Show firms may aid service men chicago Clit eago A plan to raise it faunl of not less IMS than 1 I OX 10 irom froin firms films and corporations compoi that pro fItel alost during tho war for the relief of needy ex service sen ice men und and their families flur dill ins ing tile lie borning binter sunday fiu nilai b by lee iee shubert mert Sl theatrical manager sit mr shubert and 1 I H 11 fork announced intention of giving one half ol of I 1 per pei cent of the gross in come of their theaters toward a fund to aellene the lie most needy aced and destitute of the veterans provided tit lit lea leat lebit t ninety nine other linns firms and vur coppon poni eions ili do the same und and guarantee it net fund of not less thin than j |