Show BAGGAGE STUNS THE CLERKS sixty three dogs sixteen trunks horse golf tennis and photo outfit orly only a part los loa angeles when mrs N drain brain her ber a widow 0 of in the 11 tation from atlantic city tho the baggage carried in her name consisted ot of sixty three barking dogs sixteen trunks five bundles of golf sticks a full grown barse photographic and tennis equipments and five boxes of 0 dog rat rations tona it VM as explained after the head or ol 01 he baggage crew asked feebly la Is that MIT all that automobiles anil and other luxurious equipment were coming by freight the baggage abree also that the horse was the property of mr air and mrs C klotz mho he had been in charge of bf mrs kennels for years outside of iffat at however the first lineup was correct mrs bramber tl traveled incognito mrs klotz met all the emergencies at the transfer points where there were lively times with the sixty three dogs sixteen trunks five bundles of 0 golf sticks and other contributions to the car jam ani we are glad to have that night mare ot of a trip over said mrs klotz as she ehe superintended super intended the loading of the dogs and puppies calculative express employed emp loyes figured that it cost coat mrs airs bramber 1000 to move her kennel hennel aul and other baggage while kot klotz paid to bring along his prize trotter |