. rilAS.li: BABTI.ETT, D. V.S. S.ild at oil cents by MrbB. Bltl'NKf.. 1111 UfK-l'ONlGHT; " 'l'li I'lanlei s lie." "The Planter's Wife-" vf, (irier s Hall. i 1 ! -t - j , : .1 i" -. ! Compare Out Prices A few i t-tv.s . i : 1 1 r . t nviv i'ni. l.-iser. jJrn.J I .r sarnies ! ibe 46-incii all vool Henrietta at 56 cents 27-inch all wool plaid Flannels v at 25 cents 36-inch all voo! brown and grey Suitings at 20 cents 36-inch plaid Dress goods at 12 I-2 cents 54-inch Ladies' cloth at 45 cents This i-r.idv a few of ihf c real i-.u-.n'-amf bargains that we 'nave at the v.ieseui nine. We will i e tt(.'i.l i.ij;i,.ie tniccs 01 send samples of anything in . in line. GROESBECK & HOUGHTON, 121 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE. E iAH. Plumbing and Pipe Fitting done at short notice, Machinery of all kinds repaired. All woik warranted. Ii R. SLOAN,- For anything in the line of hni-e.hoeir.:.r, liie :cttili and generaicpaiiiug - . in iron work. OALTER & SNELGROVK 7! M A IK STKEKT, SALT LAKE. ' 240,000 Estey Organs in use. n , : S-i . m MOT CALLED FOR 1H TEM DAYS RiTORH Tl T11H FAMOUS - ,?,.,.-.e: f V " . j, Coalter &-Snellgrove TI.e lart-est line of felt booota, glim hoots, riibbi-rs and overshoes ever broiut into Sanpeto county, and they were bought cheap ana are soltl cheap Kelts $1 and rubbers for the boots from 1.25 to $1.40, l.o0 to f2. Come early and avoid the rush. YOU ARE IN' A BAD JUX. Put we u ill curf von it you will pay it--Men u ho are Weak, Nervous and Dcbil-itoled. Dcbil-itoled. siifieiing from Nervous Debility Seminal Weakness, and all the eftect ol eaily Fvit Habit'., or later indiscretions which leadto Premature Decay, Consumption Consump-tion or Insanity, shorn! semi for aud read the ' Rook of Life," giving pa rtic-ulars rtic-ulars d a Home Cure. Sent isealed)lree by addiessing Dr. Paiker's Medical and Surgical Institute, isr North Spruce St., Nashville, Temi. They guarantee a cure or no pay. 12--M I The Temple Hotel ! j "SKill Stleel ffnntl. ! Pii-st i 'l i s Acfi.")molnlions All! i 1 i 11 in i ..ii' for tun I co e. i ree t-oiivevsi.ee I It v 1 ' i Hij I. mill an I Mr.bl.r.C. flx V"1, ?UVWV j will coiuiueiiee his elast m ! O ?;3 m tet ric s 1 I 1 1 1 s t 1 j rr.ffs wm on lt. r.o one tiee.. stay I i.-ii-v on RtwtiKt oi Jm-icof means. The ri:ii Utt bv tne callim? out of the doc-!;.u doc-!;.u v.tll I c made tip. tor further par-i par-i rp.'iil.us f.d.lre;3 I;. Siitvp. M. b.. hp:,rf.iui. ! u avi i i A ju l for general house k f v i t Salt Lake j r f I r f i at u applv t II T 1 s 1 1 1 get Me of 1 I i I want to I niHKo mv in si girl a ( iiristmiis present. REMARKABLE RESCUE. .Mrs. Michael Curtain, PJainCeld, III, makes the statement that she, caught cold wbreh settled on her lungs; she wa treated for a mouth by her family phy sii ian, lint grew worse. He told her she nas a hopeless victim otconsumption and that no medicine conld cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis covery for Cipiisnmtdion; f-ho bonght a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She columned colum-ned its use and after taking tea bodies found hpr.-elf sound and well, now dors her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Gieat Discovery at the Drng Store The Salt Lake music dealer. ' toue, DURABILITY and FINISH J, UNEXCELLED. 'gjliilfl ."00 Guitars, 200 Banjos. sj ;'00 Violin?, 200 Drums, 100 Mandolins, 500 Musijal Boxes, 1,000 Books,' 10.000 pieces Sheet Mrr-icre, select from. " y 9 ', COALTER S&ELLGROVP. the Salt Laie music dealer. Catalogue Free h l UTAH STATIONERY COMPANY. j Sia'ces.-i .rs to 72 IWain Street - Salt t-ake Crty Manager. Toys, - Dolls And other goods for the Hriliibiys, iu ;ul,Ii . lion lo a full line of Books and Stationery ! County Agents FOR THF b CENT DKl'OS L T STAMP PSTEM OF THE I l.lll ('iliiii!)!'lv!.tl ililll SilViilS lnllllt SALT LAKE CITY C:-;!'.. ri:.o p.rown Manti 1'. ('. .'bvsMteiisen Moroni A. r. CiirlstiMiseit, Jr. Kt; (.reen Jos. K. Doi ius, Kphraim Kl-inore Co op Ktsinore II. P. Haii3en Kiohliohl llo.ldeti Co-op . iioiden A. S Nielsen Ml. Pleasant Vulnnetifc P..stou Kanosh IVoplo's Store Fillmore Rohiiir. A: Chvisteiis.Mi Gnnnison .Sciplon Pa-op Seipio Fred U. Willi':! Salina Voutis Men's Co-op Spring City CapiU.1 200.000 Stir ii his 25,000 A Ocijorcl Banking Business Dr.u'is biiiii'ht aud sold on alltlie prin filial cilice iu the United States and Europe. All Accounts Solicited. PiiikUiYikri: F. Armstroiifr. P. W Ma.lsen, I ho-'. W. Lilerbt rk, Bolive llobiTt i, Hr. ,l..s.' S. RiruardH. llics. W Jen.nii:trs,ti. 11. Hardy, M.K. Comuiing sjiuulI iiclhtyre. I |