Show hoytsville WINNER OF CLEAN SCHOOL CONTEST district Il Di strict prizes have hac lieen been awarded iw aided in tile lie clean school contest of 0 tin N rth summit ch Is the school won with coalville alville Co oa hille an ani and I wan van slit shir schools 4 tied for or second honors an anil li enefer third the s consist of 0 ST T A vo lo ind and sa si res I 1 in library books and were offered ly by tile the hoard at if tit lit the me legin of tile present s si hool year out of a possible lile points the sI flione iol 1921 ii Coal vilh and wanshin wanship each 89 oi Il enefer sa Kock pol t 87 acho 77 kast east Co alville TM griss creek 71 ind and upton apton 61 V most gratifying work vork lias been lone done by practically all teachers feathers anil and their pupils in the wiy way ot of improvements and cleanliness of their surroundings at about a dzen d zen men with teams anil and scrapers rs gave ne a days work r I 1 on ti tin v school rounds grounds tills is tile the fourth benr thit tile the clein clean school contest lias has been run in north iman summit 1 nat with alth similar awards in 1 prie inducements except that the prize prie money was spent in equipment instead ot of it 11 kiniry hooks tile the school hoiris von fon sitters that this content has han resulted nt not only in conserving onsen lne the school buildings equipment furniture text tet hooks notebooks and the health of the children but tile batters lat in tiers moral and est esthetic estherle hetle status 1 Is by elimination of 0 unsanitary conditions i from rom anil and ans giving school premises aises a more pleasing plea sins sinz aspect |