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Show TO LEASE The WALK-UP HOTEL Consisting of thirteen rooms toj be leased for 1 year. Newly painted and renovated throughout. through-out. A good boarding house trade established. Mrs. C. Van Tromp. Cuprum, Bingham. (r;Pn DOESN'T JRrr, ' FwifyL-j vj? you can,t aJwayg- jud?e ft WzyI' 1 7ffi kook by its cover and you 1 - 'siiJ may think tha coa is clean !AfcZZr!iFT anc without dust or slag JL flar Ir wnen vou buy it but the W ?J Mn burning tells the tale. Our 1 Jjnjrn rajmrjcl high grade Liberty or Utah P Xljtaife- cleaned, and burns with a 1 i Wrk IV brightness and heat that will fftfU - lf cook and heat when wanted, 3ST - SS s when you buy it at the Citi- zens. Citizens Coal and Supp y Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah , FOR SALE A Good Milch Cow. Giving about 4 gallons of milk daily. Apply KUPIIALTDT'S Ranch, Lark, Utah. Phone 210-J3. For Sale Old Established TRANSFER BUSINESS and complete outfit Apply at once G. W. Black 5 Dixon Avenue, Bingham When in need of a GOOD PHOTOGRAPH Call at AMUNDSEN'S STUDIO located at 343 Main Street Salt Lake City (Opposite the Post Office) Bingham News Job Print Plant We specialize in COMMERCIAL PRINTING Patronize Your Home Town L. GUST, Manager Bourgard Building When in Salt Lake secure your room at the New Wasatch Hotel 78 West Broadway, for accomodations accomo-dations like home. Jack Curnow and Charles Uren Proprietors To Bond or Lease The Keystone Extension Mining Min-ing property adjoining the valuable val-uable mineral deposits of the Fortuna and Congar Mines Apply 515 Atlas Block Salt Lake City, Utah i Say It With Flowers Give ut your orders for all kinds of cut flowers, I potted plants and ferns NEIL O'DONNELL - Phone 17 Look! Look! Joke Novelties Magic Puzzles Funny Banquet Novelties Table Decorations and Favors Magic Cards and Dice ; Kewpie Dolls of all Kinds Navajo Rugs Send for Catalog Free BIG INDIAN 141 Regent Street Salt Lake City, Utah THE BINGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY COMPANY Operates through Package Car Service, in connection with the Union Pacific system between Salt Lake City and Bingham. For convenience of its patrons heated refrigerator refriger-ator cars are operated in this service, semi-weskly, for the protection of perishable freight when weather conditions warrant. H. W. STOUTENBOROUGH, A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Binfham, Utah Bp g Maido'CIover BUTTER, A delicious, whole Kim food product, mkdm from purs, m Letted from I cow that (tad iu mountain putum. Rich in Quality Rich in Flavor Ton al wart can be. Mr of getting but. gar that U perfect la Quality and flavor whea yon bubt oa Maid o' Clover Butter. Your grocer alwari haa k freeh. MUTUAL" CREAMERY CQ Sntnt II Vuurn Sltitt Butter, Cheese, Eggs, JfawaTeawejewpjexawjaeearwamaeaa nilliaatiinaliyiji j NOTICE Did you ever buy a guaranteed used car? All our Studebaker used cars are guaranteed for 30 days.' We have a variety of excellent cars Prices right Terms right. We fit your pocket-book. Big 6 Studebaker 7 passenger. Special 6 Studebaker 5 passenger. Nash Touring 5 and 7 passenger. Nash Roadster. Buick Touring cars. j Name the car We have it. j Our salesmen will be in this city every Monday and Friday. i Headquarters GROVER'S GARAGE, 128 Main Street. j T. W. Naylor Co., Studebaker Distributors ! 175 East. 2nd South 118 South State Street i Phone Was. 3251 Phone Was. 1266 I SALT LAKE CITY Open evenings 8 p. m. ' Sundays 9 to 5. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE . , j I Royal Candy Co. i two stores. :: Home-Made Candies, Chili and Tamalei '-' Light Lunches V. BINGHAM, UTAH H $(B WILL BUY AN Electric Range Other prices and sizes in our big stock we have just the right model for your home. With an electric range you will enjoy cooking because you will have NO SOOT NO FUMES NO ASHES NO SMOKE joy this convenience NW place your order today! Utah Power & Light Co. "Efficient Public Service" EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL FOR THE HOME O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS . and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 1 7 NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 Built Like a High Priced Car QVERJIEAD valves, three forward speeds, water pump, vacuum and rear gasoline tank on all models, and complete equipment mark the Chevrolet as a Quality Car. There is nothing cheap or incomplete in its construction, con-struction, finiuh or equipment i-rawwngw tourtnir car, fuify l-rawwiiw ana-roadster ana-roadster vUOd No matter wher you llva In trw county wbrtfw, In elty or on tho farm m ui demonstrito th car to you. u. obligation. 7 N" Foe prompt delivery or. tfATJT TC'TV? tfera mutt bo placod now. yX-zl'LJ lyl . MT9HC? Phone Murray 483 "Sh7 i I 1 , Canned Pie Fruits in Gallon Cans at Well's Groceteria |