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Show NOTICE.' Number 1 Notice la liori-bv piven hv the ciiy c'.iin. ll of Manti citv of ihe'intention of said council to male the follow ins described il.ipinvetue.lt, to nit: The h.viLj; of malm for i, water v-t.-m coniie.enci tin at Ihe een.et ol .Main ami I. llion streets, mi" rllntline west on luiim sireet four and one half i.lo.-ks lie..). The cost there.it is estimated at one thousand and tliirtv-one dollars and lifty cents (?l,03l . 5.i) to be defrayed by a local as sessment upon the lei's or pieces of ground within the following dcscriiied cistrlct. being ihe district to be benefitted by said improvement, improve-ment, viz.; All lots or pieces of ground on both sides of Union street from Slain, four and one half (4 1 blocks west. All protests and objections to the carrying (int. of such intention must he presented In citing to file City recorder on or before t'r.u ist day of iV.miary, IS9J, being the time set l y ssid council wheniiwill hear and consider con-sider such objection as may be made thereto. liv order ol tho city council of Manti City. S. ASDKRsiiN, City Kecordev. yi ami, .Isuuury 9, lc92. |