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Show COUNTY. COURT. Dec. 5-- VVnen the jnJ,;.i 04'ilrtl t'.ty cuuri to otdtr all he members -,vere present. The report of K. 8:1 .- v, cf S.criin.?. w.:s pris-ntod au-i :;e'.'--aied, V-j'J.1 5 being allowed. Selectman Sorenson reported on the condition of Sis-ililo creek dugway, and the claim of F. W. Snow for b.uld i:g a fence on the dug way, amounting :o $1'.), was allowed, ;u.d an additional was appropriated to be expeuiUd under the direction of Ssperiatentieit Snoa. The sum of jo per quarter was appropriated appro-priated iu favor cf Peter Hahreoen, of Ephraim, to b9 expended nnder the direction di-rection of Magnus Kricksc-n. A standing appropriation of $5 per quarter was allowed Juhn Scheiss, of Manti. The petition of J'leasant View school district, asking tbat the present line be changed to conform to former line, and a remonstrance signed by P. Snndwall aud others, protesting against the change, were presented. The court decided de-cided that the lines should run as at present platted. The following claims were allowed: Henry Lamb, for quarantine services in the families cf Arnoldtis and Justistn, Moroni, $23.25. Dr. tV. H. Olsten, quarantine physician, physi-cian, f 19, Dr. Wooding, for services at inquest, $5.00. C. W. Peterson, stationery, $25. The following reports of road supervisors super-visors were presented: Geo. W, Brough, nf Snrlncr (iitv. accoat-d and S.jtt.55 al- pernied ui:dor the direction of Selectman ! ;Xe-!ee;:. ; Lve. 7th:- J The Ri.j.roprktioa in favor cf Mr.! XsiUoa of Manti was disjontiimed. The claim of Ferdinand Clark for seiices on board of Quarantine, lit. Ficasaut amounting to ?2S.0O was referred re-ferred to the quarantine physician. The report of Soren P. Xeilson on ex-peudiluie ex-peudiluie of appropriations on roads and badges, during the past two years, was appro-red. The report of X. C. sorenson on expenditure ex-penditure of r.ppropiiatious was up-proved up-proved and $11.3-3 appropriated to make ihe difference. The following bills were allowed: Swen 0. Xeilseu, services in county court. Oct., Nov. and Dec, $ 36.C0; services ser-vices in quarantine, $13.00; services on highways, ' $10.20; paid to indigents $10.4.0; services on board of equalization.' $$0; total, f 151.10. Jacob Juhr.soa, sert'ie.-s in county court. Oct., Nov., and Dee, $30.20; services ser-vices on board of equalization, Salt Lake serviees cn roads $12; services on general couuty matters, $20; stationery for Probate Judge cilice, 5; total, $98.00 Selectman Kemp, services on roads, $16 40- services on quarantine, $0.20; sei vices iu county court, Oct. Nov. aud D c, $32; total, $37.00. The court then adjourned for two week?, lowed. Waiier Cox, cf Fairviev?, was referred back for correction. Wm. Gee. of Fayette, accepted aud 15.70 allowed. II. N. Larter, cf lit. Pleasant, accepted and $10.35 allowed. Henry Green, of Ephra'.m, a cep.e.i and $23.80 allowed. ' J. F. Carlson, of MayhV.d, accepted aud $11.75 allowed. Nephi Rae3e, of Wales, accepted and $21.15 allowed. Christian Christensen, of Chester, accepted ac-cepted and $14.20 allowed. M, V. Selman, of Thistle, accepted and $14 40 allowed. James Colman, of Ft. Green, accepted and $1-1.45 allowed. The report of Gunuison's supervisor was referred to Selectman Sorensau. F. M. Stewart, of Miiburn, accepted and $48,95 allowed. Dec. 0:- The bonds of the various county officers offi-cers were placed at the following amounts: Clerk, $5,000; treasurer, $5,000: recorder, re-corder, $10,000; assessor, $20,000; collector, col-lector, $15,000 for county and $22,000 for territory. Tho report of John Baiiey, road super- riser of Moroni district, was accepted and $91.80 allowed. The following claims were allowed: Isaac a. Reynolds, for services board of quarantine, $12.75. Philip Marx, Jr., quarantine services, $11.25, Jacob Johnson, in case of Nelson, Davis and Landstom, 14 30. Manti expense for incidentals for county effise, $18.60. John Rid, for contingent expense of county office and blanks for townsite entries, $25 35. Indexes and copies oi registry lists for school districts. $19.83. J. II. Hongaard for p'ats for nse of school superintendent and assessor, etc., $28.50. John Carter, services as bse inspector, $49.80, to be paid from bee fund, W, K. Reid, for services on board of examiners, $13.40, to be paid out of school fund. N. II. Felt, for publishing notice, $t. Joseph Eraithwaite, services as bee inspector, $90( to be paid from bee fund. Alex Justeson, for services iu the case of Augnst Lamlstrum, $21.30, - James Bnrns, sheriff. $ 142 50. Thomas Fowler, sheriff Utah county, $6.00. Ferd Ericksoa, couuty attorney, stationery sta-tionery for office, $25. George Christensen, services on board of examination (school fund), $15 20. 0. N. Lund, for services at inquest of J. P. Peterson, $5. A. B. Williams, for publishing notices, $12. Ward Stevensou, for publishing notice, $8.25. Bill in connection with the case of People vs. CP. Elliot, $33 55. Henry Jensen, services in holding inquest, in-quest, $19.t5. Christian Peterson, services on quarantine. quar-antine. $10 The report of Guy C. Wilson, justice of Fairview precinct, accepted. Report of H. C. Hansen Boyle, justice of Ft. Green, on sale of estrays, referred to Attorney Ericksou. The application of And. Fredi icksen, of Manti, for a reduction of taxes, waa denied. The bill of James Rums for lumber and cleaning jail, amounting to o.5!l, was allowed. i Tbe application of M G. Casto, ofj Manti, praying for a remittance of her taxes, was allowed, and $3.15 appropri- j ated for that purpose. A like disposl-j tion was made in the estate of Soren Christensen, ot Moroni; $(J o0 was appropriated ap-propriated to S. R. Aiken, of Spring City, on account of ind gency. The cleik was appointed a coaimitteo of oue to gather up the books bclotigiieg to the county libiuiy. The sheriff was authorized to t:.ke steps towards making two rooms la the east part of tbe county building ia the large room; alo that t!;e sheriff take entire charge of the buil ling, and that the services of 'Thomas Real asj.mitcr be dispensed with at the end of the term. The sum of $10 was appropriated in favor of the Ferris minors to be ex- |