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Show Far Battar Reads-Few Reads-Few movements effecting the general public ever amount to much unlets some special Interest inspired by .eel Ash motives ia at the helm. When no man's Interest Is greater than another's, and the object sought does not promise direct di-rect and Immediate pecuniary returns, general efforts flag or are relinquished entirely, but when, as In the case of the egitation for improved roads, a special interest Is actively employed the movement move-ment grows apace. Our remarks are not intended as a reflection npon the bicycle manufacturers who have been so aotire in stirring up a sentiment in favor of a most desirable reform; we merely state a fact, and, indeed, woold despair of ever witnessing a marked im provement in the condition of the roads of the country were the said manufacturers manufact-urers to give up their work. They de serve to succeed, and judging by the thorough ventilation which the subject htohVetlUori to be Held at Ephriam I my i pasfday of October 1892. to nomt- yo ! canty officers and to elect 28 dele- Mr w- b-jeTrItoxI. eonventlott at t u ever M'thbr ia to be' congratulated Pacli e excellence of his production snkswell with those of more Wi viay writers. The plot Is well that 01 the interest of the audience is iIl the denouncement. The play " rerbnrdened with . people, none part baracters are overdawn, nor do l:T atlons extend beyond the natural turn, e.llke. We pronounce "Under Agamore than average play, Ge v that does great credit to the laK)T ei-Salt Lake Herald. - on d- ... your |