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Show merrrx Save this announcement, read it care- IMPORTANT: a-SSfts for ff fflgp"Mtlstffi llSlPIJ ; The Postum Cereal Company will buy not less than 101 Recipes or suggestions sugges-tions for new Uses of Grape-Nuts, paying $50.00 for each one accepted. And l in addition-Good addition-Good Housekeeping Institute, conducted by Good Housekeeping Magazine, . will decide an award of $2500.00 for the best four of the 101 or more Recipes or suggestions for new Uses of Grape-Nuts, so purchased: ; 1 1000.00 for the 1st selection 750.00 for the 2nd selection 500.00 for the 3rd selection 250.00 for the 4th selection Read carefully the terms of this offer so that you may have the fullest opportunity to share in its benefits. The conditions are so simple and fair that- every housewife in the United States can take part in this National Recipe Festival! There Is No Other Food Like Grape-Nuts 5t:a b. made with Grapes-Nut. Read th.m WHILE practically illgS for fowl9, etc. No doubt over, try aona.ot them, .nd then yon .1 ' ,, will 6d it ey to work out a new Reo- evcry man, woman there are thousands of women irorthiok.f.nwiieeforGrap-Nut., and child in the Eng- who are finding varied uses for thstw.Bi.ypurch... Andr.m.mb. lish-speaking world knows Grape-Nuts in their home JjGr'Nuu miIuo"meritoBi'ol Grape-Nuts as a delicious, cooking, and even more thou- th. irf. .w.rdi. nourishing and wholesome sands who will be glad to learn JmSSL. cereal, and while it is common of those varied uses ; for while fa-.--- knowledge that Grape-Nuts we all cling to old favorite & .iVoVfe with milk or cream is a complete dishes, we also welcome and vr.rlC.'S.v.tr" fmA rnrntv housewives do not enjoy a change. GRAPE-NUTS Salad jood, many nousewives ao not 4t,ldL, uu.i, IwCnm 2t.btn... know of the appetizing and So that .s the thought back fc , , .Bnnnm;Mi ;c, t,t cm h of ur offer f more than .pp" cJ!.-s.i.iDrri.i economical dishes that can be c!!pri..tn.ii..ddiw.-i-i..ii.KOrtp j rraA.Mn 5'5w.UO in cash tor new ways Na, ..d,,. bed .n.u.. with cm prepared witn or ape-fNuts. r M,o Tmh 8ai.d i..ng. M.k iomo . !,.. lend, itself, we believe, to more use, of U9in Grape-Nuts. To those GRAPE-NUTS Si, Minut. Pudding . Kiun icV. women who are already using iP crap-Not. t.bi..p.. . 0 any other cereal 1)M con- Grape.Nut, in various ways, SZ&AJtetJ!Xu. venience and economy of othcr than as a breakfast cereal E&rVXtttJZtt Grape-Nuts, and the flavor, of in the recipM vcn hcrCf i-,. zest and wholesomeness which andt0 those women who would o1!:: it imparts to other food, make i;ke to try their hand at de- VJZZfiStLm aE;,",b,kl"1" . , t 1 V. 1H otipt light browtt powaar it mvaluable in every home. Teloping some new way to use u',,,, ISEE0 Frequently w receive in- Grape-Nuts, we offer to buy lt'TZZ$ JS?S teresting letters from women at $50.00 each not less than 101 '?jrlW"it"t:u throughout the country, telling new Grape-Nuts Recipes. We t'"j&Gw'rfj'tJ about the attractive dishes they plan to include these new ZZf 55 Su&jSSZ make with Grape-Nuts de- Recipes in a beautifully illus- IrlT,,"!- - ; 1 ... . .. , . . 41j it, GRAPE-NUTS Cbect. Cmerol. I hcious puddings, salads, dress- trated cook book. y ,n Gr.r.-Nu liNwKMiwiw i't h nilk IVi tap. ekapped , What Is Grape-Nuts? hrsr' IStV. ImM th. Bilk. Add Gtm-Nui, baiiOT 4 GMpJ4itt b blfhlr nutritiou. Bv.ry koiuewlCe in tb. L ibouU "SirtlllhtirtSU! w'tli". blfitS food in th. Utm of criip, oldn rnn- Uk. ndvuUt of thi astraordinary hakimt dub, irrnwd mkk kt wr nd b.k ule.. It MHiiu th. full nutrinMnt ol onportunity to eirn th. tUy um nf I 'ZlTAtZ.TTl whaat and barley, iMludtnJ vitamln-B $50.00 by littl. pUataat and Juoa- I Miwinw, Utkmt imot m iii portios. and ntiaaral element. r.quLr.d i.r tional effort ia bar own boa. AU. I GRAPE-NUTS Fruit Puddinf buildup sturdy health. Tbe. eU- the fair and .quel ohano. to leour. I I w ;Gfw-Noi. IpiM boiliai meat) ar. often laekiatf ia tb. ordinary on of th. hb.ral awardt t. b. sada on4 or chopped ditw diet.ohiely throuh"over-reaoement" by Good l!oui.k..pin Inetitut. icUium I. k. .....niin. rtuut ii . . Add Ik koMief waler to Ik. J.ll-Oor lenoa In the preparation of rood. Moreover, ther.'a th. greater ..uno. .d nir i i, di.ivi. iw No other food ia eo thoroughly baked knowledg. of th. valu. of Grapa- '" aiould. d tku Hw ninur. hu wolcd .. Grape-Nate. Mora than 20 hour. Nut., not only .. d.lioiou. break- .lMli are aoawaMd in tba baking proeet. (ait cereal, but in the preparation of to six portion., which make. Gr.p.-Not. aeey to a variety of appetizing dish, that add GRAPE-NUTS Meat Loal digest, aad alio develop, a natural to the health and plee.ur. of the 1 eup GrW.-Nyt. lot tweetne.. from tha grain, themeelvc.. whola family. 1 HuW..po lo. Th. form .ad eriipneet of Grep.- . . . ... H pouod .h pork ufclcapooa. tomato , , . ., Whore to do.'t tad Crcpe-Noti I I t.a.poon ult nt.op Nut. iovit. thorough maetioatwn n yo woo'i Ud poopie I Hiuipmiixpkm Vt t.bl..nooB .bopp.d decided advantag. beoeoe. thla not , . , i ubl.pooo anik p.r.l.y only provide, prop.r .x.roi for th. "Were S a cason JtfZXXZ,. - tC(h. but mikei for OOd dlCtlOn. Soldtf roMrttvrrwkrl n. Hrowa tnioced imkm in I tittia 1st be I or t4 intf Grp4-Nuu iilk( and ahghdr bfatea cftM. Pftck in (kakiM dih, tbaptng tik Im anwiwn m " of hakl Hr4vd ud fUoifa vnly ou lop, Hak for locfT-a itMNea, bsatinfl frequently oamtf - a f at gT f oue-hall?p ci hnt water. tabUapoon at a tima. Conditions Governing the Purchase of, and 1 fcJ7Xttti$t'S B for oa miRvU. Mekaa lur portiont. Awards for Grape-Nuts Recipes , .ue rNUTS-p M cup hotter Z teatpoooo bakia.- Tb Portnm Ccrvol Comp.nT will hmy mat award idcotleal la all reipecta with that lied lot ' '"P "' powdar teaa thaa 101 Reeipae or evMiuaa lor saw will ha Blade to r tab oaa trio. J 1 teaapooa aall Ztl! a" ', TS T" ,? crW..N.,. ?2FE.LT I lb. Ualied Statab Uo(. .eamaf to a.bmit rompoa. ,tMm,tuty, id , alterna.elr th. M.tt, I ' Good Hooackeepinl laatltata, artadoeted h Yoor Recipe thonld atate the nact Bomber beaten eia-wtnte. and flour ailted with hokme- 1 Coed Hoiit.liMpiaJ Mataiiaa. will decide aa Intended to be aerved. Krcipee ahoald bo ponrdrr three time.: laMly. add thevonilla. Have award el W.S00 (X) lor the beat loor ol the Ktl or aarelullf letted .t make .ore that proportion. cake pan previoo.lv .rood and liflHlv Bourad) I mora Reeipea or auMeatioaa lor new Uaea ol and diraotiona lor prcpa.iog will bring beat re- kll two-iharda lull and bake ia a aiooorat.ovoa n Grapa-Nuta. an parcha.d. KM.OO lor the l.t aulta. Q for lorty-v minutee. tlltL'1tS,Sl 'hat. writ, name ol v. I GRAPE-NUTS Tomato Soup M ,K ,b lh Recipe .1 top of .he.t, a.der.e.ih li.t all in- I Vt cu. Grwa-Nuta 1 elited oobe iredientj, ucinC feref . vnjanmrnri only; then thl I ,uart tomatoea 2 teaaponoe .art Raeipee asoat ho Bulled bctweefl Mar let. directioif. lor prcpanni. worded eiraplv and ao- 2 cup. water Vi teauwoo eoda IKJaad Aooit31at. 1W1 auratal, De net Mod apacima i diah. 9 10 peppercorn, 4 whole olovoa Recipe, or ...leatioo. In, new o... anhmitt.d Ji 1 Cook ZT2Zmlntt tw,t, Kaoipee printed w tbia anaonnceuiant. Gr.p.-Not. witti a rolling pia. M.lt th. butter, No Recipe will ha porch.aod Irorn enyon. ' ,'?,' ,'r- . ... I ed the rolled Grape-Nut., oomh.ne and he S diractlrorindlrc.tl,o;ntedw.thth.l'o.tuo. ch' l 'f f ,UT7; ol .. rfo. 5 ! h ' at.bat.tot. whole 8 t;r..l Cbmp.n,. Inc.. or Good iloo.ek.cp.cg ,c' 01 eiproaatoe d Gr.pe Nut. lor crouton, in eerv.ng .nd.v.doat I lo.lilute. ot rcc.p.. I p.i... M.ke. foor to .u portion.. I An.fmseement of the Reeipei purchased, and I fRAPR-NlT Pntrf 1 II mora thaa oaa Recipe ia offered, each eiu.t Award. I.r Good Hnn.rkerp.ng In.iitute. w.ll , r . . T , 1 ka wnlteu on a a.parate aheet. Vr..e na,.,a be made in J.nu.ry G,d Hou.ekcep.ug. V.T.l ...... A"""" oeol S and addreaa oiainlo oa each Kee p aubmittcd. . . .' , . . .. V. . 2 pa graniilatadaogar Htraipoona.lt R Boa auureae puim m Kecipra aubm.tttd M tha Po,t..,o Cereal 1 cup milk 2 i.hle.,ooiia batter I la tha cveol ol a lie lor ear award oJtttd, aa Companr for pufekana will not be returned. y, (riirKW)n v.nilla Combine the ...4r, milk, chocct.t. an.1 ..ft D "plfire over a tlr.w htet, and ettr con.tantty until i j...!.......!. iuii jiniiip. no . ii J . ""i r -u m wi.. m i.ii.i mi ,111. i. I...... m.n i. .i ...... mlwh ..i i' t ""T CLVofved. Then oontinte h.iiling ffl CTTTT t -v.'""- 1 - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 r ' - gfnlly. without atirnnl, nnlll the tlier-nnaieree 1 I ' ' . c', -. ' t ' ' '" i : " '' ' ' ' - 1 ,' . ' , y : rci(5r. 2. 8 dvlCert. F., or the mitture Inrn.i e 8 f 'h- L-'i 1 'rr(iVy,UfS,:r,y'ii..-., ,y ' V-,,.'- ei bail when drnpneil in enld waler. Set the 1 V' .- " U : .'J'lu jIV. -i '. ' . ' "..' aa in bowl ol cold water aad allow lo atand to I k . ' ,. i11ei,' I M aJ-' ' .J't a it' V V."''S -V'''- ' ' ! d.atorhrd natil there ia no heal in the lodge p.i- I I U T. C j .'jT J D .J JJA.'.M J. ) l J " J tore. Mrmoveand ..Id the ht.,,.lv.,iifc y .i-e f -. .".: , VV. ' j Ural the mmure ..mil erramv an.t .Sir.a, U.Mi tj .... , .',, r'"; f-V -,;. ViVtST ''J edd Grane-Note and ONMiatK heating tiniil attt 1 I f ' 4.'it 1 J'H'J V'I' J J '''U t J tooiigh toknea.1. luraoui oaebottcKii plate B ( " .. " - ' '. ' " ! . , i aad culiulo deaircd a4u.tea. 3 |