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Show selves immensely. Great credit Is rtne t'le. management for their rfforts to mi.ir.tiiin order, which v.v, , comparatively compara-tively saees?ful. The floor was a little "hard," but that can be e:isily remedied. We c m now safely s.iy that M :nti hss the b--st dancing hall in San ;k to county, and that hall is Tuttis's. Tho MaisU Grocery is paying 22 ets. r c. z .1 for c : Lauies', men's, girls and boy's rubber boots at the Co-op. James K. Metealf was ia this e'uy on business .Monday and Tuesday. Juhn Meter-. '.f, -'who kaeps the hotel," went to Gunnison Monday and retarned the following day. $100 worth of cau.iy to be sold cheap for cah during Christmas and New Years, Sianti Grocery. T, U. Shsnnou.'represehting thi Studa-baker Studa-baker Manufacturing company, was in town Tuesday. Quite a number of people from vai-ious vai-ious parts of the county have been visiting Manti this week. Ward Stevenson business manager of LOG AL BRIEFS- County Court convened Monday. J. C. Cahoon returned from Salt Lake Sunday. Go to Cahoons for all kinds of household house-hold goods. The first quarter of the Latter Day j Saints' Seminary closed Friday last. T. R. Schroder was up from Saliua Friday, and "took in" the dance. It snowed. Damp feet aud beautiful language were the order of the day. The Springville Independent h- s been enlarged to an eight column folio. The panorama last Friday evening was so lightly patronized that no performance per-formance was given. : That free trade brings down the price """ " of furniture is proven by the great redaction re-daction of prices at Gaboon's. The Corriue Caliope has not '-tooted" in onr sanctnm for some timr. We hope it is nothing serious. E. A.Gregory will depart for Salt Lake Saturday. He expects to be gone about ten days and will not return alone! "Where did you buy your furniture':" "At Cahoon's. cheapest place in town to get furniture, carpets, stoves, etc." All good folks who went to bsd early Sunday evening up in arising Moaday say, "Oh, what a difference in the morning," If yon have a friend visiting you or know of anything yon think of interest we wonld be pleased to have you call and "pat us on." The young men's band has been in creased, and now numbers seven pieces, They furnish first-class dance music. The Aspen Times has followed its Salt Lake namesake, and slid up the golden flame. Next. Being endowed with a spirit of .generosity .gen-erosity and being desirous of informing those who may not be aware of the fact, we take pleasure in announcing that it snowed. Peter Poulson, one of our typos, has severed his connection with the paper, and is now in the employ of Mr. Provst-gaard. Provst-gaard. Weak eyes compelled Peter to quit. this paper went to Gunnison yesterday-Be yesterday-Be is expected back Friday. Thdre was a very interesting conjoint sessoin of the II, I. A, in the tabernacle, Tueday evening. A good program was uiceiy rendered. All had a good time. Luther Stringham left Tuesday for the sheep herds out west. He expects to be ,70119 the greater pan of tho winter and don't like it a bit. Foil Sale. Five acre3 of land with water right, and to room adobe house For furth'T information apply to W. al. Kcariis, Gunnison, Utah. Fifty leases iu rchcol lands have been granted by the county court. These lands ar. iu seventeen different sections a ad ranged all the way from 25 cents to 15 per acre per year. The Gunnison Irrigation company are trying to make arrangements with Mr. Hi; men Christcnsen for the transfer of some real estate on the reservoir site. i'r. Thomas Higgs will leave Tuesday for New York to visit his father, who will be 101 years of age, Christmas Day. !r. Higgs will return in abont six weeks V. F. Ceily, ;Buffa!o Bill,) accompanied by several samLile? of English aristocracy, aristoc-racy, and various other human curiosities, curios-ities, passed this city on Tuesday's north bound train. A Chicago janitor lost his position last S.itur day' because he kissed a girl. If the young lady, in any way resembles the Chicago people of our acquaintance, the poor fellow wa3 doubly punished. Ai. Aider has shipped six carloads of wheat to J. M. Hoover at Prvo, during the seaion. Thi, as far as learned s the total amount shipped this season. Wheat is now selling for fifty-two cents - The Davis County Clipper is the name of a bright litle sheet that showed up among onr exchanges, for the first time last week. Keep coming, wo welcome wel-come thee. Arthur Henrie has just received a large consignment of marble monuments monu-ments from Vermont, Georgia, and even some from the far famed Carrara mines of Italy. The designs are all that conld be desired, and show the good taste of the artist. The attention cf merchants is respectfully respect-fully drawn to the ad of John Scram-croft Scram-croft & Sons of Ogden which sppears on another page in this issue. The firm mattes a specialty of teas and the " "Fnji" tea is the best known. There will be a grand ball in TutUe's hall Friday evening. The consolidated orchestra will bo in attendance and will furnish good music. The floor of this already popular dancing hall, has been oiled and we advise boys who dance with "hob" nails in their shoes to look out for stars. It snowed quite heavily in Salt Lake Sunday morning, bnt the storm did not reach this city till lata in the evening and then it was very mild and iho fall of snow comparatively light. This causes ns to invite oar friends ia Zion to come down here and enjoy a little of onr excellent climate. pet bushel, with few buyers. The supply greatly exceeding the demand. The Central school building at Provo was sold at auction yesterday toV. L, Hailiday for $5,000. The building was to satisfy a judgement in favor of the Provo Commercial snd Savings bank; the P. L. M. & B Co. and Belmont & Kinneyltho claims amounting to $9,000. Now that snow has fallen and wet feet the common eau.9 of colds, are numerons Would it not be a good idea to feet a pair of those rubber boots for saie. at the Co op. Man's, ladies', boys' aud girls' kept in stock. Most complete line of rubber goods in this city. Zauiloek. a slight of hand performer, held ;he boards of G.'ier's hall Monday asd. Tufa lays evenings and gave two ple'si.ig e.r.d clever entertainments, S.iDie of the l icks were old others were no. The performances gave general satl-.-faction. Monday morning a freight train on the Utah & Northern, when near Poca-t Poca-t din, ran into a bull aud was ditched. The engine and several cars were piled up in a p:as of ruins. The engineer and fireman were extricated, the former for-mer unhurt, but the latter, William Durhf-m, was so terribly injured that he died ii jii'iav afternoon. For; Sale: A forty Jacre farm, clear Since nearly all of the county papers in Utah are giving premiums aud prizes with subscriptions, we have decided to do likewise, and to all who subscribe before Jan, 1st, and pay $2.00 (eash) in advance, we will give a neatly printed receipt for one year's subscription. This great and unparalelled offer is open to all our old subscribers who are in arrears, ar-rears, j, g The panorama on Saturday. evening did not receive as good an audience as it deserved. The paintings were really good, the comic sketches were laughable and the music was better thau expected. The boys deserve to be encouraged, as their performance was above the average. We trnst they will find more support elsewhere than they did Iu Manti, aud feel sure that under other circumstances they would have had a larger audience. Last Wednesday, Mr. John Greaves, of Ephraim, after a loug and we trust, pleasant courtship, committed matrimony. matri-mony. He is one of tho few men whose house is never likely to be too hot to hold him, for he will always have sufficient suffi-cient Frost in it to keep cool. He may be often treated to cold shoulder, but as he is of a genial disposition we believe he ill have but little to fear from that source. The Reporter congratulates the newly wedded pair, and our wishes for their future happiness, are with them. Tattle's hall was formally epeued Friday night, with a grand free ball, which was largely attended- The hali was gaily decorated with flags aui bunting and presented a flue appearance. appear-ance. The dancers, to the number of about two hundred, all enjoyed them- title, all fenced, good water right locate! ia the Gunnison field. Also two city lots, adjoiniug each other, a large five room house, barn, granary, and a first-class wtll on premises. Situated two blocks east of connty road Gunnison Gunni-son Sanpete Connty, The above to be pui chased together or separately. Address, Anthony Madsen, X. 21 3 m Gunnison, Utah 1 1 order lo make room for an imrnonse stock of Dry Goods which will arrive neit week we are selling everything on haud at the lowest possible price. A fine Hue of Overshoes and Rubbers, Ging-h-.ras. Flannels, Elankets, Underwear, Bojb Snits, Boys Knee Pants from 20c up. A Que lino of fancy Stand Covers, Laces, Ribbons and thousiuds of other articles, cheaper than the cheapest. Call at the Chicago Store, the originator of low prices, and be convinced. Quality the best and assortment the largest. H. E. Taylor, proprietor. "Bill" Richie had a close call, or perhaps per-haps several of them, from being severely se-verely hurt Saturday. He went to Six Mile for a load of coal, aud loaded the wagon with 3,300 pounds of the black diamonds. When about half way home one of the burrs came off the rear axle unpereeivi d by Mr. Kichie. Everything went all riht, till the conrt house was reached, w ieu the wheel came off and down went the wagon. Fortunately no damage was dune. Ths great wonder about this is that the wheel did not work eft Ion before it did, and it is lucky tint it did not, for if it had, while traveling tho rough road between this city and the coal mines, it would have resulted dit-astronsly to the wagon and probably to iir. Richie. |