Show TURKEYS READY FOR MARKET there never has ha been more active demand for good birds bird than at present ways of killing my ily T F after turkeys are grown and ready for market quite as aa much care and attention should be given to the killing and shipping as to tho the proper growing when these things can not bo be done dona to good advantage it la Is hotter better to cell sell them thern alive alavo buyers who are prepared to kill dress pack and W white holland turkeys ship turkeys and to save tho the feathers should be in position to pay what they are worth alive and should bo be able to handle them at a profit better than the tha grower who may not be pro pared to do the work to the best beat advantage S so 0 much depends upon mark 0 t ing j them in the best beat condit condition non that email i growers should either dress and sell ell I 1 to their home market or providing I 1 it t can be done at a fair price so aall j alive to someone who makes a bust ness of handling such stock kill nothing but well fattened stocks stock it seldom pays paya to send ill favored I 1 tock stock 1 into market do not giveans gi veany i f food to the turkeys for twenty four i hours prior to killing this allows i the crop and entrails on to become empty and avoids much of ilia iho danger ol oc I 1 Fp full crops and entrails count against value they often taint tho the meat and prevent its being kept kepi tor for any length of time there are two nu ghods of killing largely used the most popular la Is to suspend berid the fowl by the shanks shank shead head down and cut or stick tt it in the root of the mouth with a knife made espe dally for this purpose this severs severe the arteries and cuts cuta into the brain causing insensibility and a free flaw low of blood from the mouth this in ailed sticking in tho the root of the tilled loath the other plan la in to break the neck y a quick twist or lerk jerk backward when the neck lo Is completely disjointed the head Is pulled away so BO ae aa to form an open space in the neck beck in which the blood may settle this plan has been but little used though the claim ts made th at when so killed the fowls will keep keel longer because there Is no opening by which velch tho the all ale can ket get into the body as there to 1 when they are stuck in the root of the tha mouth tula this method has been used more for chickens than tor for turkeys and to use it well requires considerable practice tho the method of beheading I 1 11 g with a an n ax or hatchet has been employed for ages |