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Show mulcted" ou''of $2.75 nnVe, makias a 'toll cost cf IC.S0 to $7-00, wliieh if yon took a round trip wouM cost e!)oni $4.00 aiMiiiomil. We now have in the Rio Grande Yi e.-tr-ra a'noble competitor which gives us a rsulur every day rate o! $6.50 for the round trip, find at conference con-ference timo this Is "redffeed too. and when v.e hav an excursion to Salt LakS wo hara the-extri-maly low ra:o of I2.C0 with be.-t service.roliing stock, etc. What is"morp. the Rio Grande Western is constantly improving lis arcoraofla-tions, arcoraofla-tions, and wo should feel thankfal that we have tho ptivilege of "riding, to SiH Labs on this iavnous road. A difference too, is noticed in the freight "rats, heing lowar than when all our produce was hauled ut.cf Jh galley, bfjsgon and a duiainy engine. ' Railroad Improvement- It is wlth pleasant thought for the energetic Rio Grande Western that we compare the early days of 8anpete and Manti rnil-road rnil-road accomodations with those of to-day Hot only from a -financial standpoint, but from a pleasurable one. la those days, we had to get out at .o'clock jn the morning with a guarantee of sixteen six-teen miles driving, the pleasure of which- would be guaged by the kind of weather, . quality of teard and relative sociability of the company you happen to strike. This trip would cost from $1 to $2. At eight o'elock yon would take the little whipper-snapper road box-oar, box-oar, the Sanpete Talley. with an old plank for a seat, and after depositing $15 tor your ticket yon take s saunter over the hill to Nephl, arriving there at eleyen o'clock you take the Union Paci-iflc Paci-iflc Railroad with Its magnificent (?) sanies to Salt Lake having been again |