Show LIKE THE OLD TIME DANCES legionnaires enjoy steps step popular with louth south at the big national convention alm ains tile jiel welcome ills alio waltz the tn min tiet tile hie yli virginia ginia reel nel the sedate PI hot many tiny thousands of american legionnaires have voiced their ver mr diet which Is the verdict by the american ann ilian a association 1 so as well the thousands 0 of f expressed t h p e I 1 r 1 alwa tip of tile ELM more in 0 r 0 moderate in i t when airn 1 liluer buur former anarine and a lc Is down now new orleans way on an the lie old dinces would find lie ie featured at the big notional national lerlon legion convention mr who ho fitted out spanish fort park its as a E nice for entertain ment of the legion prepared ills programs broj rains with nil fill tile the dire care and caution tiny any been Brum brumfiel niel or of 50 years nio ago donld e erces ee aeril ril said ho het rhe altz alt aind the minuet und and the virginia uel eel lir callio of the spirit of tile old kid south and alid they at are e the dances 1111 ces of nt beauty of reil real sentiment of 0 soothing stra iii I 1 ile hine noticed that HIP flip dancing anni lii nin of the brition to do df awny aay ith tile atrocious atin clous jezz alz hinding hin cing of the pro pr cheit sent and I 1 lue have heard that the country Is prepared tr to wel coine the waltz alt nick back as its principal terpsichorean enn pei siire 14 D 1 I doelder that hint the lie Anier lenn loylon legion camels I tillers N lily ell k tilly they ill did they appi the fact tint that it be of of apil tp lell il S to difo th alio I 1 id d iti 1 bees alit uie vre so sn yi piul ciul pular r w with ill t alie 11 e belles and biduik of taw lf smith mr S Iley alto also elsel pl sel a Illig nt fleeno nightly tind and little battle rno display di bilay for foi the entertainment of gucas |