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Show . Notice- Li it 1 ct e J11 d 0 f S ! L ke City. tiah. Nov 2H. 1S'.)2. fae l-nuett btatcs Sarvevor General of L 1 i f iv I o h 1 1 tt folbw-ms folbw-ms aenciu;ur&l iownslup piats in this ohiLv. viz: fowtsbip lS'ee-ctii range 8 J - 1 , 1 m 10 t t lowasnip ls south ran ire si v.ea;. TowBhiD ly Bouih raupe 10 west. fowB-'-lnp -0 south ran?f "J west. Jsouco is taere fi re Iisri bv civeu that on ann a iter December n.. ly.2. this of : fics will receive apnlice.tions for entries . in said towuships. j 1' rank I). lioobs. Register. Hoyt Sherman. Jr.,- Receiver ' |