Show HAD CHRONIC bronchitis FOR TWENTYSIX TWENTYSIX YEARS NOW WELL AND HAPPY THU D IS 12 WORTH READING the experience of mr E J tou alik ilk 1438 rose street lacrosse lacro e wisconsin is chiefly remae remarkable ill an account of the length of time be was afflicted he writes 1 I have been suffering with chronic bronchitis for twenty tent y lagl six x years and eve every V winter I 1 would catch at years cold and bf become acome so sparse I 1 could not r geak for six or eight lt weeks I 1 coll could get oni only tern tem horary 0 1 relief chis thi winter I 1 was taken with grip and was in awful shape A fellow workman advised me to take PERUNA PE IPE RU NA by the time I 1 had bad used three fourths of a bottle the tha hoarseness was gone also that tired feeling I 1 am on my second bottler bottle hereafter PE PERUNA RUNA RU R NA U will be constantia const constantly antig in toy my house it is the best me medicine acine ever put up for th the e purpose pur cose for an any disease duo to catarrh or gr catarrhal cat arl al conditions PERUNA PE RU NA is is equally dependable coughs colds catarrh of the head stomach trouble constipation rheumatism pains ins in the back side and loins floating bloating belching gas indigestion catarrh of tho the large and small intestines te are some of the troubles for which PERUNA PE RU NA is especially recommended IE ERUNA E RU NA can be purchased a anywhere form ngaere in either tablet or liquid your liver ilver Is clogged up why youre tired out oat ol of sorts have no appetite CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days they act quickly though 0 h gently gent CARTE 11 I 1 bk 0 abid give na W turea chance 31 VE R ditc itc r M C hi health wyra cor r hallus IL constina 1 tion biliousness bilio unes indigestion and sick headache small small dowe small P price cc DR DIL CARTERS IRON PILLS natures Nature 1 great nerve and blood tonic for An anemia emla rheumatism nervousness sleeplessness and female weakness ALLENS FOOT EASE gives case and comfort to f feet t that are tend tender r aud and sote sore if 6 shoes h oes pinch or cor cores us and bunions I 1 ache this antiseptic 11 1 fg r 1 I will bill rive irive Q quick k relief eh shake it in your shor shoes sprinkle it in the foot bath sold everywhere Cuti cura soap the healthy shaving soap Cotlin rt S soap chaves he without ar everywhere aasc FRECKLES alc S now Is I 1 the time jimr t to 0 get rid of th thee ugly knots theres no longer th the rii ri rn il I rt t ell had ha d 0 f y your fr hl it aa gotlif double uble strength la is guaranteed guarante tl to iliin ii mom zi tabo akots ik bet an n une of f ethl t strength th froni from your aug r and 1 I ap P ay iy 1 a nu little itile 1 ot or lt it night might an kiil 1 n ia 0 ill n nn n i I 1 you lou 0 haul 1 so noon 0 n see ee that tha t even the th avort bave begun to disa disappear c ar while the lighter ones h haia app dpp nelre nt t IMY lre jt it I 1 li balduin that more than one ounce e I 1 Is dad to cam plemely clear the skin and gain a a beautiful clear I 1 r complexion D bo eura u re to ash for the double etienete eti eneth 0 thine as a this li 19 sold old under guaran Bua e ot 0 laonel coodey back it if it falls t to 0 remove fr rec klea sure relief 0 1 1 D I 1 JE N 2 C S 6 0 BELL BELLANS AN ANS IS Q hot water W sure relief RELL BEL ANS N S ifor FOR indigestion fsr night arid and iva iV 1 ha strong sg he healthy athy ll 11 eyes if they lire itch ron ja smart or burn if sore irritated or yo J eves granulated use murine often soothes So refreshed safe bior for infant Atall Druggists write for free eye book morine tt eye remar ila di rt ri W N U salt t lake city ni 23 1920 are you human A A little baby A little child dont they appeal to you your heart yearn to pick them up to cuddle them close to you to fo shield them from all harm barm sure it does else youre not human being human you love them their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them in health theros theres no flower so beautiful in illness theres no lie night so black save them then use every precaution take no chance when sickness comes as sickness will remember its just a baby just a child and if the physician at hand dont try some remedy that you may have around the house for your own use fletchers fletcherr Flet chers castoria bastoria Oa storia was wa made especially for babies ills and you can use it with perfect safety as any doctor will tell you keep it in the house children cry for et contents trac dm t A 3 pl alii I 1 I 1 AV iw simi il ACl tein CIS lanil 9 1 a 1 1 do the people know eife do you know why you are asked to call for fletchers fletcherr Flet chers castoria 1 and when you want a childs remedy why you must in insist siston on fletchers fletcherr Flet chers ill neither opium for years we have been explaining how the popularity of f N fletchers fletcherr Flet chers castoria has brought out innumerable imitations substitutes Z caf utes and counterfeits X S A lm si to protect the babies to shield the homes and in ill defense of i si nna 1 v mil generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to ciha sapa fi 11 A 13 insist on having fletchers fletcherr Flet chers castoria when in need of a childs medicine tr and remember above all things that a childs rie medicine dicine is iby C r vim aw ifs is ifill I fial fy f y made for children a medicine prepared for grownups grown ups tips is not interchangeable ca A babas food for a baby and a babas medicine is just as essential for the baby will ind the castoria recipe its on every wrapper has bees been prepared by ill 0 i anil and revel 1 T the same bands in the same manner for so many years that the signa 4 loss OK 1 i ture H Fletche tind perfection in the product are i 11 ll kiili ii ili synonymous if i I 1 IM simile sil or 01 1 MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THU IS AROUND EVERY EOTTIE BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Z as d r af GENUINE A ALWAYS il oc bears the signature of 0 exact copy of wrapper THE CENTAL NEWYORK CITY lift off corns hurt a bit and frer bonc costs only 1 a I few cents 3 0 fill u rola rol A ani cm ii art oil 41 iny illy bard dmn afi i mill m nr boord the too tin tin ill fiz skill cal bip froin 1 il I t ani 1 I A tiny hottle or 11 arii Tr ii al in 1 nt n I t itak little at it arly dinv inv alu ill 11 enri for ln ri pil ii amr fi ilmis uell 11 lir cirii nr 1 I in tillithy 1 till l itly it iteli anu ou lift aft hiu billat rn or nr ri tl ius Is rolt off anit nil villi it 1 ole no hit or air alf no ii illila aw A ail ASPIRIN name bayer on oil genuine ME r F F of A glnn 11 1 will I 1 1110 h 11 vilty alit m imil v I 1 r alv m alie E moh 1 1111 1 jowh fill 11 12 fill 10 ct I 1 DEATH WAS NEAR NEA florida woman in in critical Condi condition bun from dropsy but doan s brought recovery dioli baught brug iri ait lit ht we mi i I 1 ili n li tin kiil liil li il d t I 1 ali ii mi ida it 11 atal alil i ill i I 1 i I 1 kr lith vi I 1 hull diug im I 1 v I 1 11 i i II 11 md ill I 1 in ahil ele E 1110 1 0 MIC le it im 1111 link I 1 I 1 11 M 1 11 1 t li 11 0 11 i i g 11 t ln io P bull ina bt 1 I 1 ili III ta f cl fellk ilat d bt fole afir m im even ee anil and 1 li 1 il I t to gra i 1 alie li if I 1 0 o gnp artim i lillini in 14 I 1 lir ho kolni t e el net it n ii li it u i 1 n 0 il I 1 mrs kwea iia i ii ltd and i i i dd il ins boniv i a fe few drop it at t I 1 line h kiil liil tae I 1 lie viv i ii ure of 0 o null tt alti in in i liet st it ILI aiu M atit t ili keil nl and lilie lat ge ii in nl iaci ngi in ech M 0 kin had i a linn inte kiil I 1 pid pi d i 1 ii nil atin lit for lejour I 1 litchie i a dimou A frend toll me e alit bans himell hi illda pills ins ani uil h I 1 folt lipov I 1 flieg all cwm vt rp m me u lip nf 4 completely 11 il hiir sirron hirun to tn before me ara duill H R golf notary Vo ari gel ca D dodani at t A AY any Y st store cox box DOANS KIDNEY 11 roster MILBURN CO BU BUFFALO FrALO N Y acid stomach makes the body sour nine out of ef ten people suffer from froin it it ill 1 it 1 li i vod nil il i ill Is in mil 1 gae c all r alii 11 iiii i 1 if licolli in 1 lulu ill II 11 in 1 malt ni 1 t t 11 iid c il inn iril i ans in 0 o nihill r hits hill in w irm i ami i nn nil t imig inn billi I 1 annl in il lini lii if f in ni I 1 lil anns for million if f t uniel l I 1 in fiall fIl fi ill ll 1 it m inc icinia Tell icly that ali 11 tili ali n f I 1 up lip f airm arii it out 4 tin tile I iod od if enill i in cillie i is tl 1 1 d if clr I 1 p 1 wolf arti it 11 it pt t 11 ina nil il 71 7 1 nl 1 1 ing h is i n 1 i eilf if a i mill 11 foll folks ln I 1 11 1 ah ii 11 ador i 1 i i t li i 11 I 1 1 i 11 i 1 1117 in 0 i 1 v J 1 J 1 i i 1 Us in T TV n i i 1 i r 1 ild in n arc SWOLLEN GLANDS tint nuke make a hinric wheeze roar leave ie chick hick wind dr cholte down dovo in can be will etli ilso other bu no blister kohair no hair bonc in 1 horse kept at work ork economical only carimi ta erril JR tile liniment for ormar man kindo kaiui redl ices cysts vens el S swollen eniti i anil uli ars fl 25 a bottle at dealers 01 book fuddle evidence tree free rt F YOUNG inc st S cpr ma DAISY FLY KILLER N yv rile ATI 1 TS AN D 1 YA t 1 11 I 1 aft bullus NO be hull A L brooklyn Broc klyn N Y u 1 rheumatism cism back on the job with its old time fury no letup let lct up in its torture Toi mood blood of thi ioni that hit ciu cau 0 the if you ire are villi 11 dhru au d lii I 1 e a e S S S liis lao I 1 KI jual us its matini ni iti m sh evaste birne avith ich ir alii i 1 hlonia vi eore core oc if ual cir alit olit lotions mil other loti bial if ip t av that ali it it 11 lii 11 tl 11 ir blond ln eions that 1 never ci dd il il clue 1 I n m and removed all iti ni and nver inci will ul tra tiivi v of taw thease ili tiso from their I 1 lo ile 10 not try ti to rub ml the linin away avi v avill foi fill VOLI ou will nemr riv get cil 1 bottlo liott li of 0 S S a it at your our tle tic 11 ilc ible plan il in or DI dimling tin tilt ill fiur tig tn nil fit in tile light aaa lileo nt the pill gaii 11 minme i nio the itin nt today tod to day d i li IC voll M all evini anil 1111 ri il li by w no pun acci il medical mul icil advice Ji litsi I 1 ou it will no noer er lie be rid nj of alieu mival vil V il il ln k tor toi swift sift labo ni until ou oil cleanse your our atlanta Ml tinta ga |