Show DAVIS TO QUIT ACTIVITY I 1 IN N BUSINESS henry gassaway davis the vener vable abib ex senator from west went virginia oku ran for or vice president on the national ticket with alton 0 jn 11 ill II parker in 1904 la Is to retire j from active business lie ile wilt will be as a president pre oldena of the tb coal all j coke hallway of west virginia VI by richurd C Keren kerno ker no st louic the present american ambassador to 4 husary air made anade all arrange ente tor for leaving the diplomatic j Bir jl ervice vic llo lie will have lia a home at 1 akins W babut va expects to spend hi uch ot of lila ills time dine in ton where onica ot of the railway company art ar located clr jr davis la Is nine years old ile lichas has had an active career to in built viers ancl an d politics ind and la is balthy val thy lie artl arri pr tl d in it if 1110 united Lil til states 8 enate diate an all n from gifol al 71 to ISS and 1 re for a third erm ni son sory in fia law St eplion 11 II it ana came to the he senate ornate from west virginia in 1893 and until chis hl death last atar banned na aed for or ills his grand fAlber Is rt rf candidate for the donals 0 0 succeed sanator watcyn democrat Deroo crat bose term tena will expire next march the west virginia legislature legUe lature el lr artt afi d on november fi 6 will havo bavo a minority or of republican davis nikina tn in a brother of ala mla kan duke at the wanted to marry I 1 |