Show 4 e 4 1 IA I A 4 dairy facts 4 10 4 0 j live stock farming Is often said to be one of the most satisfactory ways of maintaining so soil fertility a a watch the position of the cream or skim milk screw in the cream separator any change in this screw will affect tile cream test IS so far as investigations investigation have gon gons there are no cases that have shown that the calves from a tube tuberculosis bull 0 even from a caw c w inherit tu tuberculosis her cu losis cows continue in much better physical ca I 1 condition tion and maintain their milk flow at a higher level throughout the winter months when legume hays are fed in place of non legumes trouble with stringy Y milk may usually be overcome by tho thoroughly roughly boiling arid and dis infecting all utensils according to dairy experts at university farni farm st paul 0 0 see that the calves bowels are in normal condition tin annl I 1 their appetites keen if off 01 feed it Is apt to be from indigestion or impure milk j keep beep the dairy cows in the barn on I 1 all cold stormy days the additional milk obtained will puy tor for the extra food feed and care |