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Show (No. 1551.) TlilBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF-NOTICE PROOF-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.S. Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah. October 7th 1892. Notice I" hereby given that Christian A,. Larsen has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof before Register and Receiver at the office in Salt Lase City, Utah, on the 29ih day of November, 1893, on Timber culture application No. 476, for the S E yA of SWX quarter of seotion No. 2, In Township No. 17 S. Bange No. 3 S. L. M., Utah. Be names is witnesses; George Allred, Peter Madsen, Hans Jenpen, Peter Sshwalbe, all ot Ephraivn, Sanpete county, Utah. alio proof -will b mede before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City. Utah, on November 2-th, 1693. viz: William A. Larien, D. S. No. 11.919, for the JT W of swx section 2 Township 17 S. Range i E,. S. L. 51., Utah. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, anil cultivation cultiva-tion of, said land, viz-. Peter M dsen, George Allred. Hans Jensen. Petet Schwalbe, all of Ephraitn, Sanpete ooun-ty ooun-ty , Utah. T. 0. Bailey, Fknk D. Hobbs, Atry. vl no 14. Register. |