Show TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN GIRLS kipling at his HI bost bert wrote with complete comprehension of their many charms charm thirty years yeara ago Itu rudyard dyard kapit kipling ng found the american girl above co compare in american notes note he said 0 of f her sweet and comely are the maidens of devonshire delicate and of gracious seeming those who live in the pleasant plea tant place of london fascinating for all their demureness demur eneM the damsels of prance france clinging closely to their mothers and with large eyes wondering at the wicked nicked world excellent in tier own place and to those who understand lier her to li the anglo indian spin in her second season but the girls girl of america are above and beyond them all they are clever they can talk yea it to la said laid that they think they STO TO instructed in the folly and vanity of the male mind for they have associated with the boys boy from boyhont boy hot hoiM and can discerningly minister to both vices or pleasantly snub the pos As aa certain of their own poets poeta have said eald man la Is firs or atrid woman li Is tow and the d devil e III he h comas coma and ni begins to blow in america the tow to ti soaked in a bola tion that makes it fireproof in aub nb solute liberty ond and large knowledge knowl odne consequently accidents do not eget exceed ed the regular percentage percenta gB arnin arranged ged by the devil for each class and climate under the skies |