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Show PROBATE NOTICE. In Prob.-.te f'onrt, Sanpete county. Ptah Territory, Ter-ritory, in the matter of the estate of Simon P. Wc.ufiill, deceased. Vol ice- is hereby feiven that the final account of Mary K. Wastfall, ndministratriK of the estate of Simon e. Wosil'all, deceased, has been reiitlered to said cart fnr settlement, a nd that a petition for a tiiinl distribution ot the ea-ta'.e, ea-ta'.e, lias been tiled with e.id aoeount, and that the 9t!, day of January. 13, at 3 o'clock. P M. lias beou liul y unpointed uv said court for ihe. eetllement of s lid account and hear-irip hear-irip said petition at which time any person interested in sui.l cetnto mat appear and ale his eicc,tlor:s, in writing to said account, and contest tho same, .Ti ns Reid, Clerk Probate Court, Sanpete County, Uiah. Dated. December 1st. 1mj it |