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Show 3 Washlnat jn l.e-.ier, PrrBidci.t-fUc; i IcvhmiiJ u .ui v.-noxatiomt-f. ie so: ou!y t.-.vms i. annexitticu of 1 luan. the couia::.--sioLers of whita kok m asui x tor, a kn f i c p r l nl 11 under the wou-eu.)-" of iln Li.h, Sta'ei but ' i i i'na of Ciinai'". 9 ml frc;i Don M. Ditkensu!'. wi.o is 1- lis e-.-i.a- : deuce, said to nitfUitK-is oi C-:!iss cw - I this w k he pi 1 j nexvtl uuruiK hi.-? ..!i;:.;i'Vt;.U!. 1 Diektu ca 1 1 1 1 1 ' tive and tiniuoi a ive mui ,:i ! wliicii led liiin to .--xpsi-t that in t 1-D'ear 1-D'ear future Canaan -ouM v X ; r steps to ttioso no: bou- tnK,;i--T Hawaii. It 13 knottu bera ti.s-t- tii, pre?ent auuiioistrr.tioa li'is (jtit.-v. .-i couraged the iMiii'.sucn ;-p; ,u in 1 Canada whenever it uas b : a a o 1 nr-tunity nr-tunity to .do so. and that ca:.vff(. i-nent i-nent Canadians h.. have w p 1 I... r a: different times have iak-11 ay m-cial m-cial assurances fact, wa -ia-vvr (... r.. apphe 1 for a il 1 , wonld be favorably recc:v. It appears that tne Nic '.rr.ru: . bill is not to get tlaoiith t:;e s, i. without a struggle. , npn ;!,.. 1. t Sherman attempted to t-eur-i i..r .! bill the right cf wav li f: yasaut l,v ti.;. passage of the anti-option Lull he antagonized by Senator t i-st. vj.u t m that it was far more impi.rir.nt tb.-t !i p "Cherokee outlet" bi:i t;:-,u! ! be ef-i dered and passed Una tii;.t tha t'.:j.p r.t the Senate should be ia up in ti discustiion of a me&suro t:,at u was an open secret could not p,. is st this session. ses-sion. It is stgniheaut mat I'.r. s;;ti-j man s motion was voifii dnuu. 1 Should a Senator vo: accord ni; b. his i wn belief 111 w' 1 1 , per, or according to ltir-iructmiis ottfe legislature of his stcU : hen tin1 lxn-rote lxn-rote on the autl-optita hJl. wan ! ke.i in the Senate a Bun..or cf n-- .. voted emtrar to re L 1 1 i 1 1 bseu adopted by t!j-,:r 1. iutnu s Some maue fsplaua;:ti!..s. &u,t'i-.jt 1: p Vest of fctssoai 1, v.l-0 s.i:i! :i' tt I1..V.1 h-.dsuding h-.dsuding such lustice.i.m to v.iie ,.. Uie bill be toi-k pieabure in ouns ag8;BSt it, even it ais coDstiiuenis re yarded such BCUfiu eb Sirti'e'eut re;:- Hi for retiring hltu to i'n-.fitti hfe. The fate of the f.iiU-cpt.Uin bill i now m the bancs of as neud-in the house. If tfjey are ehrcvd thev can outwit out-wit the men who 1 ! v.: aniwiuiOHl 1 p i inientiou to luiibn-.i. t a;.'u:ast it. v .i. it comes uoin the ban.-: fi-.rconctirrwe in the Scate amtui.'a.em-'. and rtu it through. Party litves wer w-?il oat ttvth - vou on tha uiitt -oyilon t 11 in t;;e .-aar;'. The forty votes in favor of the b;;i wcie cast by 8 popuiist.i, 11 democrats and 2, republican:-!, while toe opposition v:iea mustered 29 votes, was made up of 9 re publicans and 20 democrats The house sub-committee to iiicsti gate the whiskey trust, of which reprr-! senlattve Bynum is chairman, are holding hold-ing meetings. Mr. Bynum ana oi'u-i memoers express their intention lo gw to the bottom cf the whole ba-inpss, it it is wi;bin the range of possibi ity tc do so, |