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Show so. ir,?9. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake Citr.Utah. December Htli, lo'.!2. Notice is hereby eiven that the followiD named settler has hied notice of his intention to mate tlnal proof In support of his claim and that said proof will ho made before tlie County Cle,k of San Pete County, Utah at Manti, Utah, on Jan. Jith. Ism, ,v)z: Kou'ben Christenson. H. K. No. 7824, for the w v of l. Sec. 1, and E ,'-), of Self, Sec Jl To 19. S. R. 1 west, S. L. M , Utah. ' P He names the following witnesses no prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vizi Lars M. C, Christeufon, Carl F. Wesllund R. C. Roberts and .lames S. Itater allot t,un' ulson, Sanpete County, I'tah. Fkask D. Hobbs, T.C, Bai.ey, Attorney. Register. |