Show se cr ge his to acco ak ri rt 1 4 go to their graves ignorant f the suf suffering ferng an over strong I 1 caused others but now we ather chef will lose no time in dis sir walter raleigh gh whose grant agrant blend is as popularity popular mill rith aced edat ed at as it Is acl gotful to t the he this blend of choice burleys burless ity of body and a very special c yet ies it s so mild you can nt it all day long with only the ae NO d 0 of increasing enjoyment y A A ito 1 I to take care 0 of f your pipe I 1 M 1 dont switch tobaccos cos lien hen you a a new pipe stick to the same brand mixing tobaccos cos makes strong or of flit send fo foe f our free A how to take care of your pipe ati pa the brown williamson tobacco aaion moa louisville ky lr E R RALEIGH kaleigh T E smoking tobacco 41 its TO milder 4 I 1 I 1 lic belor has to hunt for agree Z 1 onles and becomes rather exit medicines are 1 p obe be praised for this f change in ma i lake 4 city ti 1 I was tired runabout about a year ihen en I 1 wa was I 1 i in n 1 I mo f 0 I 1 took bottle att ae of rr dr PJ H r favorites Favor or itei t pation tablets AS greatly im 1 I 1 have used 11 astill still us using ms the tha tablets aad tories Isi which have done wonders 1 I can now say that I 1 do not su suf f buch h pains a as I 1 did before dr inge ij medicines are r t to be praised for ange in me mn irs dortha I 1 E 52 E ad so all dealers dr pierces clinic buffalo a or r free medical advice ter adds to beauty but r Z does angeles boy needed help leroy young georgia st los angeles Is a regular fellow active a c t I 1 v 0 in 1 n sports and at the toy top in his classes at school to look at him now he never had a days ut his mother says when as is just a little fellow we stomach and bowels were I 1 e kept suffering from con nothing he be ate agreed with e was fretful feverish and we started giving him callig g syrup ills his condition lm schly llis ills constipation and s stopped and ho he has haa had trouble rouble of that kind adrid I 1 have bave d I 1 california fig syrup with olds colds and upset spells he cause because it tastes so good and because mccause it helps him so wonia to a fig syrup has haa been beed the 15 landby of mothers tor for over leading physicians becom 1 it la Is purely vegetable and ith th nature to regulate tone lengthen agthen the stomach and f children so they get full ent nt from their food and e eliminated 11 in 1 na t e d I 1 in 11 a normal way lillon bottles used a year T mothers depend on it alc tor for the word ord california irton arton to bo ba sure of getting ne FAMILY DOCTOR LEARNED THIS ABOUT constipation STI 31 0 N zt J aki I 1 rl MA BB dr caldwell loved pe people le his years of practice colv convinced i cc him many were ruining their health by careless selection of laxatives he determined to write a harmless prescription which would pet get at the cause of constipation arid and correct it today the prescription lie he arr irr in 1885 is the worlds most r laxative ile he prescribed a of herbs and other pure ingredients now known as dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin in thousands of cases where bad breath coated ton tongue ue gas headaches biliousness and lack of appetite or energy showed the bowels of men inen women and children were sluggish it proved successful in in even the most obstinate cass cases c old folks liked it for it never gripes 0 children liked its pleasant taste all drugstores today have dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin in bottles superficial flesh wounds try fry han fords balsam of all dealers aro author authorized zed to 0 o ref money or the first bottle it II not suited 4 1 nur IS gjud on your writing paper delight your sweetheart relatives and dearest friends with this personality sona lity writing paper new individual Distin distinctive etive fine grade erade ham mermill bond ripple finish paper 21 sheets 21 24 envelopes white blue or buff your picture on every sheet send no money pay postman S send sand and your favorite snapshot print or negative now to TIIT THU COMPANY Y dept 3 Cerniant own ave arc philadelphia la pa salt alt lake city directory to read more Is to learn more afore all dooks books at publishers prices well send them COD if you say so BO DESERET X COMPANY 41 east south temple st 1 PO box 1733 salt lake city mccune school of music and art r faculty acuity of eminent rini nent teachers toach r baad laad leading ng music school in in in tor mountain region luale drama dramatic to art dancing 00 north maln aa in st suit salt city utah NICHOLS eichols ASSAYERS ASSAYER 3 AND CHEMISTS emco omco and abid laboratory I S west temple st salt palt lako lake city utah P 0 box 1666 mailing envelopes c and prices furnished on request cullen hotel fard J conail Teorla I rd manager paul bardue aset MET meet your old friends at wd cullen cafe and cafeteria 33 13 W 2nd and so st salt lohe lake city utah CULLEN GARAGE west and 2nd so s1 sa AGE aage AND SERVICE J taja az ha W wa main street SALT LAKE CITY re 0 ma singe without bubb per day 1 I to as booms it 0 oms double without bath per et d day a y fl 1 W P rooms 0 oms single with 1 lath bath per day 61 50 to 1200 rooms room 6 double with bath per day to 11 50 all depot street cars cara pass the hotel KEARNS GARAGE opposite little hotel botel fireproof pipe pile valves fittings NEW AND D USED FOR ANY PURPOSE SALT LAKE PIPE CO W sixth south st salt lake city utah used pipe fittings 0 valves newly threaded and coupled for all purpose monsey iron and r metal co so sea west salt aaice city utah PICKLES ARROW BRAND ND for those who want tho the best beat utan UTAH ricki c co SALT LARM LAKE cm CITY office and ana supplies theater and church furniture edison dick and supplies full lino of oc stationery wrap paper etc oldest and largest school supply and equipment house in too the west SCHOOL SUPPLY CO so beato street salt lake city THE physicians SUPPLY CO 48 wet west and south suit salt lolio lake city utah TRUSSES elastic stockings abdominal Support crt erik maternity supporters invalid InTal lil chairs crutches canes surgical Surel cal instruments and hospital supplies for pool tables and supplies and anything any in show cases and store fixtures work wrin we I 1 WETHERBEE 53 W so tempie salt lake city DR CLAIRE BI GOULEY specializing in treatment of dieca dio ciuc ace by electricity dio magnesio magne tio vibration audino and red ray examination made by blood teat anil nd laboratory findings fin dinga free consultation hours Houn t art scott phone wo was SALT LAKE CITY utan UTAH Y E 4 T NT 21 avem vem adless palm f nowadays people talce take bayer aspirin for many little aches and pains and as often as they encounter my any pain why not it is a proven antidote for pain it forkal and bayer aspirin tablets aro are utterly lim harmless inless you have tho profess professions lons word for that they do not depress the heart so dont let a cold run rim its course dont wait for a headache you can always turn tum to bayer asplin to wear off or regard for relief neuralgia neuritis or even rheumatism bayer aspirin is always available as aa something you must endure and it always helps famil only 0 a physician lillys ician can copo cope farizo yourself with its many with tb cause causa of such pain but and avoid a lot of needless offering fering Buff mf erins tw 4 tt trade ehrk of bil ot of ct cl bellew A Y |