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Show No. 1649 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ofuoe a; Sait L,ak Cit?, TJtak Jan. Uh, 189S. "Notice tfl heieby given that iha following named sertler hn fi ird notics of bis intention to iiirkc flu I proof in support of fll claim, and that laid proof will b made befor the County Clerk of Emerf county Utah at Castle ltale. Utah on Eabjuary -241U 10s;Tiz Chris tiah K, Jensen H. E. '7309. for the N KMV J, ae--. 1 1 and s '4 SW H lac ! ip 20 S R 7 tan lis nm l following witiuasess to prove tain continue resides upea and calttvitioo Of. said l&Bd, viz: vruiu .Nelon, Joseph S. Tuorton, John fl it'choorli, of Ferron Cun, Dftjliul Hunch e-1 M.a.jn Utau. Frank d . Be bus, Rf gistor. |