Show HOSPITAL AT CAMP OUSTER CUSTER new institution wilt will have thirty buildings spread over tract of acres acre plans have been drawn for tile the con I 1 by the fe leiler derill nl government ol 01 i a million and a halt dollar hospital for foi former service sen ice men suffering buffering front nervous tind mental diseases on oil the site of tile clillie custer cantonment dinton ment the hospital all will littel thirty building spread over oer a tract of acres it 1 I I 1 I 1 one 0 be of alc for which lil cli congress ampro lir athe wil III ine for foi the tit Vilt nt if 0 00 o an p I 1 it will I 1 lie e built around a colli coin i moil loiis toi two tory story tru tin tin attire 0 winged with general fen anila on oll oll one 11 ani loi for disturbed dIsturb cd piti ints on M like ahe other at one belld of tile group will be tile cott cottage go fur for i tubercular fint lents 1 with etli sleeping li orelles anil ill tile ait oit modern I 1 of inq tills lliso there la IS 11 grolla of t for contin tiel tren tallent c ILS contain lug 11 g large day lin looms on tile oi ill it t blui clr r wards nals abone limp sep anite bull dingli will provide pio lilo UK fill iona i for fornai illin seSt t civill wale ml alica ill lit io tillEI for tile hie tra tilling nin choin gill lige in alil 1 I 1 belill el Ill elipa |