Show cotton blouses tor for summer garments of dainty sheer materials promise to have decided vogue during season cotton colton blouses lilo pro nilso to lo lin it 11 very ii deeland vogue lining at ng the voin ain ing in su summer ninver lieve realize tho possibilities in tile aliu dalgity sheer cottons cotton lie ile kovics disbud Pl for the coming summer tire 1110 certainly in by renson of their very cr tin and nimit apart front the fini ques silon timi nl it aripe a n ills big r recommendation lit in atif strong tron rivals nf if silk alk blouses orga illies tire lire lion lit ill il kvalst length ino dels rind lit in UK tilt onor ono r ohp Il lodel 11 us well tin ow hiller ate 11 being 1111 ll ll ollo l S it III clr s ileith into very mn lili louse looe lidl if if staf ik fabric i ig lal d ill ia luc or fir tho I 1 in all t fil stells lit in flit 11 a tei lei back al 11 i the favorite or nf ahi aitio ment mally of these floii s are 1111 in all mud nt at the tija n in faint arout etli alth old ld frill fillas either Vath eroll or nevord lon liblIt i ed or of nalle ill liet or r orr midie tile Is almal in ill bolor oi ri 1 l plse ver oi lilau ri ilind i s lall 1 11 ll a is ants of nf eton iliin or nr holan jacket sis tire nn aien alili fill little kalli I 1 IR ni if self 1 iliin llla S oivi llull bilk alk allon p lion lit ailt lit inilisi in ill si ason now no fin lins ill ian gilld iiii verv i 1111 K I 1 iu i lal irvill III I 1 i tin tile liis if ilailo it binl il ln anni nans hiou s 11 in I 1 ail fail aln lint 11 v afy 1111 ti vi cite or III alf if val ll 11 imo hice or 11 lilue file nal nit lil che ant iliin ajun blout i imly clave ilave fi 1114 or ill III Il latching this roin ema recently ob ived wils ns de dc eli vetia lclive mill ald |