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Show XEWS NOTES e A proposition to reduce th wages cf the miners at tlie Bullion-Bcck Bullion-Bcck and the Eureka does not strike the miner favorably, and the prosp-.cU are a cessation of operation- at both mints for a time. About fii'leen men left Salina to-day to-day for S ai Jiuiii. Among them are s.ime proiiiinent S ilt Lake niiol Colorado miners. Koj-or's fioai Mai-ysvale - ay that althou.-'i tit-no ate iluli th-re iiqw, there is. cvi-ry eviilea,.:e of a busy A miner, who has been several times in the S in Juan country and has known many others who have prospected tV-re, informs - us that eohl can found, nl! along the rivers but not in paying quantities. There may be a few rich spots but the majority of those who go there wi 1 be disappointed. The seventeen year old son of W. R. Laitibaurne and the seventeen-year-old daughter of S. A. Kennssr went to Ogden about two moeths ago and were married without the knowledge of thei.- parents, A few days ago the scent leaked out and both the irate farthers ate vowing vengacce against the man who performed the ceremony. Mt. Pleasant, Jan. 10, Seren J. Nelson, the cian on whom tha a-.tfaidt was inabo to kill by shooting tome four weeks a:o, died suddenly last night abought 9; IB o'clo.k. This caused great suprise ar. he told some of his friends that he was feeling much better and his reeovery was confidently expected. expec-ted. His death was immediately caused by hart affection to which subject and which wi.s aggravated by the gnu shot wound. An a'as-ant son returned boine Saturday f:om the east aud the deceased was surrouud-d by Mi family when he died.Fun?ritl preparation wi'.l b; arran gfd Liter. Ert-'k Hi eira'ull of Gunnison was arrested Tuesday iiight by Sheriff Burns for forging a ch-:ck On Nephj Anderson for ij'oO. The check was made payable to Chris Hicks and endorsed by that myihical person. Roseuwali passed the cheek at Knighton & Peterson, s . score, aud received a pair of shoes and the balance in cash. Tlie Manti bank detected the forgery aud Cui us has been looking for Hicks for some time, when arrested ho said, "I expected ex-pected you'd be af.er me before." His preliminary hearing will take plaea Tuesday before Juslice John Lar-oen. In the meantime he has I given bonds in the sum of !f500 for j his appearance. |